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To: Fester Chugabrew
Intelligent design is neither defined nor created by myself individually.

Incorrect. "Intelligent Design" claimed (incorrectly) as a scientific theory was authored by Michael Behe. Your definition of "Intelligent Design" varies significantly from Behe's.

It is an objective process and result paradigm that holds sway in the most basic pursuit of science.

This statement has no real meaning.

As I said, it is the nature of intelligent design to organize matter.

This still does not explain why particle matter disintegrating into chaos would falsify what you call "intelligent design". You have still offered absolutely no justification for what you claim is your falsificiation criteria.

In cases where matter can be shown not to have tangible, purposeful, cause and effect properties, there intelligent design (or its effects) may be called into question.

Your unsubstantiated assertion provides no reason for why particle matter should not disintegrate into chaos if what you call "intelligent design" is true.

As for falsification, it is of limited use in science and should by no means serve as a benchmark as to what is or is not scientific.

Not liking the requirements of science will not alter the requirements of science. If there is no means to objectively test your claims, then your claims are worthless.

But it stands to reason as a rule that the best sign of the absence of intelligent design is chaos because it is the nature of intelligent design to arrange matter for specific causes.

This still does not explain why chaos would demonstrate that intelligent design is false. If you cannot explain this, then your claim that chaos is a falsification criteria is a lie.
493 posted on 10/16/2006 12:23:15 PM PDT by Dimensio ( <-- required reading before you use your next apostrophe!)
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To: Dimensio
This still does not explain why particle matter disintegrating into chaos would falsify what you call "intelligent design".

Sure it does. To falsify something is to present a condition opposite or contrary to what is predicted or expected. Intelligent design predicts order. The absence of intelligent design, therefore, predicts chaos.

515 posted on 10/16/2006 1:44:51 PM PDT by Fester Chugabrew
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To: Dimensio; Fester Chugabrew
If you cannot explain this, then your claim that chaos is a falsification criteria is a lie

That is false, your assertions unsubstantiated, your claims (whatever they may be dimesnio) are worthless.

For all that is demonstrated by you here in your post (and all that you ever demonstrate) is that you reject all explanations that do not conform to your core beliefs. The only place that extrapolates into a belief that Fester or anyone else you declare a liar (as you do on a regular basi) is is in that tight circular little mass of neurons and bio-chemical processes, and the very few who share the results of such a distorted and twisted belief-logic system.

In other words its all in your head.

1,060 posted on 10/21/2006 6:46:56 AM PDT by RunningWolf (2-1 Cav 1975)
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