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To: foolscap

Ok, I have more questions for you all, but I have some examples at well.

The reason liberals think Republicans(not conservatives in general) hate liberals is simply due to some of the rhetoric used by many very popular spokespersons for the party.

I'm not saying liberals don't have their extremes, but Republicans basically run the entire government now. So why as many Republicans still angree?

Also, what does the Republican utopia look like? I'm not against freedom or liberty. I don't want the government to give me free money, however I do expect the government to stop outsourcing jobs so I can make money and not have to beg the government for it. What is the Republican stance on outsourcing?

I also asked how far right is too right, meaning do we want to get rid of all social programs, public schools, everything, or do we want to keep these things? If you get rid of these things then the economy has to be kicking all ass to support 300 million people with jobs. How do Republicans plan to protect our jobs? Is having jobs by the Republican philosophy a birth right and what happens to people who don't have jobs when there are no social programs?

What does the Republican society look like? Is it a society which liberals can co-exist in or not? Thats the question. If liberals knew they could co-exist in a Republican society I don't think they'd attack Bush so hard, but as things are Liberals feel Republicans are trying to bully them. We either don't understand your ideology or we don't know where we fit in it.

Where to liberals fit in the Republican world? And try to respond in a civil way, no teasing or bullying because it only reinforces some of the stereotypes liberals have about you.

96 posted on 02/13/2005 4:21:24 AM PST by The_Liberal Person
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To: The_Liberal Person
The reason liberals think Republicans(not conservatives in general) hate liberals is simply due to some of the rhetoric used by many very popular spokespersons for the party.

Really???? Then why did Eason Jordan just have to resign (for hate speech)?

99 posted on 02/13/2005 4:29:16 AM PST by sauropod (Hitlary: "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.")
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To: The_Liberal Person
And try to respond in a civil way, no teasing or bullying because it only reinforces some of the stereotypes liberals have about you.

Why is it our responsibility to make sure that libs' stereoptypes are not reinforced?


101 posted on 02/13/2005 4:30:53 AM PST by sauropod (Hitlary: "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.")
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To: The_Liberal Person
Where to liberals fit in the Republican world?

A better question would be "How do liberals fit in..." and the answer would be to forsake your failed ideology and become a Conservative.

Then you'll feel much better.:-)

107 posted on 02/13/2005 4:37:08 AM PST by Musket
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To: The_Liberal Person
The reason liberals think Republicans(not conservatives in general) hate liberals is simply due to some of the rhetoric used by many very popular spokespersons for the party.

I'm not saying liberals don't have their extremes, but Republicans basically run the entire government now. So why as many Republicans still angree?

Stop listening to the rhetoric or, at the very least, recognize it for what it is. Glean the useful parts out (yes, even rhetoric contains useful elements) and drive on.

Also, what does the Republican utopia look like? I'm not against freedom or liberty. I don't want the government to give me free money, however I do expect the government to stop outsourcing jobs so I can make money and not have to beg the government for it. What is the Republican stance on outsourcing?

You're pretty much described it. It's a country that is as free as possible. Enough safeguards in place to protect people from each other, and that's it. Outsourcing is not a goal; it's a byproduct. It happens when another country is able to provide a service for less money than your country. This generally happens when the other country's standard of living is much lower, and/or there are less inhibitions on companies (taxes, etc.).

The best way to combat outsourcing is to lower the cost of doing business in our country. This lessens the difference in the comparitive costs of labor in the two countries, and thereby reduces the incentive to outsource.

I also asked how far right is too right, meaning do we want to get rid of all social programs, public schools, everything, or do we want to keep these things? If you get rid of these things then the economy has to be kicking all ass to support 300 million people with jobs. How do Republicans plan to protect our jobs? Is having jobs by the Republican philosophy a birth right and what happens to people who don't have jobs when there are no social programs?

Social programs are supposed to be about helping people, not perpetuating their own need for existence.

The goal is, in fact, to have the economy "kick all ass". You do this by lowering taxes. When you lower taxes, the economy kicks ass, people are able to make and keep more of their own money, and the need for most social programs goes away. The programs that remain can better be handled by private charities and private organizations.

Where to liberals fit in the Republican world?

Your remaining two paragraphs fit nicely into the sentence above.

As someone before me stated: Liberals are a good counter-balance to conservatives. My wife and I have different approaches to the same situations in life. If we were both alike in all things, we'd be really bored, and often, we'd end up making the wrong decisions.

Conservatives just generally believe that Liberals are wrong on the economy, defense of the nation, and their lack of moral standing.

108 posted on 02/13/2005 4:39:06 AM PST by Egon (Government is a guard-dog to be fed, not a cow to be milked.)
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To: The_Liberal Person

Government isn't outsourcing jobs. Private companies are outsourcing jobs.

109 posted on 02/13/2005 4:39:15 AM PST by Melas
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To: The_Liberal Person
Also, what does the Republican utopia look like?

Looks like you answered your own question here, with your basic understanding of the default position.

I'm not against freedom or liberty.

Also, when you leave, can I have your stuff?

110 posted on 02/13/2005 4:42:56 AM PST by Madame Dufarge
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To: The_Liberal Person
I also asked how far right is too right, meaning do we want to get rid of all social programs, public schools, everything


117 posted on 02/13/2005 4:56:28 AM PST by andyandval
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To: The_Liberal Person
Utopia, in Latin means nowhere.

The ideal and perfect place of Sir Thomas More's fictional book doesn't exist on this plane of existance, and folks that seek it are fools.

120 posted on 02/13/2005 4:57:26 AM PST by PeaceBeWithYou (De Oppresso Liber! (50 million and counting in Afganistan and Iraq))
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To: The_Liberal Person
It's the LIBERALS that try to divide this country with their class warfare BS.

And with THIS Liberal, there are NO words to reason with him, the back-stabber*!!:

* "Back-stabber": Referring to the award that GHW Bush gave Kennedy in College Station, Texas in January of 2004, and then Kennedy is on the Senate floor spewing hate about Dubya the very next week.

121 posted on 02/13/2005 4:57:35 AM PST by MeekOneGOP (There is only one GOOD 'RAT: one that has been voted OUT of POWER !! Straight ticket GOP!)
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To: The_Liberal Person
"I don't want the government to give me free money"

Hmmmmmm.... You implied EXPECTING the government to pay for plane tickets in your first post. That's not wanting the government to give you free money? C'mon.
137 posted on 02/13/2005 5:18:58 AM PST by jdm (Stockhausen, Kagel, Xenakis -- world capitals or avant-garde composers?)
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To: The_Liberal Person
I'm not saying liberals don't have their extremes, but Republicans basically run the entire government now. So why as many Republicans still agree?

I don't find that Republican's are that angry. They are certainly not angry like they were during the Clinton years. I feel a lot of the anger you are seeing is a case of projection. Most of the anger I witness is within the Left wing itself.

For an example look at Howard Dean the new DNC chair. This man admits openly that he hates Republicans. Where have the days gone where ones opposition as seen as just that the opposition not as evil incarnate? Do you feel that the rhetoric from Howard Dean and Jesse Jackson is calming and reasonable? How about Ted Kennedy when he made inflammatory statements concerning the Iraqi's not dieing for their freedom. He totally over looks the horrendous death toll among Iraqi police offices and soldiers. How fast do they have to die to make Ted Kennedy happy? Do you consider this calm and reasonable discourse? I hear things like that and think that their main mission is to keep their followers worked up to a fevered pitch of angry and hatred toward the Right.

Let's look at the Dems take on Social Security. It does not matter that everyone know Social Security needs help. It does not matter President Clinton and Al Gore both spoke of the need for Social Security reform for years. Now the Dem line is nothing is wrong with Social Security. They dislike President Bush so much they are unwilling to even try to form a plan of their own to help save Social Security. Social Security reform does not have to be President Bush's plan but the Dems have decided that the best thing is to not even enter into the process. Is this good for the country? Does this give SS to all of us under 50? No but it sure gives the Dems something to make their people angry about. They can talk about the evils of Republican's while they fail to do their job which is to lead. They are then baffled why people do not want to elect them.

The Left offerers nothing but negativity and is surprised when all they get is negativity in return. It is sort of a self fulfilling prophecy. I read Left wing bulletin board. I know what is being said and I can tell you for a fact THERE IS NOT ONE STATEMAN AMOUNG YOUR RANKS. As long as they can baffle their followers with the myth that every election has been stolen from them they can keep them blind to the reality that their leaders are not leading. Sadly for the Dems most people can see that it is a case of the Emperor has no clothes and are not fooled

153 posted on 02/13/2005 5:47:34 AM PST by foolscap
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To: The_Liberal Person
First, a little less paranoia would be good for you. Republicans don't hate you. Conservatives don't hate you. Conservatives despise what liberalism does to this nation, and this could certainly be described as "anger," but you don't have to love the sin to love the sinner.

Many liberals don't seem to be able to separate disagreement with their beliefs from an ad hominem attack. Therefore, they respond not with ideas, but with personal attacks. e.g. "Bush is Hitler, etc." Any rational person with a knowledge of the two men can see that falsehood of that statement. My advice to you: Never make any similar such foolish statement, even when your audience would be inclined to agree. Be honest with yourself.

Also, what does the Republican utopia look like?

I can't speak for the Republican party, but I'll give you a quick and easy run down on a basic Conservative utopia:

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Amendment III
No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Amendment VI
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.

Amendment VII
In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

Amendment VIII
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Amendment IX
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Amendment X The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

I hope that helps.
165 posted on 02/13/2005 6:09:40 AM PST by NationSoConceived ("Truth bestows no pardon upon error, but wipes it out in the most effectual manner." - M.B.E.)
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To: The_Liberal Person
I also asked how far right is too right, meaning do we want to get rid of all social programs, public schools, everything, or do we want to keep these things?

Yes. They have done far more harm then good. I deal with the fall out from these programs every day.

If you get rid of these things then the economy has to be kicking all ass to support 300 million people with jobs.

How does that differ from now?

How do Republicans plan to protect our jobs?

That, my dear, is your job not mine.

Is having jobs by the Republican philosophy a birth right


and what happens to people who don't have jobs when there are no social programs?

It's called Charity.

264 posted on 02/13/2005 8:35:54 AM PST by Harmless Teddy Bear ( At least now we know that migrating elephant herds react badly to flaming motor homes...)
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To: The_Liberal Person

I think some one is cranky and needs an enema.

266 posted on 02/13/2005 8:41:16 AM PST by MAWG (Diversity is where everyone looks different but thinks the same way.)
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To: The_Liberal Person
WE'RE ANGRY? How about Dean, who says he "hates" Republicans?

You know, I have one Democratic relative, and he frequently makes cracks about the President. I say nothing. I'm beginning to think about saying some things to him, in polite and reasonable manner, because I think maybe he truly wants to understand why I feel the way I do.

I think that perhaps you are honestly asking these questions, and besides a few wisecracks (which is another conservative characteristic, humor without too much nastiness) I think you'll get answers.

Most Republicans are conservatives at heart. That means, we believe the marketplace will control what succeeds and what fails.

One of your questions was about the public school system. When an entire institutionalized entity is run by the government, it generally costs more, is more bureaucratic, has more smothering regulations and does a poorer job than if the entity were privately run and owned.

Example: Lots of people here have their chldren in private schools, and not necessarily expensive ones. I have my child in one, and the cost is about $3400 per year. That's far less than the state pays into the public school system for a child this age, and the private school is doing a much better job.

Now, not everyone can afford this amount ($3400) but they could if the government issued vouchers which could be used at either private or public school. Can you imagine the exodus from the failing public schools if an inner city mom could take her son from a drug/gang/crime/fear infested inner-city school and send him to a small suburban private school? If this mass exodus occured, public schools would be forced to improve, and that's where the marketplace mentality comes in. An improved public school system would keep more students, etc., etc. As it is now, they have no incentive. They just keep asking for more $$.

Another point about schools and a question for you: Why do teachers in public schools find it necessary to indoctrinate children in socialist ideology? Why do they find it necessary to teach our children that our values (God, family, patriotism) are warped, and their values (blame America for every ill in the world, our founding fathers were pigs, life is not sacred, marriage is not sacred, etc.) are right and good?

The democratic party is all about "choice" until it involves choices that take away some of their power, such as school vouchers, taking a tiny fraction of the taxes we pay and investing them in a personally controlled inheritable fund (one we can pass to our surviving spouse or child).

Republicans generally believe that traditional family unit (which has served Western Civilization well for millenia) is the best environment for producing stable adults who will go on to raise other stable adults. Democrats seem to want to change this, and that, frankly scares many conservatives because of the future ramifications for our children. Take a look at some of the European (Scandinavian) nations which have implemented these changes -- most of the children are born out of wedlock.

Going back to my relative. Here's what I will say.

When I think of the Democratic party, I have these characteristics in mind:

A refusal to honestly discuss issues that might be best for the country in the long run, such as reforming social security before a crisis is reached, and I think this is because they want to retain the power to scare the elderly EVERY ELECTION CYCLE WITH THE SAME OLD DIATRIBE -- THE REPUBLICANS WANT YOU TO STARVE TO DEATH!

I also think of Democrats as the party of partial birth abortion, gay marriage and capitulation to our enemies.

I think of liberals as people who might have good intentions, i.e. caring about the poor, but not seeing that feeling sorry for the poor will not help the poor. What will help the poor is opportunity -- opportunity to own their own businesses, to find good jobs because businesses can afford to create good jobs because they are free from crushing regulations.

Finally, I don't think Republicans/conservatives hate liberals. We just pretty much want to be left alone -- we want to keep the money we make, we want to protect the smallest of the innocent, the unborn (which have their own DNA, by the way, just thought I'd throw that in) and to raise our families the way we want, in safety, and to be able to teach our children our values (respect for others, life is precious, marriage is good, our country is good -- 30 million illegal aliens can't be wrong!) without the thought police coming along and telling us our values are all wrong.

339 posted on 02/13/2005 6:35:18 PM PST by Tuscaloosa Goldfinch (THANK YOU LORD -- John Kerry is still just a senator.)
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To: The_Liberal Person
We either don't understand your ideology or we don't know where we fit in it.

Our ideology is so simple. Just live in peace and freedom. The liberals are the ones who are trying to push their agenda on us. The best way to fit in for starters would be for the libs to get the heck out of DU and take a look at the real world. Stop calling us misguided. You are the ones who are misguided or brainwashed is a better word, although you don't sond as bad as most of them. Stop all the hate and really stand for something other than free abortions for all, endless social programs, no war at any cost to our country, and trying to push a totally homosexual society with nothing but test tube babies for all. Give people some workable solutions you envision America has. Really think what the liberal agenda would do to America. Put things in perspective. By the way, I, for one, appreciate your willingness to actually debate the issues in a civil manner.

347 posted on 02/14/2005 2:55:49 AM PST by beckysueb (God bless America and President Bush.)
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