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Keyword: assyrians

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  • Turkish Uproar: Steve Bannon's "Free Constantinople" T-shirt Sparks Controversy

    01/03/2025 7:42:12 AM PST · by george76 · 26 replies
    GCT ^ | 28 December 2024 | GCT Team
    A recent photograph of Steve Bannon, former advisor to Donald Trump, has ignited a media frenzy in Turkey. The image, widely circulated on social media, features Bannon wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with the phrase "Free Constantinople," a message that has been perceived by many in Turkey as provocative. The controversy began when Rahim Kassam, a British political commentator, shared the photo on X (formerly known as Twitter). Kassam captioned the image, "Steve Bannon opened his favorite Christmas present," implying the t-shirt was a gift. Unsurprisingly, the Turkish media reacted strongly, labeling the image a "provocation" and engaging in extensive commentary....
  • Uncovering a Buried Assyrian Capital: Magnetometry reveals unknown palaces and gardens

    12/15/2024 5:54:06 PM PST · by SunkenCiv · 11 replies
    Biblical Archaeology Review ^ | December 13, 2024 | Nathan Steinmeyer
    One of Sargon II's (r. 721–706 BCE) many acts -- besides conquering Samaria and taking the ten northern tribes of Israel into exile, of course -- was the establishment of a brand-new capital for the Assyrian Empire, Dur-Sharrukin. Before the purpose-built city was completed, however, Sargon fell in battle, and his son, Sennacherib, moved the capital instead to Nineveh, leaving the unfinished Dur-Sharrukin to be buried by history. Now, a joint French-German team is discovering that much more of the city had been completed than previously thought...Utilizing a high-resolution magnetometer, the team conducted a large-scale survey, scanning 2.79 million square...
  • Herodotus' theory on Armenian origins debunked by first whole-genome study

    11/26/2024 8:09:46 AM PST · by SunkenCiv · 48 replies
    Phys dot org ^ | November 25, 2024 | Trinity College Dublin
    Armenians, a population in Western Asia historically inhabiting the Armenian highlands, were long believed to be descendants of Phrygian settlers from the Balkans. This theory originated largely from the accounts of the Greek historian Herodotus, who observed that Armenians were armed in Phrygian fashion when serving in the Persian army. Linguists further supported this theory, suggesting that the Armenian language shares ties with the Thraco-Phrygian subgroup of Indo-European languages.But the first whole-genome study challenges this long-held belief, revealing no significant genetic link between Armenians and the populations in the Balkan region. The study compares newly generated modern Armenian genomes and...
  • 'Monumental' fortification that protected Jerusalem's biblical kings discovered, reveals hidden history from 3,000

    07/24/2024 12:49:32 PM PDT · by Twotone · 8 replies
    The Blaze ^ | July 23, 2024 | Paul Sacca
    Archaeologists have uncovered a "monumental" fortification that protected Jerusalem's biblical kings some 3,000 years ago. The "dramatic" archaeological discovery solved a 150-year-old mystery in the City of David. Since 2007, archaeologists have been excavating the area around the Givati Parking Lot, the largest active archaeological excavation in Jerusalem today. The excavation site on the northwestern side of the City of David has unearthed different layers of the city's life from the Middle Ages to ancient times. The most recent archaeological find is the remnants of a moat that split the City of David in half — separating the king's palace...
  • Ancient Fortifications Discovered In Holy Land Reveals Hidden History

    07/22/2024 9:48:42 PM PDT · by SunkenCiv · 8 replies
    The Daily Caller ^ | July 22, 2024 | Kay Smythe
    Excavations in Jerusalem have finally revealed the route of an ancient fortification, according to a report published Sunday.For more than 150 years, researchers have asked: who divided Jerusalem in two? A report published Sunday by the Jewish Press may finally have another piece of the puzzle, bringing researchers a step closer to answering this question.Excavations in the Givati parking lot at the City of David revealed a massive fortification created by quarrying rock between the National Park and the area above, which contains the Temple Mount and the Ofel. Researchers found unearthed perpendicular cliffs on both sides of a moat,...
  • An archaeologist has apparently found Sennacherib’s 2,700-year-old camp outside of Jerusalem: Once again, the Bible proves to be an accurate record of the ancient world

    06/16/2024 9:28:38 PM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 33 replies
    American Thinker ^ | 06/16/2024 | Andrea Widburg
    One of the big lies in today’s world is that the Jews are white supremacist colonizers, while the people in Gaza and the West Bank are the region’s indigenous inhabitants. In fact, the contrary is true. Jews long predated Muslims in the region, as described in the Bible. Now, there’s more evidence that Isaiah, 2 Kings, and 2 Chronicles all accurately describe the Assyrian siege of Jerusalem 2,700 years ago.During the reign of Hezekiah of Judah in Jerusalem and Sennacherib in Assyria, the mighty Assyrian kingdom attacked Jerusalem (around 701 BC). We know it happened because of a clay prism...
  • Italy Donates Replica of Bull of Nimrud Destroyed by Isis to Iraq

    02/10/2024 6:33:53 PM PST · by nickcarraway · 21 replies
    THE ART NEWSPAPER ^ | 9 February 2024 | James Imam
    The 3D-printed reproduction of the Assyrian statue was previously displayed at the Colosseum in Rome and the Unesco headquarters in ParisItaly has donated a reconstructed Assyrian statue to Iraq in what has been described as a “miracle of Italian cultural diplomacy”. Constructed in the ninth century BC, the 5m-tall Bull of Nimrud was destroyed by Isis fighters in 2015, before Italian artisans made a copy of the monument using 3D-printing technology. The replica, which was previously displayed at the Colosseum in Rome and the Unesco headquarters in Paris, has now been permanently relocated outside the entrance to the Basrah Museum....
  • Representing Cush in the Hebrew Bible

    10/04/2023 9:38:07 AM PDT · by SunkenCiv · 18 replies
    Biblical Archaeology Review ^ | November 01, 2020 | Kevin Burrell
    In 701 B.C.E., an African king marched into Syria-Palestine to defend Judah against the invasion of Sennacherib, king of Assyria. Second Kings 19:9 mentions "Tirhakah, king of Cush," coming to the help of Hezekiah, who was up against the Assyrian superpower. Though the Cushites are mentioned only briefly in the biblical text, a number of scholars have argued that their involvement in the conflict against Assyria was decisive in the survival of Jerusalem at this critical historical juncture...The 25th Dynasty of Egypt, which lasted for about a hundred years, from the mid-eighth century to the mid-seventh century B.C.E., was Cushite...
  • Archaeologists Reveal First Settlement of Cimmerians in Anatolia

    07/02/2023 7:53:18 AM PDT · by SunkenCiv · 17 replies
    Arkeonews ^ | June 30, 2023 | Leman Altuntaş
    Continuing excavations in Türkiye's central Kirikkale province have revealed new findings indicating that Büklükale village was the first settlement of the Cimmerians, an ancient equestrian nomadic people, in Anatolia...Büklükale is thought to be the first settlement of the Cimmerians in Anatolia. The artifacts shed light on the Cimmerians and reveal evidence of warfare within the constructed fortress. Notably, an image of a person on horseback, an animal motif from the Scythian period, and arrowheads believed to date back to the Cimmerian era, which was used in battles, draw attention...During an interview with Ihlas News Agency (IHA), Kimiyoshi Matsumura said they...
  • Armenian Genocide: The Mass Murder of Christians in Turkey

    04/24/2023 4:24:55 PM PDT · by nickcarraway · 16 replies
    Greek Reporter ^ | April 24, 2023 | Tasos Kokkinidis
    The Armenian Genocide, the systematic mass murder and expulsion of 1.5 million ethnic Armenians carried out in Turkey and adjoining regions by the Ottoman government between 1914 and 1923, is commemorated on April 24th every year. The Armenian Genocide was an atrocity that occurred within the context of a wider religious cleansing across Asia Minor that lasted 10 years and included Armenians, Greeks, and Assyrians. They were all Christians who were also subjects of the Ottoman Empire. The religious cleansing was actually the first in modern times, and it fit the pattern of genocides that would follow in the century...
  • The Price of Plunder [Hasanlu Tepe gold cup]

    03/30/2019 12:04:03 AM PDT · by SunkenCiv · 14 replies
    Archaeology ^ | January/February 2015 | Jason Urbanus
    Hasanlu developed into a significant commercial and production center during the early Iron Age (1400-800 B.C.), owing to its location on important trade and communication routes between Mesopotamia and Anatolia. The citadel at the center of the settlement contained an array of monumental buildings, including palaces, temples, and large multi-columned halls. The evidence Danti is studying confirms that the citadel met with a violent end. Many buildings were ransacked and burned, which caused them to collapse. In addition, the remains of more than 250 people were uncovered, some with signs of systematic execution. "The horrific level of violence evident in...
  • Archaeologists unearth 2,700-year-old rock carvings in Iraq

    10/26/2022 9:58:16 PM PDT · by BenLurkin · 10 replies
    Archaeologists in northern Iraq have unearthed 2,700-year-old rock carvings featuring war scenes and trees from the Assyrian empire, an archaeologist has said. The carvings on marble slabs were discovered in Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city, where experts have been working to restore the site of the ancient Mashki Gate, which was bulldozed by Islamic State militants in 2016. IS overran large parts of Iraq and Syria in 2014 and carried out a campaign of systematic destruction of museums and invaluable archaeological sites in their fervour to erase history. Fadhil Mohammed, the head of the restoration works, said the team were surprised...
  • Geomagnetic fields reveal the truth behind Biblical narratives

    10/24/2022 1:21:50 PM PDT · by devane617 · 63 replies
    phys ^ | 10/24/2022
    A joint study by TAU and the Hebrew University, involving 20 researchers from different countries and disciplines, has accurately dated 21 destruction layers at 17 archaeological sites in Israel by reconstructing the direction and/or intensity of the earth's magnetic field recorded in burnt remnants. The new data verify the Biblical accounts of the Egyptian, Aramean, Assyrian, and Babylonian military campaigns against the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Findings indicate, for example, that the army of Hazael, King of Aram-Damascus, was responsible for the destruction of several cities—Tel Rehov, Tel Zayit, and Horvat Tevet, in addition to Gath of the Philistines,...
  • IRAQ - After Riots: Christian Parties Strive for Unity

    09/11/2022 6:48:51 PM PDT · by marshmallow · 1 replies
    Erbil (Agenzia Fides) - The shadows of civil war loom again over Iraq and some of the small and divided political parties, led by Christian politicians, are trying to find forms of coordination to face together the new threat. In the last few weeks, representatives of several parties founded and led by Chaldean, Assyrian and Syrian Christians have met several times in Erbil (Autonomous Province of Kurdistan) to work out common political strategies and proposals, given the confrontation with the institutions and the political majority blocs that shape the distorted political scene in Iraq. The most recent meeting, held on...
  • Researchers find Iron Age ivory plaques in ancient Jerusalem mansion

    09/11/2022 3:15:32 PM PDT · by SunkenCiv · 16 replies
    Agence France-Presse - AFP ^ | Septimber 6, 2022 | unattributed
    Archaeologists recently unearthed ivory plaques found in a luxurious Iron Age residence in Jerusalem, a first-of-its-kind discovery at the site, shedding light on the owner's wealth and social status.The ivory pieces were found in a building from around the eighth or seventh century B.C., the First Temple era, in the City of David...Sifting through the ruins in the building, likely burnt during the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem in 586 B.C., diggers found around 1,500 ivory fragments, said Reli Avisar from Tel Aviv University, which excavated the site along with the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA)...The decorations consisted of frames with rosettes...
  • 2,600-Year-Old Leather Armor Found In China Was Made By Neo-Assyrians [Maybe]

    12/10/2021 10:48:30 AM PST · by BenLurkin · 28 replies
    Ancient Origins ^ | 10 DECEMBER, 2021 - 13:58 | NATHAN FALDE
    An international team of archaeologists and historians has completed an extensive analysis of a rare leather armor waistcoat recovered from the grave of an ancient horse-riding soldier in Northwest China. Notably, the climate in that region of China is desert-like and bone-dry. This is significant, because the arid conditions and lack of moisture in the soil allowed the leather armor to survive intact despite being buried for nearly 3,000 years. Under the supervision of archaeologist Patrick Wertmann from the Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies at University of Zurich, the research team members used radiocarbon dating procedures to establish the...
  • Xenophon, Anabasis [Xen. Anab. 3.4; Xenophon describes the ruins of two Assyrian cities]

    10/18/2021 2:27:50 PM PDT · by SunkenCiv · 23 replies ^ | Fifth century B.C. | Carleton L. Brownson, Ed
    After faring thus badly the enemy departed, while the Greeks continued their march unmolested through the remainder of the day and arrived at the Tigris river. Here was a large deserted city; its name was Larisa, and it was inhabited in ancient times by the Medes. Its wall was twenty-five feet in breadth and a hundred in height, and the whole circuit of the wall was two parasangs. It was built of clay bricks, and rested upon a stone foundation twenty feet high... Near by this city was a pyramid of stone, a plethrum in breadth and two plethra in...
  • [OPINION] As Afghanistan crumbles, Turkey's airstrikes set up the next disaster

    08/29/2021 3:00:23 AM PDT · by blueplum · 25 replies
    The Hill ^ | 28 August 2021 | AMY A. HOLMES, OPINION CONTRIBUTOR —
    While the United States and the rest of the world were focused on Afghanistan, Turkey carried out airstrikes that hit genocide survivors in Iraq and members of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) — allies who led the fight against ISIS. ... On Aug. 16 in Sinjar, a Turkish drone killed Yazidi leader Hassan Saeed on the day he was scheduled to meet with Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Khadimi. It was the first visit of an Iraqi prime minister to Sinjar in the post-Saddam era. When ISIS attacked in 2014, Hassan refused to abandon his community and helped to distribute aid...
  • David Rohl : Greek Dark Age, Hyksos Invasion and Sea Peoples

    04/14/2021 10:17:14 AM PDT · by SunkenCiv · 42 replies
    YouTube ^ | April 6, 2021 | The Amish Inquisition Podcast
    Topics mentioned with David... Greek Dark Age, The Exodus, Trojan War, Hyksos Invasion, The Sojourn, Solomons Temple, Pyramid Construction, Diorite Bowls, Longevity, Babylon Chronology, Hammurabi, Bronze Age Collapse, Etrutria, Aeneas, Greek Expansion, Family Planning in the Ancient World, Festival Of Drunkenness, Golden Calf, Spiked Wine, Psychedelics, Phoenicians in South America, 1177BC, Historicity of The Old Testament, King Saul, King David, etc ...
  • More than Just a Parable: The Genetic History of the Samaritans

    01/27/2021 5:36:45 AM PST · by Cronos · 17 replies
    23 and me ^ | 2008 | 23
    ...Many people who know this parable or the term ‘Good Samaritan’ are unaware of who the Samaritans really are. In actuality, the Samaritans are a unique people whose history can be traced to Biblical times. They are not considered ethnically Jewish or Arab, despite the fact that Samaritans have lived in close proximity to both groups for thousands of years. Though they used to be numerous, there are now only about 700 Samaritans left, divided between two towns near Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. They rarely marry non-Samaritans, and their religious practices are distinct from all Jewish sects. Their ability to...