But that's an empty statement; a mere extension of your tautology.
It's not a matter of organizing "matter in such a way that it performs specific functions". ANY organization of matter, whatsoever; and ANY regularity in nature, whatsoever, will necessarily result in matter having certain qualities, and not having certain others, which will necessarily result in "matter performing specific functions".
Your claim therefore amounts to nothing but a bald assertion that regularity in nature (any regularity whatsoever) equals "design". You give no argument for this claim at all. You merely assert it.
Once again you overstate my point. Regularity in nature may be inferred as a product of intelligent design. Yes, the statement is axiomatic on the face of it. It fits anything intelligible the universe might have to offer. Believe it or not, there is a connection between intelligent design and intelligibility. Of course it is a claim that I assert. It is also a claim which, like those of evolutionism, cannot be refuted with pure science. It can, however, be falsified by means of the disintegration of all particle matter.