Keyword: aldura
Dr. Yehuda David, who was sued for libel by the father of Muhammad al-Dura – and eventually won his case – expressed great satisfaction at the issuing of a report by a special report by a government panel that revisited the infamous incident, in which IDF soldiers were accused of killing the 12 year old Arab boy at the start of the second intifada. The committee determined that not only were the allegations – and a report by French television purporting to show IDF soldiers shooting and killing the boy – a lie, but that the al-Dura is not even...
The government investigative committee that was set up to determine the truth of allegations that IDF soldiers killed 12-year-old Muhammad al-Dura during the "Second Intifada" have determined that not only were the allegations – and a report by French television purporting to show IDF soldiers shooting and killing the boy – a lie, but that the al-Dura may not even be dead. ..... ....The fact that he was still alive at the end of the French television video, after the gunfire had stopped, could mean that the boy is alive even now. “Since this issue was first raised there have...
There is no "Worst person in the world" award here on the Lid, but if there were today's winner would be MSNBC Moonbat Keith Olbermann and his bosses at MSNBC. We all remember that horrible video of the Iranian woman, Neda Agha-Soltani, that shows her being shot by a sniper, collapsing mortally wounded, and literally life draining from her body as bystanders frantically tried to save her. In response to Olberman noting that major political upheavals such as the one in Iran often produce an identifiable martyr, Engel interrupted to tie the tragedy of Neda Soltani to Muhammad al-Dura. He...
On 30 September 2000, Charles Enderlin, the Jerusalem-based head of the Middle East Bureau of the French television station France 2, presented sixty seconds of footage of what he described as the killing of a twelve-year-old Palestinian boy named Muhammad al-Dura targeted by Israeli soldiers. Enderlin claimed that he had additional film material of the boy's "death throes" that was too shocking to be shown. The selectively presented photo material, accompanied by the accusation of deliberate murder of a defenseless Palestinian boy, led to mass demonstrations against Israel and the Jews in the Western world. It also contributed to riots...
At a time when history is hardly being taught anymore, and journalists lie, it must be hard for our young people to understand who the good guys are in the conflict between the Arabs and the Israelis in what was called Palestine. In a land where both Jews and Arabs have dwelt and fought one another for ages, it was Solomon-like for the United Nations to divide the land between them in 1947 – yes, 1947, more than 60 years ago.
WHY, INDEED? "French media loses big court case proving Palestinian propaganda false, New York Times ignores shocking story... Why?" Because it opens the door to suggestions that this wasn't an aberration, but the norm in Mideast coverage? # # # Also see related videos at YouTube: "Green Helmet Guy" in Qana (Aug 2006) Dead Children Used as Props in Lebanon (Aug 2006) Pallywood (Mar 2006)
Last Wednesday's terror attack in Jerusalem was unique. Due to the fact that Husam Taysir Dwayat bulldozed his victims outside of Jerusalem Capitol Studios where many of the foreign television networks have their offices, his was one of only two attacks to have been caught live on camera.... On Friday, the BBC published an apology for broadcasting the footage of Wednesday's carnage. The film showed an unarmed, furloughed IDF commando climb onto Dwayat's bulldozer just after Dwayat murdered Batsheva Unterman by crushing her car. It showed the soldier grabbing a gun belonging to a security guard who was unsuccessfully trying...
Paris To understand the al-Dura affair, it helps to keep one thing in mind: In France, you can't own up to a mistake. This is a country where the law of the Circus Maximus still applies: Vae victis, Woe to the vanquished. Slip, and it's thumbs-down. Not for nothing was Brennus a Gaul. His modern French heirs don't do apologies well, or at all if they can possibly help it. Why should they? That would be an admission of weakness. Blink, and you become the fall guy. So, in the case of Muhammad al-Dura-a 12-year-old Palestinian boy allegedly killed by...
Daniel Seaman: Israel Did Not Abandon Philippe Karsenty By Israel News Agency Staff Jerusalem ----- June 26, 2008 ....... Daniel Seaman, the director of the Israel Government Press Office, and perhaps the most experienced, professional and articulate foreign spokesperson Israel has (next to UN Ambassador Danny Gillerman) defends the Israel government in its role regarding Philippe Karsenty, France TV 2 and the Al-Dura affair. "As developments surrounding the France 2 - Al-Dura affair have unfolded in recent weeks, many have voiced harsh criticism over the perceived silence of Israeli officialdom on the matter. That impression, while not entirely unfounded, is...
No doubt about it - Phillippe Karsenty and his allies have a lot of evidence that the killing of Mohammed al-Dura was a hoax, that it was staged by France 2 TV in cahoots with the Palestinians. In fact, Karsenty, Richard Landes and the rest of the conspiracy theorists have so much evidence that it may even add up to .001% of the evidence that the Mafia, or Castro, or the Pentagon killed JFK. They may have the merest, slightest fraction of the evidence there is that Shimon Peres masterminded the Rabin assassination, or that the Mossad was behind 9/11....
AL DURA UPDATE: "Israel Radio's Paris correspondent Gil Michaeli has just reported that the French Court of Appeals has overturned the libel judgment against Phillipe Karsenty and has determined that Karsenty did not libel France 2 correspondent Charles Enderlin when he reported that the 'death' of 12-year old Mohamed Al-Dura at Netzarim in the Gaza Strip in September 2000 may have been staged, and that it was unlikely that the death was caused by IDF soldiers." Perhaps the Israeli military should start filing foreign libel suits against media outfits that collaborate in fake reporting. There's likely enough to keep quite...
Wounds of Mohamed al Dura's Father Date Back to 1992, Surgeon Reveals Jamal al Dura, who claims that Israelis fired at him and his son in 2000, was in fact injured by axe blade and not bullets in 1992, according to an Israeli surgeon who performed reconstructive surgery on the wounds two years later. And who wounded Mohamed Al Dura's "father" in 1992? Jamal al Dura declared on medical records in 1992 that Palestinian militia had attacked him with axes.
Al-Dura Anti Israel Propaganda Film Fails to Convince Court in France By Alex Margolin Israel News Agency Jerusalem, Israel ---- November 21, 2007 ..... Images of a young, terrified Mohammed al-Dura and his father crouching to avoid gunfire quickly became an iconic symbol of the nascent Palestinian intifada. The images broadcast around the world led to harsh international criticism of Israel. Seven years later, a courtroom in France reacted with skepticism – this time for France 2 TV, which aired the al-Dura anti Israel propaganda video. The raw footage was screened in a Paris courtroom last week, part of an...
Has the Al Dura trial had its Rosemary Woods missing tapes moment? It certainly sounds that way. PJM’s Nidra Poller has the latest on the ongoing trial in Paris over what has been called “The Mother of All Fauxtography.” The Mohammed Al-Dura drama reached a climax as France 2’s auteur, who had up till now not appeared in court, took the stand. Charles Enderlin came to court personally today to defend the images shot by his trusted cameraman Talal Abu Rahma at Netzarim Junction in the Gaza Strip on September 30, 2000. The cameraman had declared under oath that he...
Video of interviews outside French courtroom following hearing/trial regarding France-2's coverage of al-Dura "shooting"
THE BUTCHER YASSER ARAFAT'S LEGACY Yasser Arafat! The one who continued the tradition of hatred of his uncle the infamous Mufti. The Champion of 'Arab racism & Islamic Jihad' the two real motives behind anti Israel bigotry. The 'founder' of the 'human bombs factories'. The forth-runner in 'Palestinian' self made misery, self destruction [because 'anti Israelism is more important than self advancement'?]. The arch butcher of Jews & Lebanese Christians masquerading as a "freedom fighter". The "father" of most evil "parenthood" in indoctrinating Arab children into the death cult of "palestine". The champion in 'how to make sure Arab...
A good piece on the media’s complicity with terrorist propaganda, by Richard Landes: Al-Dura and the ‘Public Secret’ of Middle East Journalism. In the summer of 2006, Reuters News Agency, humiliated when bloggers caught them duped by obvious photographic manipulation, fired both the photographer and the chief of their photographic bureau. They then removed all the photographer’s photos from their news archive. In so doing, they acted decisively in punishing two of the cardinal sins of modern journalism: “creating evidence” and getting duped by created evidence.These principles – i.e., the ethics of a free press – go so deep, that...
Powerline headlines The "public secret" of Middle East Journalism and refers us to two web sites that illustrate the ways in which the supposed objective media are manipulating the images and fact that we are fed to essentially tell us lies. The evidence emerging from the ongoing Al Dura trial in France indicates that Western journalists are fully aware that some of the footage they use in their reports on the Mideast conflict is staged, charges Richard Landes. When confronted with the pervasive evidence of staging in the case of Al Dura, the reaction of France 2, which ran the...
IDF demands uncut al-Dura tapeBy CAROLINE GLICK The IDF has abandoned its official silence in a seven-year-old case that has been characterized as a "blood libel" against the IDF and the State of Israel. Muhammad al-Dura and his father are caught in the middle of the fatal firefight in Gaza. Photo: AP On September 10, the deputy commander of the IDF's Spokesman's Office, Col. Shlomi Am-Shalom, submitted a letter to the France 2 television network's permanent correspondent in Israel, Charles Enderlin, regarding Enderlin's story from September 30, 2000, in which he televised 55 seconds of edited footage from the...
Hamas, Islamic Jihad & Hezbollah desperately in “need†of CREATING yet another ‘massacre’. It seems that the Anti-Israel Islamists see themselves again in the grey routine which they hate, the world sees who they are, that the “struggle†they keep talking about is nothing but senseless violence & attempt of pure genocide. Boy do they long for the days that the BBC wrote about “killing civilians in Lebanonâ€, though they all know too well what percentage of real “civilians†were there, they also know their success in getting Arab people in Lebanon killed, after all it was Islamists’ great...