Posted on 12/03/2015 3:29:18 PM PST by Responsibility2nd
We told you the other day that concerned citizens have stepped forward in Redlands, CA to question their local elected government about any plans they might have heard about to resettle refugees in Redlands. Of special concern are the Syrian Muslims now expected to arrive in large numbers in the coming months.
This is new….
CAIR is the Council on American Islamic Relations and is active (and makes news) in demanding rights for Muslims in America. However, it is only recently that they have become publicly involved in the Refugee Admissions Program of the UN/US State Department as we told you about here in Connecticut recently (more on CT later this morning).
We have long suspected that they have been quietly advancing the Hijra to America, but again, only recently have we seen news that they are out in the open promoting refugee resettlement.
From Redlands Daily Facts (emphasis is mine):
REDLANDS >> Southern California Islamic leaders have responded to comments made by members of the Redlands Townhall and Redlands Tea Party Patriots about the possibility of Muslim Syrian and African refugees resettling in town.
Members of both groups last week asked the City Council members their plan if asked to resettle refugees. They said they were concerned that Muslims who have beliefs contrary to the United States Constitution and ties to terrorist groups could be living in Redlands.
There is no formal proposal to resettle refugees in Redlands.
Mohammad M. Hossain, founder of the Islamic Center of Redlands, said the refugees are homeless and have nothing, so everybody has a duty to help them — that they would be grateful and not commit violence.
The Islamic Community Center of Redlands in Loma Linda is inviting the public to an Open Mosque Day on Sunday in the wake of the comments made during the Oct. 6 City Council meeting.
The center in Loma Linda declined an interview but sent comments by emailed statement.
Victoria Hargrave of Redlands Townhall said on Wednesday that our nation is based on Judeo-Christian beliefs, and we value freedom of speech, freedom of religion and property rights as protected by the Constitution. She said Muslims reject these values and are coming to America to impose Sharia law.
“This paranoia and phobia is rooted in a combination of ignorance and bigotry,” said Hussam Ayloush, executive director of the Los Angeles chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations and chairman of the Syrian American Council in a telephone interview Wednesday about the Redlands tea party concerns.
I wonder would the mosque and CAIR be involved at all, if we were saving mostly Christian Syrians and not resettling mostly Muslims as we are now.
Concerned citizens should follow the example of the grassroots groups (the pocket of resistance) in Redlands, and go on the offensive by preemptively telling your local elected government that you are concerned about third world refugees coming to your towns especially because those refugees are going to place a large financial burden on state and local taxpayers, in addition to posing a potential security threat.
Remember the Director of the FBI James Comey testified in Congress just last week that they cannot screen Syrian refugees (truth-be-told, they can’t properly screen the Somalis, the Iraqis and the Afghanis either!).
“This paranoia and phobia is rooted in a combination of ignorance and bigotry.” (name calling will get you no where!)
What a cynical ba$stard.
CAIR is a collective of CREEPs!!!
Islam takes over in three steps ....
(1) Pretends to be peaceful religion
(2) Legal protection and legal issues
(3) Forced submission
I guess I need to include a lot of breeding in there too.
CAIR is a collective of CREEPs!!! Terrorist Accomplices!!!
No refugees! Send them back!
The victims and their family members of the San Bernardino terrorist attacks need to get together and SUE CAIR and the local mosques , and their city .
obama has promoted CAIR as his representative on all issues Muslim in the USA. His administration is clearly promoting and helping them to achieve a pre-eminent political position in the USA.
The fact they were given a national stage last night, with detailed information about the case and the shooter, only hours after the shooting ended - tells us all they have special treatment.
Given Obamas international aid to the Muslim Brotherhood, this is extremely troubling.
note that CAIR is the U.S. arm of the Muslim Brotherhood.
And remember, to paraphrase a tired old ‘60s cliche:
It’s not Islamophobia if they really are out to kill you!
Kick these CAIR bastards out of the country.
CAIR is the Moooooslim Brotherhood.
What part of the Quran about subjugating non-Moslem peoples doesn’t Ayloush understand? Apparently he ignores all of it.
Ever hear of “dhimitude”, pal? “Jyzia? (Jew/Christian dhimmi tax)? Slavery? Wife-beating allowed. Child-rape allowed. Wife-rape allowed. That the word of a non-Moslem versus a Moslem in a legal matter doesn’t count?
The job of CAIR is to cover up for Islamic extremists (notice that I use the word “extremists” to indicate a specific faction of the Moslem religion. However, Islamic extremists/fundamentalists/jihadists, number in the tens or hundreds of millions - for proof look at Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Bangladesh, Boko Harum in Africa, Al Shaheeb in Somalis, and some small movements in the Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia, to name a few countries).
Scratch the covert mindset of CAIR, the Islamic Council of North America, and similar groups and you will find an “Islam First” movement promoter (Fat “Dougie Cooper” of CAIR, for one).
CAIR and liberals like to point to the 25 member Church of the Lunatics (the shouters), Westboro Church, as indicative of all rightwing Christians, but ignore how many convicted terrorists/abetters were convicted from the leadership of CAIR itself.
Why tell the truth about yourself when you can use the ignorant mainstream media to provide cover for you under the rubric of “Islamophobia”?
All this is based on two things, the Islamic tradition called “taqqiya” (the right for a Moslem to lie to a non-Moslem) and Communism’s similar strategy, partially enunciated by Lenin in his “Use any strategems, including lying” to promote and protect Marxist-Leninism (found in his speech to a workers group, possibly in a pamphlet entitled roughly “Strategy and Tactics of Marxism-Leninism”, about 1929).
What we have today is a convergence of both Islamic extremism and Communist/Marxist organizations in “united fronts” against the West.
Just look at who is leading the fight against almost all internal security laws and agencies in the U.S. The old Communist Party and its fronts/off-shots (National Lawyers Guild, Center for Constitutional Rights, and National Emergency Civil Liberties Committee), plus CAIR, ISNA, Students for Palestinian Justice, the ACLU (parallels the communist programs to a “t”, and communist/marxist-ideology based publications like “The Nation”, “Mother Jones”, the old “Progressive”, “Monthly Review”, and the publications of the Marxist Democratic Socialists of America, are the enemies of America and have always been so.
Remember, Hillary started her legal career in a well known Communist Party-membered law firm (Treuhaft, Burstein, Gary, etc) and maintained contact with communists during her time before and during her time as the wife of Pres. Clinton (including Smithsonian Institution’s head of the new African-American Museum, Johnnetta Cole, a longtime leader of the CPUSA/Cuban DGI’s “Venceremos Brigades”.
See and “www.DiscoverTheNetwork” for information on some of the above people and organizations, among other sources.
Once you see through the “Red Curtain” and “Hashish Curtain” of the reds and Islamists and their propaganda, then you will be able to understand what these groups, aided and abetted by Barack Obama and his heads of the Dept. of Justice and Dept. of Homeland Insecurity, are doing almost unchallenged, unhindered, and significantly funded.
It is called “subversion, deception, disinformation and treason”.
I believe it was Dan Stormer who wrote a book in the 50’s entitled “None Dare Call It Treason”. Well Dan, I do, and I hope that enough fellow Americans call what is happening to our security programs and agencies as “acts of war” and “acts of treason”.
All we can do is raise our voices, write for any publication who will publish our documented materials, and vote like Banshees in November.
Sometimes in life you get a second chance to correct a wrong, and Nov. 2016 is our last “Second Chance” for America.
The leftist N. Y. Daily News laughed at people who prayed for the victims of the San Bernadino act of Islamic terrorism but they are just one major piece of toilet paper that is corroding our minds and will to resist.
Therefore I’d like to leave you with one thought,
“Guns can destroy lives; Communism, Liberalism, and Jihadist Islam can destroy your soul”.
Don’t pronounce it like “care,” instead make it sound muslim: ca ir/ kah EAR.
That sound would makes most red blooded americans seethe.
This is my mission, that the narrative audibly be changed. Please tell talk show hosts to pronounce it this way.
Cali need replacement of dead terrorist.
Amen. Kick them OUT! Keep them out! They’ve taken over Europe, now they want America.
The Koran commands them to conquer and dominate all nations on earth. Islam cannot co-exist with any other religion or nation.
Choice given to infidels: Convert, submit or die.
If they deny this, they’re lying. The Koran also commands them to lie.
I seen yer salute to Tennessee Ernie Ford in yer tagline fer sure!!! (grin)
Ya, I'll tell 'em to do that next time I call one...
Enemy islamists all.
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