It’s 1. A ridiculous proposition that you were ordered to stand guard without a loaded weapon ready to fire, and 2. Sad that you still appear to be suffering lingering effects of lousy leadership, policy and training.
My .02
>>Its 1. A ridiculous proposition that you were ordered to stand guard without a loaded weapon ready to fire, and 2. Sad that you still appear to be suffering lingering effects of lousy leadership, policy and training.
ROFLMAO. The pistol was in a holster with a flap. It only takes a second to chamber a round and that can be done on the draw. If you don’t have a second to chamber a round, then you obviously weren’t paying attention to your post. I’m sorry that your training was so poor that you can’t understand the full requirements of watchstanding. There’s a lot more to it than holding and stroking a gun.
Proper training and weapons discipline are the answer, not a policy that directly impacts the ability to respond to an imminent threat.
Sad that we are even having to discuss the weapons readiness posture of CIVILIANS who are volunteering their time to provide additional security at a MILITARY facility of any stripe...