Posted on 07/25/2015 6:44:42 AM PDT by pabianice
Nice job, "Tex"...
Good heart and mushy brain on this patriot's part.
tactical Ted is terrifically talented.
In order to remove Recruiting Centers as soft targets will unfortunately be to relocate them from shopping centers and malls to Secured Federal Buildings and Court Houses, National Guard and Reserve Armory’s and Military Installations. I don’t think arming Recruiters or trying to bullet proof offices is going to accomplish anything other than terrorists modifying their tactics. Moving them to these secure facilities will enable security and I don’t believe recruiting would suffer. As a side effect, they would probably save a lot of money too.
>>One of them has been charged with a misdemeanor after he accidentally fired his AR-15 rifle.
F’n moron!
"Why, shucks, fellas, it sure is good to be heah with y'all. Got to keep them A-rabs in line, y'know" [BAM!] "Well, gosh darn it, looks like I done fired mah assault rifle. Must be my magazine was too durn big. I surely hope they don't chase y'all away on account 'o me."
>>Moving them to these secure facilities will enable security and I dont believe recruiting would suffer.
When I joined the Navy in 1980, all the recruiters in my town were on the 3rd floor of the Federal Building. But, the DoD decided to move them to strip malls for accessibility. Unfortunately, accessibility means less security.
You are correct. Once upon a time Recruiting Centers were in Federal Buildings. They weren’t secure buildings back then, but they are now. We also have secure Court Houses, Guard and Reserve Armory’s and Military Installations.
Idiots with chambered rounds. The real reason they disarmed the military stateside. The military spends a pitiful little amount of time at the range or on gun handling. For most soldiers, basic training is about it. And they spend very little range time there. That’s the sad truth.
>>Idiots with chambered rounds. The real reason they disarmed the military stateside. The military spends a pitiful little amount of time at the range or on gun handling. For most soldiers, basic training is about it. And they spend very little range time there. Thats the sad truth.
Even when I was armed stateside (standing watch on my submarine), we never chambered a round unless a threat was visible. I keep seeing videos of these “guards” and in every one, they keep fingering the fire selector and I kept thinking, “these guys probably have a round chambered and there is going to be an accident”.
Idiot with chambered round, safety off and abominable trigger discipline.
It’s 1. A ridiculous proposition that you were ordered to stand guard without a loaded weapon ready to fire, and 2. Sad that you still appear to be suffering lingering effects of lousy leadership, policy and training.
My .02
>>Its 1. A ridiculous proposition that you were ordered to stand guard without a loaded weapon ready to fire, and 2. Sad that you still appear to be suffering lingering effects of lousy leadership, policy and training.
ROFLMAO. The pistol was in a holster with a flap. It only takes a second to chamber a round and that can be done on the draw. If you don’t have a second to chamber a round, then you obviously weren’t paying attention to your post. I’m sorry that your training was so poor that you can’t understand the full requirements of watchstanding. There’s a lot more to it than holding and stroking a gun.
Heck, the gov funds planned parenthood, maybe they should fund the NRA to train our military ( and ex military) on proper gun handling.
Well ya gotta keep that safety on and that finger off the trigger. But IMO better a couple of accidental discharges that a bunch of service people slaughtered.
>>Heck, the gov funds planned parenthood, maybe they should fund the NRA to train our military ( and ex military) on proper gun handling.
The problem is that Hollywood gives most Americans their gun-handling knowledge. Even with real training, they drop back into the habits learned from a thousand action movies as soon as they leave the supervision of an instructor.
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