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British Israelism - an expose
David M. Williams' Theological Essays ^ | David M. Williams

Posted on 08/16/2004 11:42:28 PM PDT by Destro

British Israelism - an expose


Anglo-Israelism (also known as British Israelism) is the unscriptural theory that Britain and the United States constitutes the 10 lost tribes of Israel who were carried away as captives by the Assyrians in 722 B.C. It is held by the advocates of this view that the Kingdom of Israel (consisting of ten tribes after their separation from the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin in the days of Rehoboam - I Kings 12:21) never returned to Israel after Assyrian captivity as did Judah and Benjamin after their 70 years' captivity in Babylon.

The ten tribes of the Northern Kingdom (Israel) are "lost" after their capture by the Assyrians in 722 B.C. Through intermarriage with other nations, their unique national identity is "lost", Great Britian and the USA are believed to be the Anglo-Saxon ancestors of the tribes Ephraim and Manasseh (predominantly), so it may be inferred by British-Israelism that white, English speaking people are really the chosen people of God.

It is also believed that the Jews who were living in Israel at the time of Christ are now under a curse for rejecting the Messiah. The Israelites (the lost 10 tribes) now become the inheritors of God's promises. Ephraim and Manasseh (the two sons of Joseph) are the major inheritors of the title "Israelites" along with the other eight tribes whose descendants are spread in other parts of the world. Because of this dispersal, it is believed that the Queen of England now sits on the throne of David.

This theory was first put forward around the year 1519.

Some of the main features of this theory are :-

1. The period of "political instability" caused when the Babylonians conquered Assyria around 650 B.C., allowed the 10 tribes to escape to the north and east.

2. They fled past the Black Sea, the Carpathian Mts. into Russia, Scandinavia, Prussia, Germany and then to Great Britain.

3. After the Babylonian captivity, only Judah and Benjamin returned to Israel. This created a "problem" to British Israelism theology in that the royal line had to come from the tribe of Judah (which returned to the south after the Babylonian captivity). Royalty was said to have been brought to the ten tribes by the following sequence of events :

4. "The kingly line of Judah (Genesis 49:10) reached Britain when a daughter of Zedekiah, the last king of Judah before the fall of Jerusalem, arrived with Jeremiah in 569 B.C. This princess, Tea-Tephi, married the king of Ireland, who also happened to be a descendant of Judah through Zarah, Judah's younger son (Genesis 38:30), and so both branches of the kingly line were established as the Royal House of Ireland. This kingdom was transferred to Scotland and then to England with James I (James VI of Scotland) in 1603. Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britian, therefore is a direct descendant of King David and recipient of his throne." (D. Olinger, _British Israelism_, Bob Jones University Press)

5. "Jeremiah also brought with him in 569 B.C. the liafail, or Jacob's pillow-stone (Genesis 28:18) which had been used as the coronation stone of the kings of Judah (II Kings 11:14 - "pillar"). This stone now rests in the royal coronation chair of Great Britain in Westminster Abbey. All kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned while sitting on this chair." (D. Olinger)

6. The transfer of the kingdom from James VI of Scotland/James I England (who was of the house of Tudor) to the present queen (Elizabeth II) who is of the house of Windsor, was achieved through a distant relative, the king of Bohemia, and then back through George I into the house of Windsor. This, British Israelists say, completes the lineage back to King David.

7. The eventual emigration to America was said to have occurred with the pilgrims on the Mayflower.

Because the Northern and Southern tribes are believed to have separated, there is therefore a great emphasis placed on the distinction that British Israelists say exists between the use of the terms "Israel" and "Judah".

Herbert W. Armstrong states :

we want to impress here that Israel and Judah are not two names for the same nation. They were and still are, and shall be until the Second Coming of Christ, two separate nations. The House of Judah always means Jews. This distinction is vital if we are to understand prophecy. Because most so-called Bible students are ignorant of this basic distinction they are unable to rightly understand prophecy! The next place where the term "Jew" is mentioned in the Bible, the House of Israel had been drawn out in captivity, lost from view, and the term only applies to those of the House of Judah. There are no exceptions in the Bible.

Now, once an unscriptural perspective has been taken, the next step is to find a scripture which will support that doctrine. The key verses for British Israelism is II Kings 17:18-23 - "Therefore the Lord was angry with Israel and removed them out of His sight, there was none left but the tribe of Judah only." Here "out of His sight" is interpreted as "disappeared into oblivion". "There was none left but the tribe of Judah only" is interpreted as "the descendants of Judah are the only tribes in existence today."


Geographical Names.

There are many names of towns in Europe which have names similar in sound to the "lost" tribes, e.g. Danube, Dneister, Don, Dneiper, Denmark, Danzig are claimed to be possible towns through which the tribe of Dan passed.

However, by this piece of evidence, it could be suggested that Dan also went through Vietnam - Danang, DienBien Phu, Don Duong and so forth.

Abraham's Name.

Abraham's name was to be called "Great" (Gensis 12:2). British Israelists believe this is why the name "Great Britain" arose.

The White Cliffs.

In Isaiah 66:19 the word "Tarshish" means "white border". This is taken as referring to the White Cliffs of Dover.

The Dream.

The apocyryphal book of II Esdras describes a dream in chapter 13 in which there is a miraculous parting of the Euphrates river into Armenia where the 10 tribes seemingly remain. However this evidence must be disregarded as Josephus records in Antiquities XI v2 that the ten tribes of the captivity were still in Mesopotamia in the first century AD after Esdras was written, and 750 years after British Israelists claim that they had left for the north and the east.

The Union Jack.

The Union Jack is claimed to be an abbreviation for "union of Jacob". The Oxford English Dictionary states that the Union Jack was so named because of its size - apparantly "jack" was the word used to denote anything small.

Isaac = Saxon and British = Men of the Covenant

By removing the letter "I" from Isaac, Herbert Armstrong derives the word "saac" which combines with the word "son" to form "Saxon", i.e. "British". His logic is that "I" should be removed as the Hebrews omitted the vowels in their writing. This of course, should also require the "a"'s to be removed. The name "Isaac" is in reality anyway a latinsed form of the Hebrew name "Yitschak" (as in the late Yitschak Rabin), which would be significantly more difficult for Armstrong to twist. "Berith" is Hebrew for the word "Covenant" while "Ish" is Hebrew for "man". If you join the two, British Israelists claim you obtain the word "British" which means "men of the Covenant". There is, however, no significant relationship between Hebrew and English.


A vital piece of information can be seen from the historical records of Herodatus. He claims that a fair-haired, fair-skinned people settled on the shores of the Black Sea (there is, however, no evidence to connect the ten dark-haired, olive-skinned tribes with those recorded by Herodatus). There is absolutely no connection between the ten tribes in Mesopotamia and the tribes around the Black Sea.


The Stone of Scone.

British Israelists make the claim that the stone under the coronation chair is the stone that the builders rejected. God strictly forbade the use of hewn stones in altars (Exodus 20:25). This stone was probably not the coronation altar of the Old Testament kings.

Secondly, however, Professor A.C. Ramsey of the Geology Department of London University inspected the stone and identified it as red sandstone, probably of Scottish origin. The nearest red sandstone to Bethel, where Jacob found his stone is in Petra, nearly one hundred miles to the south; the stone around Bethel where Jacob slept is white limestone.

Israel = Jews = Hebrews

From Genesis chapters 1 to 11, God is working on a whole world basis. In Genesis 12 God begins to work through a man named Abram (later Abraham). The term "Hebrew" was first applied to Abraham and could also be applied to all of his physical descendants (Genesis 14:13). The term "Israel" was introduced in connection with Abraham's grandson, Jacob (Genesis 32:28).

A third term "Judah" was used in relation to one of Jacob's sons (Genesis 29:35) - Judah was still part of "Israel" - Genesis 49:28 - "All these are the twelve tribes of Israel."

The term "Jew" was derived from the name of Judah and was first used in II Kings 16:6.

A member of the tribe of Judah was called a "Jew", and as a descendant of Jacob he was also called an "Israelite"; and as a descendant of Abraham he was also called a "Hebrew". All of these terms were applied to the apostle Paul (Philippians 3:5; Acts 21:39; 22:3; II Corinthians 11:22).

The division of Solomon's Kingdom made it common to use the name "Israel" in referring to the ten Northern Tribes and to use the name "Judah" in referring to the two Southern tribes.


The Assyrians deported the majority of the captured people of the Northern Kingdom and mixed the remainder with five other nations (Babylon, Ava, Hamath, Sepharvain and Cuthah). It was a military tactic for subduing the conquered people. It was this mixture of the nations that made the full-blooded Jews avoid dealings with the Samaritans.

Some authors take the position that since the word "tribe" (shebet) is also translated "sceptre" in several passages (e.g. Genesis 49:10) it may refer to the ruling class, or the leadership, rather than the entire population. This theory may be supported by the fact that Sargon II himself claimed to deport only 27,290 people. Sargon's inscription describing the deportation has been found at Khorsabad in modern-day Iraq (see James B. Pritchard, _Ancient Near Eastern Texts_, 1950 ed., p.284-5).

This means that not all of the ten tribes were taken into captivity by the Assyrians but rather that some remained who were never "lost".


a) They were scattered among the nations, however they have always managed to keep their unique national identity. Numbers 23:9 (not reckoning itself among the nations) and Hosea 8:4-8 speaks specifically of Israel, the Northern Kingdom.

b) Compared with the populations of other countries, they are relatively few in number (Deuteronomy 4:27). Their population can certainly not be compared with the 4-6 hundred million of the British Isles/USA. There is no more heterogeneous nation in the world than that of the United States. Or did the "Ephraimites" (Englishmen) become "Manassites" merely by crossing the ocean in the Mayflower?

c) Did the dispersal of the "ten lost tribes" disorient them enough to start writing from left to right instead of right to left as was done for centuries?


In the Palestinian Covenant there is a very special place for the Hebrews. To be out of His sight, indicates removal from _Palestine_ (Israel), i.e. to be relocated or dispersed. The strict keeping of genealogical records by the Hebrews would also prevent them from being "lost" and tends to indicate that they were a tightly knit community which did not mix with the Gentiles.


When Babylon conquered Assyria, the slaves did not escape but rather had a change of masters. This may seem too simplistic a solution but there is much evidence for it in the numbers of the ten tribes that returned to Israel.


The books of Ezra and Nehemiah tell of those who returned to Jerusalem, and the book of Esther tells of those who remained at Babylon. If the tribes have really been lost then all further records of their existance would not be available. It will therefore be necessary to examine what happened prior to the captivity by Assyria and Babylon in order to see who returned from these captivities.

The following scriptures give direct evidence that the Southern Kingdom of Judah was in fact a mixture of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin (about which all agree) and the other ten tribes (which were religious "refugees" from the Northern Kingdom) :

II Chronicles 11:13-17 - spitual refugees from the North

II Chronicles 15:9 - 913-872 B.C. during the reign of Asa

These scriptures show that many from _all Israel_ left the Northern Kingdom a long time before the Assyrian captivity. Therefore the Southern Kingdom now was occupied by all twelve tribes. Members from these twelve tribes returned after the Babylonian captivity to Israel and were never "lost".

Other scriptures include II Chronicles 17:2; 24:5; 30:1-7, 11, 18, 25; 31:1, 2, 6; 34:1-9; II Kings 25:6-12. Which tribes did return from the captivity to build the temple, the walls, and the city itself? Ezra refers to God's regathered people as Israelites 40 times and as Jews 8 times. Nehemiah refers to God's regathered people as Israelites 22 times and as Jews 11 times. Apart from this, the term "all Israel" is used in Ezra 2:70; 6:17; 8:25, 35; 10:5 and in Nehemiah 7:73; 12:47.

It is therefore evident that the terms "Jew" and "Israel" are interchangeable. If Jesus Christ is only "King of the Jews" (the tribe of Judah only) in Matthew 27:37, then He is not the one that is the Messiah.

The Messiah needs to be "King of Israel" (the twelve tribes) - Matthew 27:42.


The following are just some of the many verses possible :

Ezra 2:5 Arah from the tribe of Asher - I Chronicles 7:39, 40

2:10 Bani from the tribe of Gad - Nehemiah 7:15

2:21 Bethlehem from the tribe of Zebulum - Joshua 19:15-16

2:26 Ramah from the tribe of Nephtala - Joshua 19:32-39

2:29 Nebo from the tribe of Reuben - I Chronicles 5:1-8

Luke 2:36 Asher in the Lord

Acts 26:6-7 The twelve tribes

James 1:1 The twelve tribes

I Peter 1:1 The twelve tribes

Revelation 7:4-8 Jews sealed in the middle of the seven years of great tribulation. Dan is replaced by Levi, but Dan does reappear during the millenial reign of Christ

Romans 11:26 All Israel will be saved, as it is written.

All Israel (not just Judah as British-Israelism contends) is temporarily set aside until the "fullness of the Gentiles come in" according to Romans 11:25-27.


Adherents of British Israelism appear to have a propensity for date-setting. Lt. Col. W.G. MacKendrick in his book, "The destiny of the British Empire and the USA (1921), dated Armageddon from 1928 to 1936. He further states that the US should seek help from Japan in the battle, since the Japanese, too, are Israelites (as "samurai" sounds like "Samaria") (D. Olinger).

Literally scores of prophecies and promises would have to be ignored or "spiritualised" in order to "make them fit" the British-Israel scheme of things, for example, Deuteronomy 4:27-31; Amos 9:11-15; Hosea 1:10-11; 2:14-23; 3:4-5; Isaiah 2:1-4; 14:1-3; Ezekiel 20:33-44; 34:11-31; 34:40-48; Micah 4:1-7; 7:9-20; Zechariah 2:4-13; 3:1-10; 8:1-23; 8:12-14.

The first 69 "weeks" of Daniel's vision (Daniel 9) applies specifically to the nation of Israel. The seventieth week likewise is specifically for the Israelites. Much of God's dealings with these people will be distorted if one is not even looking at the proper nation to whom the promises apply !


In Ezekiel 37:15-28 God promises that He will unite all twelve tribes in the last days as part of His Covenant of Peace with them. This prophecy would be difficult to bring to pass if the populations of Great Britain, America, etc. needed to fit in the area from the River Nile to the Euphrates.


British Israelism is an erroneous teaching. However, its main danger is the plethora of consequences it has. To hold to British-Israelism means that one not only ignores factual history, but has to interpret significant portions of the Bible in a new "spiritualised" (i.e. allegorical) manner. It leads one to a false understanding of God's purposes for Israel and the Jewish people, and causes one to distort significant prophetical passages in the Bible.

I Timothy 1:4 " ... take no heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in the faith".

TOPICS: Apologetics; Charismatic Christian; Current Events; Ecumenism; Evangelical Christian; General Discusssion; History; Mainline Protestant; Other Christian; Religion & Culture; Religion & Science; Theology
KEYWORDS: archaeology; britishisraelism; ggg; godsgravesglyphs; history
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To: Destro
Is there any explanation of the base set and comparasion criteria to verify accuracy?

21 posted on 08/17/2004 11:40:28 AM PDT by William Terrell (Individuals can exist without government but government can't exist without individuals.)
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To: William Terrell

Oh yea the website I mention was a scientific database with explanations of the data up the ying yang.

22 posted on 08/17/2004 11:54:27 AM PDT by Destro (Know your enemy! Help fight Islamic terrorism by visiting
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To: Destro
Well, page me when you find it.

23 posted on 08/17/2004 12:12:37 PM PDT by William Terrell (Individuals can exist without government but government can't exist without individuals.)
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To: Cronos
Another silly one is Saxon = Isaac's son. This completely neglects the fact that, being Hebrew, the proper term would have been bin Yitzhak

Easily followed starting in the Assyrian tablets from Isaac, to Bit-Sakae, to Scythian, to Saxon.

24 posted on 08/17/2004 12:23:51 PM PDT by #3Fan (Kerry to POW-MIA activists: "You'll wish you'd never been born.". Link on my homepage.)
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To: #3Fan; Cronos

Scytians are not Saxons. What crap are you shoveling?

25 posted on 08/17/2004 1:45:54 PM PDT by Destro (Know your enemy! Help fight Islamic terrorism by visiting
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To: Destro
A brief point. Don't we call Gernamy, Germany, but the Germans call it Deutschland and themselves Deutschlanders, like we call Nippon, Japan and the people Japanese? I believe there are many examples in history where people in one area did not call people in another area the same as they called themselves.

So just the difference in naming wouldn't be evidence one way or another.

26 posted on 08/17/2004 2:21:42 PM PDT by William Terrell (Individuals can exist without government but government can't exist without individuals.)
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To: Destro

Answered in post #24.

27 posted on 08/17/2004 3:23:44 PM PDT by #3Fan (Kerry to POW-MIA activists: "You'll wish you'd never been born.". Link on my homepage.)
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To: William Terrell
Moot point -- however, the Romans couldn't have given them the name Saxon based on Isaac's son -- that's Germanic grammer. Latin would call it Son of Isaac, similar to Bin Yitzhak, something like Fils d'isaac.

Besides, Scyths were not Saxons
28 posted on 08/17/2004 3:51:41 PM PDT by Cronos (The Church led by Christ's servant on earth, the Pope is pure Christianity)
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To: topcat54; Destro; RussianConservative
The noun Gog is from the original tribal name, Magog, which gradually became Rosh, then Rus, and today is know as Russia.

Hilarious!!! Hey RC -- you should rename yourself GogConservative!! Isn't that silly? Can't believe people actually believe that stuff!
29 posted on 08/17/2004 3:53:25 PM PDT by Cronos (The Church led by Christ's servant on earth, the Pope is pure Christianity)
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To: HarleyD; P-Marlowe; xzins; jude24; ksen


30 posted on 08/17/2004 6:35:51 PM PDT by topcat54
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To: topcat54

I suspect that British-Israelism derives itself from hyperdispensationalism.

(As an aside, just as we Calvinists should not have to defend themselves from the excesses of hypercalvinists, so dispensationalists should not have to defend themselves against the excesses of the crackpots.)

Here's why I think that: dispensationalism, even in its most level-headed, respectable form, holds that God has some special blessing accorded to Israel that is not accorded to all Christians. It's not difficult to imagine why some people would want to be able to identify themselves as Jews and thus be able to claim some of those special blessings.

Too bad the British-Israelites miss out on Galatians -- if you are Christ's, you are Abraham's seed and heirs of the promise.

31 posted on 08/17/2004 7:26:07 PM PDT by jude24 (sola gratia)
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To: Destro

A lot of the British are Romans, therefore Kittim, therefore Esau.

32 posted on 08/17/2004 7:32:23 PM PDT by D Edmund Joaquin
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To: D Edmund Joaquin

I know what you are trying to say but it is pseudo science.

33 posted on 08/17/2004 9:25:55 PM PDT by Destro (Know your enemy! Help fight Islamic terrorism by visiting
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To: topcat54; P-Marlowe; xzins; jude24; ksen
”Great Britain and the USA are believed to be the Anglo-Saxon ancestors of the tribes Ephraim and Manasseh…This theory was first put forward around the year 1519.”

Perhaps I’m missing something but if I remember correctly the USA became a country in 1776.

I've heard this chestnut once before. It’s built off scant Bible verses mixed up in a blender. It’s like saying Bozo the Clown is the Anti-Christ. (I was going to post this parody but thought better.)

This mistaken belief stems from the fact that England and the US were very prosperous nations during the late 1800s because God looked favorably on us as Christians. God never promise Christians will be prosperous with earthly wealth, only that He will provide for our needs.

Besides, are God’s blessings for Jews or for Christians?

34 posted on 08/18/2004 6:06:59 AM PDT by HarleyD (For strong is he who carries out God's word. (Joel 2:11))
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Comment #35 Removed by Moderator

To: Floyd R Turbo
Hmmmm…interesting point. I may be on thin ice here. I was thinking of Jeremiah 31:31-34:

Behold, days are coming," declares the Lord, "when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, not like the covenant which I made with their fathers in the day I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, although I was a husband to them,” declares the Lord. “But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those day,” declares the Lord, “I will put My law within them and on their heart I will write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.

From the quote above God considered His covenant with the Jews broken but in His graciousness was willing to establish a “new covenant” which we know to be the giving of the Holy Spirit. There may be some blessings bestowed upon the Jews but my old mind is at a lost to think what. But certainly nothing after the "new covenent" and this "new covenent" had nothing to do with lost tribes which disappear before our Lord Jesus was on the scene.

36 posted on 08/18/2004 11:23:45 AM PDT by HarleyD (For strong is he who carries out God's word. (Joel 2:11))
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Comment #38 Removed by Moderator

To: Floyd R Turbo

It should be remembered that the house of Judah was far more faithful to God then the house of Israel. That's why they lasted more than 200 years after the house of Israel was taken into captivity. Why you would say the house of Israel received the blessing makes no sense considering their pagan ways from Solomon's son, Jeroborim who made golden calves to worship, on up.

These verses clearly state that God made a "new covenant" with BOTH the house of Judah and the house of Israel. Since Jeremiah was a prophet of Judah and the house of Israel by this time had already been taken into captivity, he seemed to know where the lost house of Israel was.

39 posted on 08/18/2004 3:50:51 PM PDT by HarleyD (For strong is he who carries out God's word. (Joel 2:11))
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