>>Heck, the gov funds planned parenthood, maybe they should fund the NRA to train our military ( and ex military) on proper gun handling.
The problem is that Hollywood gives most Americans their gun-handling knowledge. Even with real training, they drop back into the habits learned from a thousand action movies as soon as they leave the supervision of an instructor.
That is a sad commentary. My gun training started very early with my Dad, as I come from a generation when young boys wore holsters with cap guns and cowboy hats and boots.
The problem is that Hollywood gives most Americans their gun-handling knowledge.
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You mean that one can’t take a CZ75, hold it sideways in your hand and accurately mow people down?
You mean that one cowboy (White Hat) on horseback with TWO sixguns ablazing can’t pick off the bad guys (Black Hat) firing at him on the ridge with rifles by pulling the trigger about 50 times each?
Whoda thunk.
I NEVER thought Superman could fly either.
Chris Rock had the ‘right idea’ years ago when he suggested the way to stop drivebys was to charge 500 bucks per bullet.
He said that way the shooter would ID his target and just shoot him, saving a ton of money and innocent people wouldn’t be mowed down with the excess shots as no one would be able to afford it.