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Keep Darwin's 'lies' out of Polish schools: education official
AFP via Yahoo! News ^ | October 14, 2006

Posted on 10/14/2006 11:16:50 AM PDT by lizol

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To: Coyoteman
Login alter egos can be fun:

"Question from atlaw to FreedomProtector: Just curious. Do you wear colorful tights and a cape while posting?"

"FreedomProtector really does care about you, Coyoteman, in ways you perhaps haven't considered. "

"Picture of FreedomProtector provided by balrog666. "

"Clarification of the identity of the greatest Hero ever to live."

I deeply apologize if I wrote anything which hurt you personally, and will prevent you from knowing the greatest Hero to ever live personally. I was hoping that 'alter ego' humor might help to get your attention ...underneath the layers of protection you have built for yourself to shield yourself from the reality of God's creation and help point you in the direction of the greatest Hero, not hurt you. Unlike the greatest Hero ever to live, FreedomProtector makes mistakes and is far from perfect.
481 posted on 10/16/2006 11:35:22 AM PDT by FreedomProtector
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To: Fester Chugabrew
On the contrary, I have asserted in the past that it is the essential nature of intelligent design to organize matter in such a way that it performs specific functions

But that's an empty statement; a mere extension of your tautology.

It's not a matter of organizing "matter in such a way that it performs specific functions". ANY organization of matter, whatsoever; and ANY regularity in nature, whatsoever, will necessarily result in matter having certain qualities, and not having certain others, which will necessarily result in "matter performing specific functions".

Your claim therefore amounts to nothing but a bald assertion that regularity in nature (any regularity whatsoever) equals "design". You give no argument for this claim at all. You merely assert it.

482 posted on 10/16/2006 11:35:58 AM PDT by Stultis
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To: FreedomProtector
You have not offended me; you are one of the most polite folks here.

I am not sure what you mean by login alter egos though.

I have not had time to reply to your post #461, above. I hope to this evening.

483 posted on 10/16/2006 11:43:56 AM PDT by Coyoteman (I love the sound of beta decay in the morning!)
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To: Coyoteman
"I am not sure what you mean by login alter egos though."

alter ego defined fairly well here with examples:

"An alter ego (Latin, "other I") is another self, a second personality or persona within a person. The term is commonly used in literature analysis and comparison to describe characters who are psychologically identical."

"The term and concept also frequently appear in popular fiction, such as in comic books, for the secret identity of a superhero, vigilante, or crimefighter."
484 posted on 10/16/2006 11:49:02 AM PDT by FreedomProtector
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To: Fester Chugabrew
You are woefully incorrect in stating that intelligent design is not a theory that deserves a hearing in scientific circles.

It has had a hearing, and has been found lacking so far.

The fact that organized matter performing specific functions can be found on a nearly ubiquitous scale only makes the theory of intelligent design that much stronger.

But you have no evidence that ID is the answer, any more than Flying Spaghetti Monsterism does.

Your example from FSM is inadequate since the FSM was created by imagination, while intelligent design and its results exist in the objective world.

Flying Spaghetti Monsterism is the exact same thing as ID, with the exact same arguments. It merely gives an alternate identity to the designer. You cannot logically claim that FSM is inadequate while promoting ID.

No. They would like to see an equal application of the standards evolutionists enjoy for themselves.

You feel so persecuted. As I said before, ID is not special, science attacks new ideas (even ideas they want to hear), and we see which ones survive. Einstein had a famous debate with Neils Bohr over Quantum theory -- Einstein didn't think it worked.

You want the same rules? Okay, first you need to forget about using the schools as an end-run around science, quit trying to win based on indoctrination rather than merit. Keep fighting a scientific battle in the scientific community, and if ID ever comes to be an accepted alternative or augmentation to ToE, then it will by default get into the schools.

I was discussing science texts with my 80+ year-old grandmother, and it was amazing what her texts didn't have in them that we take for granted today (such as relativity, sub-atomic particles and DNA). Science always changes, and all sacred cows will be slaughtered if they don't withstand scrutiny. ToE is no exception.

But the ToE has withstood scrutiny for over a century, so you have lot to overcome. If you want ID in the science class, you have to play by the rules of science. For that reason, and for the fact that ID is by admission of its founders religion and not science, I don't give you much of a chance.

485 posted on 10/16/2006 11:54:29 AM PDT by antiRepublicrat
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To: Dimensio
This does not explain why particle matter should never disintegrate into chaos if your unique version of "intelligent design" is true.

Intelligent design is neither defined nor created by myself individually. It is an objective process and result paradigm that holds sway in the most basic pursuit of science. As I said, it is the nature of intelligent design to organize matter. In cases where matter can be shown not to have tangible, purposeful, cause and effect properties, there intelligent design (or its effects) may be called into question.

As for falsification, it is of limited use in science and should by no means serve as a benchmark as to what is or is not scientific. Of course there are some who adopt the philosophy of Falsification-ism for themselves, and as such the theory of intelligent design appears unfalsifiable. But it stands to reason as a rule that the best sign of the absence of intelligent design is chaos because it is the nature of intelligent design to arrange matter for specific causes.

486 posted on 10/16/2006 11:54:41 AM PDT by Fester Chugabrew
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To: antiRepublicrat
Flying Spaghetti Monsterism is the exact same thing as ID, with the exact same arguments.

No it is not. Intelligent design as we know it takes place through human endeavor and not an FSM. Therefore intelligent design has scientifically viable agents. It also has scientifically accessible results. That already places it on a more certain footing than not only some FSM notion spun out of the imagination, but also a philosophy of history concocted from circumstantial evidence.

487 posted on 10/16/2006 12:07:44 PM PDT by Fester Chugabrew
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To: antiRepublicrat
But the ToE has withstood scrutiny for over a century, so you have lot to overcome.

Actually its ability to withstand scrutiny is waning, and 150 years doesn't mean diddly in comparison to the millennia across which science has operated under both the assumption of, and by means of, intelligent design. But it's certainly our privilege under the Constitution to grant a say to cheerleaders on a sinking ship. In short, evolutionism is but an aberration in the general practice of pure science, easily overcome by common sense. Why it usurps the name "science" for itself is something of a mystery. Maybe ego has something to do with it.

488 posted on 10/16/2006 12:14:44 PM PDT by Fester Chugabrew
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To: Fester Chugabrew
No it is not. Intelligent design as we know it takes place through human endeavor and not an FSM.

You are no completely outside of any conversation relating to the ToE. Human design of organisms ("artificial selection" or simply "breeding") is not the discussion.

Flying Spaghetti Monsterism is perfectly apt, as it is a theory designed to lay on top of ID, using all of its arguments, only it honestly gives the identity of the "designer" as the Flying Spaghetti Monster. By definition you must logically accept it if you accept ID, otherwise you are a hypocrite.

489 posted on 10/16/2006 12:17:12 PM PDT by antiRepublicrat
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To: Dimensio

Wouldn't be the first time.

490 posted on 10/16/2006 12:19:27 PM PDT by Marysecretary (Thank you, Lord, for FOUR MORE YEARS!!!)
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To: Fester Chugabrew
Actually its ability to withstand scrutiny is waning

I see you've bought the "Teach the Controversy" program developed by the Discovery Institute (the same people who admit that ID has one main goal of Christian evangelism).

Why it usurps the name "science" for itself is something of a mystery.

There you go again, trying to redefine science in order to get religion classified as science.

491 posted on 10/16/2006 12:19:47 PM PDT by antiRepublicrat
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To: Stultis
Your claim therefore amounts to nothing but a bald assertion that regularity in nature (any regularity whatsoever) equals "design".

Once again you overstate my point. Regularity in nature may be inferred as a product of intelligent design. Yes, the statement is axiomatic on the face of it. It fits anything intelligible the universe might have to offer. Believe it or not, there is a connection between intelligent design and intelligibility. Of course it is a claim that I assert. It is also a claim which, like those of evolutionism, cannot be refuted with pure science. It can, however, be falsified by means of the disintegration of all particle matter.

492 posted on 10/16/2006 12:19:55 PM PDT by Fester Chugabrew
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To: Fester Chugabrew
Intelligent design is neither defined nor created by myself individually.

Incorrect. "Intelligent Design" claimed (incorrectly) as a scientific theory was authored by Michael Behe. Your definition of "Intelligent Design" varies significantly from Behe's.

It is an objective process and result paradigm that holds sway in the most basic pursuit of science.

This statement has no real meaning.

As I said, it is the nature of intelligent design to organize matter.

This still does not explain why particle matter disintegrating into chaos would falsify what you call "intelligent design". You have still offered absolutely no justification for what you claim is your falsificiation criteria.

In cases where matter can be shown not to have tangible, purposeful, cause and effect properties, there intelligent design (or its effects) may be called into question.

Your unsubstantiated assertion provides no reason for why particle matter should not disintegrate into chaos if what you call "intelligent design" is true.

As for falsification, it is of limited use in science and should by no means serve as a benchmark as to what is or is not scientific.

Not liking the requirements of science will not alter the requirements of science. If there is no means to objectively test your claims, then your claims are worthless.

But it stands to reason as a rule that the best sign of the absence of intelligent design is chaos because it is the nature of intelligent design to arrange matter for specific causes.

This still does not explain why chaos would demonstrate that intelligent design is false. If you cannot explain this, then your claim that chaos is a falsification criteria is a lie.
493 posted on 10/16/2006 12:23:15 PM PDT by Dimensio ( <-- required reading before you use your next apostrophe!)
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To: Stultis

I would LOVE to see it banned, but that's not the American Way, Stultis. If they insist on teaching it, they should also be teaching ID and letting people have their own opinions and choices on which is which. They can decide if they are 'theory' or 'fact.'

494 posted on 10/16/2006 12:23:53 PM PDT by Marysecretary (Thank you, Lord, for FOUR MORE YEARS!!!)
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To: Marysecretary
If they insist on teaching it, they should also be teaching ID

Why should ID "also" be taught?
495 posted on 10/16/2006 12:25:48 PM PDT by Dimensio ( <-- required reading before you use your next apostrophe!)
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To: Coyoteman

Not really. Most professors and teachers I know teach it as fact and that's the way they influence students.

496 posted on 10/16/2006 12:26:54 PM PDT by Marysecretary (Thank you, Lord, for FOUR MORE YEARS!!!)
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To: antiRepublicrat
There you go again, trying to redefine science in order to get religion classified as science.

You have in no way shown intelligent design to be a religious concept or process. Or do you consider your posts to be products of a religious concept?

497 posted on 10/16/2006 12:27:30 PM PDT by Fester Chugabrew
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To: FreedomProtector
I deeply apologize if I wrote anything which hurt you personally, and will prevent you from knowing the greatest Hero to ever live personally.

Unfortunately Brian Clough is dead.

498 posted on 10/16/2006 12:41:40 PM PDT by Thatcherite (I'm PatHenry I'm the real PatHenry all the other PatHenrys are just imitators)
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To: Fester Chugabrew
You have in no way shown intelligent design to be a religious concept or process.

One, it requires a designer, and unless you go in with the Raelians, that means a supernatural designer. Supernatural means outside of the realm of the natural sciences, which is what we're discussing.

Two, the statements of the founders of your movement, explicitly stating that the "designer" is the Christian god, and the movement is meant as a Christian evangelical tool.

BTW, for a god to guide evolution would be pretty easy. For a god to set up such a complicated process billions of years ago knowing it would result in exactly as it is now is pretty awesome. Why do you limit the powers of your god so?

Or do you consider your posts to be products of a religious concept?

I think it would be great if the Theory of Evolution (Natural Selection) were to be disproved in my lifetime and replaced by another theory. It is interesting to be alive during scientific advancements that big. Unlike you, I have no stake in this other than the advancement of science.

499 posted on 10/16/2006 12:43:21 PM PDT by antiRepublicrat
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To: BlackElk
My God is God.

I don't favor public schooling.

And I accept the evidence for ToE.

They think they are nothing but trousered (or skirted) apes, that they are just smarter and more articulate beasts.I'm a human being, composed of body and soul. I bet you are too. Why would we want to debate self-described beasts??? Let them debate each other.

Wrong again.. I have a soul. Will you debate me, or would you rather hit at that strawman again?

How sad that so many Christians hold so much vileness and hostility in their hearts.

500 posted on 10/16/2006 12:43:37 PM PDT by stands2reason (The map is not the territory - A. Korzybski)
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