Posted on 05/29/2024 3:08:54 PM PDT by george76
You may have missed the news, but last week an Army colonel – nice to see an Army colonel doing something besides sharing xis pronouns – at Fort Bragg, which communists now call “Fort Liberty,” caught a Chechen illegal alien lurking in his backyard taking pictures of his kids and smoked him like a fatty at a Cypress Hill concert. This colonel might have been from Delta Force, but he is definitely part of the special operations community, and you might well be wondering what some Chechen illegal alien was doing in his backyard. In fact, there were two of them – the other one got away, but he got caught, and then the FBI let him go because it’s the FBI and the illegal alien wasn’t in a church somewhere worshiping God or talking bad about abortion. This is not the only such incident. There’s been a lot of this sort of stuff going on. This just goes to tell you something very important. What is that?
My latest book, The Attack, is not just a novel about a terrorist attack on America. It’s a chilling preview of the future.
Here’s the deal – we have a wide-open border and a bunch of enemies, and the enemies, not being anywhere near as stupid as the Biden administration is, are taking full advantage of it. If you deny that thousands upon thousands of enemy operatives have infiltrated the United States among the hordes of military-age males who are streaming across the wide-open border, you are either stupid or you think we are stupid.
These Chechens were allegedly working for a utility company. The utility company is not answering its phone. It’s also owned by a Moldovan. Moldova was, of course, part of the Soviet Union. So was what’s left of Chechnya. It’s reasonable to believe that the Russian government is infiltrating operatives into the United States to observe and potentially assault our special operations community. This isn’t the first time we’ve had something like this happen. Recently, a Russian was caught taking photographs of sensitive stuff. It’s unclear what happened to him. We know that just the other week, a bunch of Muslim illegal aliens tried to sneak into the Quantico Marine Corps br. I’m sure these people were just trying to help out their newly adopted country. I also have a unicorn whose name is Chet.
The Attack talks about this phenomenon in novel form. Thousands of enemy operatives infiltrate the country and launch a devastating attack that kills tens of thousands of Americans. The idea that this can’t happen is nonsense. To think that is a failure of imagination. It’s just like we failed imagine what our enemies would do on 9/11. Except for a few novels, no one thought that a bunch of bad guys would hijack a bunch of airliners and fly them into giant buildings. But they did. And there, the FBI also knew the dad guys were in country and utterly failed to protect us.
The enemy is serious, unlike this administration. The enemy will do things whether we think of and anticipate them or not. That’s what’s exactly what is happening now. We are being observed and tested, and our enemies are preparing attacks. The strikes will come at the most vulnerable time for us, no doubt while this desiccated pervert is still in the White House pretending that our big threat is “white nationalism.”
It wasn’t “white nationalism” that flew planes into the Pentagon and World Trade Center. It was not “white nationalists” who went on a butcher spree in Israel. It is not what is threatening our people today. It is not what is going to invade Taiwan – yes, China is going to invade Taiwan. Why? Because it can. Our weakness is an engraved invitation to out enemies.
But it’s worse than just weakness. Joe Biden and his puppet-masters are so deeply anti-American and so deeply incompetent that they create a perfect storm of failure so remarkable that Jimmy Carter is holding off dying to remain alive just long enough to see himself lose his ranking as the worst president of the last century.
It’s not just jihadis. The Russians have been infiltrating us for the last century, first as the Soviet Union and now as the Russian Russians. How many Chinese agents are here? One, two, 100, 1000, 10,000? It’s probably more than 10,000. They’re all here, and they’re preparing, and our failed government is pretending that there’s nothing going on, that everything is fine. What are the chances that Joe Biden is going to order the FBI to stop hassling people for praying in church and opposing abortion or wandering through the People’s House, which apparently doesn’t belong to the People anymore, and focus on the enemy aliens who the administration let into the country? He’s never going to do that. He doesn’t want to admit the failure of his border policy – actually, it’s a success since he wants to import millions of Third World peasants to vote Democrat and replace normal Americans as voters. He doesn’t want to admit that he’s made us vulnerable and that he is setting us up for a failure that makes his disasters in Afghanistan, Ukraine, Israel, and Niger look like tiny Stelters – I mean small potatoes.
And at some level, the Biden crew sides with our enemies. He and his clique hate America and Americans. There’s no other explanation for this conduct – if they hated America and Americans, what would they do differently?
It’s remarkable that, after this colonel shot this guy for attacking him in his yard, they caught the other one and just let him go. He should’ve disappeared into the bowels of a proper deep state and been “encouraged” to spill his guts about exactly what’s going on. But no, they let him go. Remember, he’s an illegal alien. He shouldn’t be here in the first place, much less wandering around after scouting out our special forces guys for kidnapping, assassination, or whatever else the enemy has in mind. But he’s free. He’s walking our streets. He’s not afraid, and why should he be? It’s not like he got caught praying outside an abortion mill.
Joe Biden is going to get tens of thousands of Americans killed. You may think that’s a crazy thing to say. You would have once thought someone telling you that we’d watch human beings falling off of C-17s as America fled from Afghanistan and the primitive tribesmen who drove our broken military out was crazy. No, it’s coming. It’s going to happen. There are no two ways about it. And you better be ready.
Buy guns and ammunition. Carry legally. Have a bag in the back of your car with a tourniquet, bandages, and blood clotting stuff, and know how to use them. It will go down, just like I wrote about in The Attack. I don’t want it to be true. I don’t want it to happen. I don’t want to be right. But I am. You better be ready, or you and your family may die.
Get out there and vote to elect Donald Trump and the Republicans in 2024. Just pray it isn’t too late.
I hope and pray we can get through to President Trump’s inauguration in January safely.
Kurt [who I’ve met a couple of times in court cases] is right here.
They infiltrators are here. Their best opportunity will be while the brain dead is still prezzie. He and the muzzie congress critters will scream protecting yourself is a hate crime and racist to boot.
“Negligence” is a term that suggests this wasn’t planned.
Terrorists working within the U.S. to destroy the U.S.?
I submit that, no terrorist attack can do more damage to the U.S. than what the Obama and Biden administrations have done. We have lost a lot more economically and militarily and culturally, than the biggest terror attack could ever do. 9/11 caused thousands in deaths and injuries, and many billions in damage. Democrat administrations, at the federal and state and local levels, have caused many times that damage from 9/11. And democrats ain’t done yet. The country is going down the toilet and being destroyed from within, by ‘our own people’ and our foreign enemies don’t need to attack us from outside, since we are destroying ourselves from within.
I predict there will be numerous terrorist attacks in the US before either of Obama’s waterfront mansions are flooded.
Sure, the Biden/Obama administrations have done enormous damage.
It does not mean our enemies will ignore our vulnerability.
It won’t take many interlopers and not a lot of planning to bring this all to a screeching halt. Just sayin’!
I agree
Let’s see how many more chefs
Obama loses after midnight.
Trump says “They’re not after me, they’re after you.
I’m just in their way.”
48 years ago I used to sit in my infantry barracks in the 82d Abn Div and calculate how many men during off duty hours qould be needed to destroy entire battalion. My numbers were 5 or 6. Armed with a simple Colt 45 and generates one man could take out the company CQ and then eliminate the soldiers who left their rooms to investigate.
In the mid 90s after retirement I told some friends I was writing a book along these lines. I got a visit at my job on post essentially receiving a cease and decest from the two gentlemen in black suits. Later my buddy told me he had reported me and was scared to death at how I described simply walking onto Ft Bragg, now Liberty, and killing unarmed off duty personnel. If you had 25 guys you could have destroyed an infantry brigade with my blueprint.
Fast forward to duties in the State Department and my continuous work or thoughts on breaching US security led to several incremental changes within the IRM concerning commu ications security. My final assignment was a directed COMSEC manager position. I choose to retire over being forced to work in downtown DC with a guarantee of GS15 if I converted from the foreign service.
Since Clinton, then Obama America has constantly been opened up to Infiltration.
I live a few miles from Bragg today. The military community has suffered DEI Gag orders.
Nuff said.
That Colonel will probably end up dead. It appears his job followed him home.
If you have Facebook get off now. That was my first action when I came back to the States after 12+ years consecutively abroad.
FR is my one social internet activity.
That Colonel needs to knave this area now.
UN Agenda 21 , 2030 , Great Reset, ( Let me know if you wish to be added or removed from the list.)
The attack won’t interfere with the Trump trial, will it?
Brother Kurt is exactly right.
I doubt it.
I expect 2 or 3 man teams given one or two targets. Told to locate and surveil. That’s 5m+ teams out of the 15m+ brought in over the last 3 yrs.
Then someone will give the green light.
It’ll most likely happen at 4am ET on Christmas Eve.
The targets?
All cops.
All military, Sargent and above.
All political leaders, local, state, and federal.
All judges.
That’s less than 5m targets
After that it’d be targets of opportunity and general slaughter.
It only takes two people from each state to remove their senators and another 450 for congress and DNC corrupt agency heads....
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