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Tammy Bruce: Protect New York's Children from the Gay Elite
FrontPage Magazine ^ | 7/31/03 | Tammy Bruce

Posted on 08/01/2003 7:57:36 PM PDT by MikalM

Protect New York's Children from the Gay Elite
By Tammy Bruce | July 31, 2003

In my book The Death of Right and Wrong I warn about the sexualization and targeting of children by the radical gay fringe. The announcement that a school in New York will open in September and be the first publicly run “gay high school” is a testament to that vile and loathsome agenda. 

Do not be cowed with arguments that if you’re against this you’re a “homophobe.” In fact, the unforgivable crime is if we remain silent allowing children to be sacrificed on the altar of political correctness, as we sit and watch gay malignant narcissists make a wild grab for children. Well, it won’t be done in my name, and I contend that every decent hetero- and homosexual person out there should be equally outraged by this hideous action.

Not all of this, however, is inexplicable. As I outline in detail in DRW, there is a sick movement among the homosexual academics and the radical gay fringe to change the age of sexual consent in this nation to 12-years-old. As sexually transmitted diseases for both hetero- and homosexuals increases and HIV/AIDS runs rampant, the goal by some to have access to children (untouched virgins, free of disease) has increased.

This agenda is facilitated by efforts like the "gay high school," which, in my opinion, furthers the sexualization of children.

Consider this: Accepting the “gay high school” demands you accept the notion that there are “gay and transgender kids,” which on its face is simply ridiculous. The argument is that children as young as 13 and 14-years-old somehow know, in their immature little kid minds, what their sexuality is, including if they’re a “transgendered youth,” which is a child who believes he or she should be the opposite sex. Frankly, if there is a 14 ­year-old boy who wants to have his penis removed to become a “girl,” that kid needs to be in a psychiatrist’s office, not a high school created just for him.

Think about it: we’re talking about children who are not psychologically mature enough to decide what to have for dinner, let along comprehend the intricacies of sexuality and all its physical and psychological repercussions. But the Gay Elite want us to believe that somehow these children know they prefer to have anal sex or need their breasts removed to find their “true” selves. Yeah, and I’m Anna Nicole Smith.

I cannot even begin to express my rage at a radical gay fringe and leftists who now are openly and willingly sacrificing children in a vain and self-obsessed drive to quench their own appetites for the young. That’s all this amounts to—adults indulging themselves, and others made too mute by political correctness to step up and say "No."

Apparently “gay children” need to be trained so they can be productive, stereotypical gays. The new principal of this atrocity has proudly announced that his school will “specialize in computer technology, art and culinary programs.” Isn’t that great? What else? Flower arrangement? Hair design? Dance?

In all this madness, after psychologically trapping and abandoning these kids, we then limit their options and train them to be stereotypical, victimized, angry caterers and dancers and florists. Hey, maybe this is a conspiracy to make sure Bravo’s “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” will never run out of Queer Specialists!

The insult of all this to gay people is absolutely astonishing.

Even supporters of the gay school concept admit that the so-called gay kids they’re dealing with suffer from sexual acting-out, suicidal tendencies, drug abuse, and homelessness. The fact is, all of these symptoms are indications of  sexual molestation, not homosexuality. So, instead of helping these kids deal with a serious trauma, they’ll be called “gay” and sent to a school to become a chef.

Welcome to the Left’s progressive world.

Really, do you honestly think if a child is actually sexually confused because his priest or Uncle Joe molested him, that anyone at the “gay school” is going to tell him that he just might need psychological help dealing with the trauma, and may be heterosexual and not gay at all?

Of course not. We’ll throw that kid on the garbage heap so gay malignant narcissists can feel more “normal” by making kids be just like them. While the gay establishment refuses to address the impact our histories have on our sexual identity, I refuse to let that cowardice take children as its next victims.

The other remarkably specious argument is that these children, because of their “sexuality,” are being beaten up and otherwise harassed in their regular high school to such a degree that they cannot function in a normal environment. How did that happen in progressive and liberal New York City?

Let me see if I understand this correctly: hate crimes against gay children (huh?) are at epidemic proportions in New York high schools? That’s strange, because beating someone up or harassing someone simply because they’re gay is, according to the liberal establishment, a hate crime. If there are criminal child homophobe gangs terrorizing the New York public school system, why haven’t we heard about this before? And more importantly, why are we isolating the victims? Why isn’t Bloomberg nailing the perpetrators? Where, in this supposed cesspool of hates crimes, is the outrage among the Gay Elite?

If there was ever a time to be willing to stand up and be called a name by leftists, we should do so now in the name of children. There comes a time when the price of silence is far too high. Organizers have said they want this school to be a “model for the nation.” If we do nothing, it will be.

We gay adults should do what we can to be happy individuals, as long as we’re decent about it and no one gets hurt. Hijacking the identity of a child is an unforgivable breach of that line. For all of us, enduring the wrath of some malignant narcissists is the least we owe children whose very lives rely on the courage of those of us who know better.

LINKS: Send a (respectful) message to Mayor Bloomberg of NYC. See also the website for the New York City Department of Education.

Tammy Bruce is a former president of the Los Angeles chapter of NOW and author of The Death of Right and Wrong.

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Editorial; Extended News; Miscellaneous; News/Current Events; Philosophy; US: New York
KEYWORDS: catholiclist; cellphone; children; gay; highschool; hmhs; homosexual; homosexualagenda; homosexualsaretrash; lesbian; newjersey; newyork; pedophile; prisoners; tammybruce; teenagers; youth
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1 posted on 08/01/2003 7:57:36 PM PDT by MikalM
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To: MikalM
Two points:

1. I'm proud to say that my kid (the fifteen-year-old rifle-totin' horse-breaking ribbon-winning professional website-designer foxhunting reenacting NRA member) just won a prize as DC radio station WMAL's Caller of the Day for making just the same point on the air that Bruce just made in print. She also observed pointedly to host Chris Core that all the people he had on discussing this were in their fifties and hadn't been near a high school in 35 years, so maybe they didn't know what they were talking about.

2. How come Tammy Bruce can write like this when she is a lesbian? How does she deal with the cognitive dissonance? It is puzzlement.

2 posted on 08/01/2003 8:08:23 PM PDT by Capriole (Foi vainquera)
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To: MikalM
An important article -

The 'logic' of segregating these children is exactly what Tammy Bruce says - it is sacrifice.

How can the sensibilities of all Americans be so appalled by what Catholic priests have done to impressionable boys and not see that the same lies and enticements used by the priests are being used by any adults who try to convince young teens that they have a 'special' gender identity.
3 posted on 08/01/2003 8:12:35 PM PDT by maica
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To: MikalM
It's worrisome how much time and energy conservatives are wasting on this tiny little school which has been around for 20 years. Sure it's being expanded now -- to accommodate a whopping 100 students in a city school system with an enrollment of over 1 million. These are troubled kids for whom the alternative to this school is almost certainly out on the streets turning tricks and doing drugs. Their parents are either MIA or support the choice of school, since there's no way any kid is being enrolled in this school over parents' objections. Ignore it and move on!
4 posted on 08/01/2003 8:19:26 PM PDT by GovernmentShrinker
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To: maica
Trust me, these kids convinced themselves long ago of their "special gender identity". If anything, attending an all-gay&transgendered school will remove the incentive to identify as gay or transgendered as a form of rebellion. The only way to rebel in this place is to announce that you've realized you're straight :)
5 posted on 08/01/2003 8:22:06 PM PDT by GovernmentShrinker
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To: MikalM; GatorGirl; maryz; *Catholic_list; afraidfortherepublic; Antoninus; Aquinasfan; Askel5; ...
6 posted on 08/01/2003 8:22:56 PM PDT by narses ("The do-it-yourself Mass is ended. Go in peace" Francis Carindal Arinze of Nigeria)
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To: GovernmentShrinker
I appreciate what you are saying about kids who 'self-identify' as not XX or XY, and I support alternative schooling for many different reasons. Gender dysidentity is no reason to celebrate with such hoop-la.

How many of the hundreds (or thousands) of boys 'influenced' by Catholic priests thought that they were gay when the priests suggested it, and are now living painful lives as adults because of the damage done to their minds by a trusted adult.
7 posted on 08/01/2003 8:35:25 PM PDT by maica
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To: MikalM
8 posted on 08/01/2003 8:35:53 PM PDT by JOE6PAK (Ambivalent? Well, yes and no.)
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To: maica
And somehow conservatives aren't going ballistic about the existence of Catholic schools, even though that's where much of the abuse started. I guarantee that more boys have been molested by Catholic clergy in NYC this year, than are going to be enrolled in this expanded "gay high school". And those clergy are violating a trust, and acting with vile hypocrisy. The people who run the gay high school are honestly trying to help these kids, being totally upfront about who they are and what they believe, and probably not sleeping with any of the kids ("out" gay men have a lot more outlets for their desires, than closeted ones such as gay priests, and are less likely to take advantage of youth in their care).
9 posted on 08/01/2003 8:44:26 PM PDT by GovernmentShrinker
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To: MikalM
…. there is a sick movement among the homosexual academics and the radical gay fringe to change the age of sexual consent in this nation to 12-years-old.

Good Lord! I never even thought about that!!!

As much as I disagree with Tammy’s “choice” (her words, not mine and I bet the gay community despises her for that admission), she is in a much better position to know what the “fringe” (maybe fringe?) gay society is thinking than I ever will be and she’s not afraid to call the kettle black.

I thought this high school was about special rights and libs doing their interest groups a “favor” by segregating them but her insight in the gay movement and willingness to speak out against the use and abuse of our people and our culture by the liberals really leads me to respect this women. She is a woman not to be ignored.

10 posted on 08/01/2003 8:48:54 PM PDT by lizma
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To: MikalM
Separate school and state - let gay teens' parents fund their own school.
11 posted on 08/01/2003 8:49:58 PM PDT by secretagent
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To: MikalM
From a listener of Tammy's old radio show, here's a Sandbox BTTT.
12 posted on 08/01/2003 8:57:43 PM PDT by truthkeeper
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To: Capriole
How come Tammy Bruce can write like this when she is a lesbian? How does she deal
with the cognitive dissonance? It is puzzlement.

Must have something to do with her being a self-described (gun-owing)
law-n-order lesbian.
All I know is that if I ever stumbled into her presence at a shop here in Los Angeles,
I'd still try to convince her to go straight...just like about a thousand guys in LA have.
13 posted on 08/01/2003 8:58:55 PM PDT by VOA
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To: MikalM
14 posted on 08/01/2003 8:59:36 PM PDT by StriperSniper (Make South Korea an island)
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To: MikalM
>> I warn about the sexualization and targeting of children by the radical gay fringe.

Right. I remember the way Ms. Bruce acted in front of children attending and Operation Rescue function. She stuck out her tounge and breathed on someone (an adult) and said "How do you like Dikes breath."

Maybe she has changed, but I don't see why conservatives are giving her airtime or any play. She did lots of harm while she was "defending" the death mills in Los Angeles (and other places).

15 posted on 08/01/2003 9:09:50 PM PDT by 1stFreedom
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To: MikalM
16 posted on 08/01/2003 9:55:57 PM PDT by LiteKeeper
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To: GovernmentShrinker
It's late... I'm tired...but you need to corrected, friend.

And somehow conservatives aren't going ballistic about the existence of Catholic schools, even though that's where much of the abuse started.

I went to a Catholic school, the Priests were great, it was the Nuns that were freaking Natzi's. I'm 46 now, if I saw a certain nun cross the street, the gas pedal to the floor would be an automatic reaction.

I guarantee that more boys have been molested by Catholic clergy in NYC this year, than are going to be enrolled in this expanded "gay high school".

You can't guarantee anything, shut your pie hole!

The only thing you guaranteed is your elevated level of ignornace.

The people who run the gay high school are honestly trying to help these kids, being totally upfront about who they are and what they believe, and probably not sleeping with any of the kids ("out" gay men have a lot more outlets for their desires, than closeted ones such as gay priests, and are less likely to take advantage of youth in their care).

Now that is priceless - probably not sleeping with the kids

What, pray tell, gives you the clue to say, "probably not"???

When you learn how to present your side of the argument in a logical manner, come on back. HINT - your guarantee is meaningless, unless you oversee the operation and have a direct influence. Your statement of probably not sleeping with the kdis really set me off. How the hell do you know?

Like I said, when you figure out how to present your side in a logical manner, try again. In the mean time, my advice is to keep your pie hole shut.


17 posted on 08/01/2003 9:56:23 PM PDT by LasVegasMac
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To: 1stFreedom
No body is perfect. She's a likeable person with a strong sense of right and wrong and she doesn't push her sexuality down people's throats. As far as I'm concerned her private life is her own business.
18 posted on 08/01/2003 9:57:14 PM PDT by goldstategop (In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives On In My Heart Forever)
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To: firebrand; Cacique; katnip; God luvs America; Tamsey; NYC GOP Chick; kphockey2; Clemenza; ...
19 posted on 08/01/2003 10:05:12 PM PDT by Coleus (God is Pro Life and Straight and gave an innate predisposition for self-preservation and protection)
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To: goldstategop
Uh, the point of my post is that she does or did push her personality down people's throat.

"how do you like dikes breath" and breathing in someone's face is a very strong way of pushing one's sexuality on another. She wasn't keeping her private life private.
20 posted on 08/01/2003 10:11:28 PM PDT by 1stFreedom
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