Keyword: arielsharon
Jordan's King Abdullah II on Sunday repeatedly blamed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for the Islamist threat--from Iran to Pakistan. It all comes back to the Palestinian issue and Jerusalem, he said several times in an interview on NBC-TV's Meet the Press program. His host, David Gregory, did not ask the Jordanian King the obvious questions: Assuming Israel were to return the disputed West Bank territories, including East Jerusalem, which Jordan lost when it attacked Israel in the Six-Day War of June 1967, to Jordan or to a new Palestinian state, would that stop the Taliban and Al Qaeda from continuing their...
Former Justice Minister Haim Ramon spoke out against the proposed ceasefire-prisoner swap deal, saying that it is "the worst deal" that Israel could possibly agree to. In an interview with 103 FM Radio, Ramon said, "The deal proposed today is the worst of all worlds. In practice, we will end the war. Anyone who thinks that after 42 days, by pressing a button, we will restart the war - is making a mistake. People will return to the Gaza border area, to the north, and it will be very hard to continue the war." "Because it is this way, and...
Israel's new national security minister earlier visited the Jerusalem holy site, drawing condemnation The United Nations Security Council will hold an emergency session to discuss the recent visit by Israel's National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir to Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, which sparked international backlash, a report said Tuesday. An unnamed senior diplomat told The Times of Israel that a date has not yet been set, but the meeting could take place as early as Thursday. Earlier on Tuesday, the United Arab Emirates and China asked the UN Security Council to meet shortly after Ben-Gvir's controversial visit, according to diplomats. The Temple...
This month marks the 43rd anniversary of the Yom Kippur War. We have been fed some false information about this war. For starters, Israel did not strike first unlike in the 1967 Six day war when Israel was forced to launch a pre-emptive strike as her enemies amassed on her borders and as the UN stood aside and allowed them to do so. The Arabs shot first On the night of September 25, King Hussein secretly flew to Tel Aviv to warn Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir of an impending Syrian attack. Throughout September, Israel received eleven more warnings...
Obama and Clinton's shameful betrayal of Israel in this sordid affair seems set to be targeted by Trump. Donald Trump’s foreign policy speech has created expectations that he will match Marco Rubio’s pledge to stand by the commitments made by President Bush to Israel’s Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in Bush’s letter dated 14 April 2004. Rubio made his unequivocal pledge on 3 December 2015 at the Republican Jewish Coalition Presidential Forum during his unsuccessful race to secure the Republican Party’s endorsement as its Presidential nominee:
Jerusalem (CNN)Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has been sentenced to eight months in prison for taking cash from an American businessman. He was also fined $25,700. Police said Olmert received the money from 1993 through 2006, during his tenure as Jerusalem's mayor and while holding ministerial positions under former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. He took over as prime minister in 2006 after a stroke incapacitated Sharon. The new sentence is in addition to the six years in prison Olmert is already facing for taking bribes related to a controversial Jerusalem housing project -- also while he was mayor. Olmert was...
<p>Now and then I get letters and e-mail messages asking why I am so "obsessed" with Jews and Israel. The question amuses me. It would be one thing if I often wrote about Mali, or Honduras, or Borneo, or any other nation or country most people remember only as a name from geography class.</p>
"What do you want from my life," groused L., a top journalist with France 2 Television, during a meeting with French-speaking Israelis who visited its main studio last year. The morning of the visit, the French newspaper Liberacion published a Jewish Agency prediction of large-scale immigration of French Jews to Israel. The journalist had trouble keeping his composure. His parents immigrated to France from Algeria in the early 1960s, soon after its independence. Algerian Jews who had French citizenship immigrated to France and settled without much problem. L. is a case in point. As a leading correspondent for France 2,...
Against the backdrop of continuing hate crimes against French Jewry, France's Broadcasting Authority had banned Hezbollah's Al-Manar viciously antisemitic and anti-Israel TV (see right and below) for violating French anti-incitement laws. Earlier this week, French Broadcasting Authority announced that it had reversed its ban thereby giving Al-Manar the license to continue broadcasting into France and elsewhere in Europe via French satellite television after the Beirut-based mouthpiece of the terrorist Hizbollah organization allegedly agreed not to broadcast any hate programming. The Wiesenthal Center has protested to French Broadcasting Authority President Dominique Baudis (click here to read) and we urge you now...
Many French citizens have traveled in Israel as part of their annual holiday, but this week a few hundred of them landed at Ben Gurion Airport—forever. Three flights arrived from Paris and another one made its way from Marseilles. On the aircraft were new immigrants who said they were fulfilling a dream. “I feel I’ve arrived home; making aliyah is a dream come true,” said Sabrina Kozirov, 40, who came from France with her husband and two teenage daughters. … Kozirov said, “The situation in France had become unbearable. There is a large Muslim community and harsh political criticism of...
The "New" French Anti-Semitism By Don | August 23, 2004 Earlier this month, Jews were attacked at Auschwitz. Their assailants weren’t Arabs, Germans, Poles or members of another group historically associated with anti-Semitism, but Frenchmen – the children of liberty, equality and fraternity.The incident was part of a growing trend. Despite the protestations of President Jacques Chirac, European anti-Semitism has a French address.The Jews – students from the U.S., Israel and Poland – were touring the museum at the death camp that’s come to symbolize the horrors of the Holocaust. One of them, Tamar Schuri, had an Israeli...
Jerusalem - The Jewish Agency is bracing itself for the immigration of tens of thousands French Jews into Israel as a result of a growing anti-Semitism in France, a spokesperson for the organisation said on Sunday. Senior government officials including Immigration Absorption Minister Tzippi Livni, cabinet director Ilan Cohen and the president of the quasi-governmental Jewish Agency, Sallai Meridor, met last week "to work out how to come to the help of potential Jewish immigrants from France", Yaden Vatikai told AFP. Vatikai said that a report compiled by the agency had found 30 000 out of France's 575 000-strong Jewish...
About three months ago, the French Jewish (it is unfortunately important to mention her religion) singer Shirel was performing at a gala attended by, among others, France’s First Lady Mrs. Bernadette Chirac. Upon entering the stage and during her song, Shirel was welcomed by young Muslims sitting in the first rows yelling, “Dirty Jew. Death to the Jews. We’ll kill you.” If this were not disgusting enough, the loud silence of Mrs Chirac speaks volumes about the condition of French Jews today. It is not then surprising that recent Court decisions confirm this increasing trend of official hostility to Jews....
Sins on the Seine Reviewed by NOAH POLLAK DAVID PRYCE-JONES Betrayal: France, the Arabs, and the Jews Encounter Books, 2006, 171 pages On July 12, 2006, Hezbollah militants launched rockets and mortars into Israel to divert attention from a simultaneous ambush on an Israel Defense Forces border patrol, in which three soldiers were killed, two were abducted, and five more were killed in the rescue attempt that followed. Two days later, French President Jacques Chirac pronounced Israel’s nascent military response “completely disproportionate” and added that “One could ask if today there is not a sort of will to...
French Weekly: “Jewish Extremist” Plot to Kill Chirac 13:44 Aug 28, '03 / 30 Av 5763 ( Le Canard Enchaine', the oldest French weekly publication, famous for biting satire and for uncovering political scandal, has reported that “extremist right-wing Jewish elements from Israel and Russia” are attempting to influence French “right-wing extremist elements” to assassinate French President Jacques Chirac. These unnamed Israeli and Russian “extremists” seek to kill Chirac for his “far too pro-Arab” stance, as the weekly alleges, quoting anonymous police officers and state attorneys.
PARIS — Americans were busy electing the leader of the free world this week, but French Jews had a different foreign dignitary on their minds: Yasser Arafat. The Palestinian leader arrived in France last week, after President Jacques Chirac eagerly accepted Arafat's request for access to medical treatment. Chirac proudly framed the decision as an example of French humanitarianism, but local Jews were more cynical in their take on the situation. "This is another example of France sucking up to the Arab world," said Sonia Fellous, an expert on Hebrew manuscripts at the prestigious state-funded CNRS research center in Paris....
PARIS, Feb 15 (AFP) - The assassination of former Lebanese prime minister Rafiq Hariri was a deliberate blow to France, whose president Jacques Chirac was a personal friend and has sponsored UN moves to end the Syrian occupation, Paris-based commentators said Tuesday. While the French government refused to point a finger of blame -- adhering publicly to Chirac's call for an international investigation into the murder -- analysts and Middle East specialists were less circumspect about who they thought was behind it. "I have not the shadow of a doubt that Syria is responsible," said Antoine Basbous, president of the...
BEHIND THE HEADLINES In shadow of anti-Semitic attack, French Jews meet to discuss future By Philip Carmel PARIS, June 1 (JTA) — A little more than 100 yards from where French Jews had gathered to debate the community’s future lay the latest reminder of just how precarious that future is. Participants entering the main synagogue in Creteil, a southern Paris suburb with a large Jewish population, were greeted with news that has become all too familiar since the Palestinian intifada began in September 2000. At around 10 o’clock the previous night, a large Jewish grocery store literally a stone’s throw...
Peace, Peace, but There is No Peace by Naomi Ragen (February 14, 2003) I have been watching the news from all over the world. Millions of people demonstrating in favor of allowing Saddam Hussein more time to develop his weapons of mass destruction. And of course, CNN, in its European edition, is leading the “rah rah” anti-Americanism. Hundreds of thousands in Sydney. A million in New York City. In Rome. In Great Britain. And anyway, CNN tells us, the scars from the Twin Towers are already “ beginning to heal.” Oh, really? And I wonder, where were all of these...
French President Jacques Chirac rejected Monday Israel's request to add Hezbollah to the European Union's list of terror organizations. Chirac told Foreign Minister Shimon Peres that the Hezbollah had a political-social branch that fulfills a "social mission in Lebanon." Chirac said that it is not clear whether denouncing the organization will benefit Israel, because such a denouncement would strengthen Hezbollah and weaken the central government in Beirut. During his meeting with Peres, the president raised the "anti-France campaign" he says is being held in the United States, presenting France as an anti-Semitic country. Peres said that there has been a...