1 posted on
07/25/2015 6:44:42 AM PDT by
To: pabianice
Civilian guards ordered to leave [recruiting station] after one accidentally fires rifleNice job, "Tex"...
2 posted on
07/25/2015 6:46:25 AM PDT by
(Communists... Socialists... Democrats...Traitors... Who can tell the difference?)
To: pabianice
Good heart and mushy brain on this patriot's part.
3 posted on
07/25/2015 6:46:35 AM PDT by
(Where in the the hell has my country gone?)
To: pabianice
4 posted on
07/25/2015 6:49:16 AM PDT by
(There are no coincidences)
To: pabianice
In order to remove Recruiting Centers as soft targets will unfortunately be to relocate them from shopping centers and malls to Secured Federal Buildings and Court Houses, National Guard and Reserve Armory’s and Military Installations. I don’t think arming Recruiters or trying to bullet proof offices is going to accomplish anything other than terrorists modifying their tactics. Moving them to these secure facilities will enable security and I don’t believe recruiting would suffer. As a side effect, they would probably save a lot of money too.
To: pabianice
>>One of them has been charged with a misdemeanor after he accidentally fired his AR-15 rifle.
F’n moron!
7 posted on
07/25/2015 6:52:00 AM PDT by
(Sic semper tyrannis)
To: pabianice
I just wonder if some Obama supporter might have shown up with an AR-15 and pulled a good ol' boy routine:
"Why, shucks, fellas, it sure is good to be heah with y'all. Got to keep them A-rabs in line, y'know" [BAM!] "Well, gosh darn it, looks like I done fired mah assault rifle. Must be my magazine was too durn big. I surely hope they don't chase y'all away on account 'o me."
8 posted on
07/25/2015 6:54:13 AM PDT by
(Henry Bowman where are you?)
To: pabianice
11 posted on
07/25/2015 7:05:01 AM PDT by
(Section 20.)
To: pabianice
Well ya gotta keep that safety on and that finger off the trigger. But IMO better a couple of accidental discharges that a bunch of service people slaughtered.
19 posted on
07/25/2015 7:53:59 AM PDT by
Georgia Girl 2
(The only purpose o f a pistol is to fight your way back to the rifle you should never have dropped.)
To: pabianice
“Accidentally” is a poor choice of words. “Negligently” would have been much more accurate and appropriate.
32 posted on
07/25/2015 9:01:11 AM PDT by
(Islam delenda est)
To: pabianice
Others should come and replace them.
39 posted on
07/25/2015 9:32:25 AM PDT by
(Obama lies, Granny dies.)
To: pabianice
Hmmm...Maybe an Acorn-type infiltrator doing it’s job?
43 posted on
07/25/2015 11:55:57 AM PDT by
(Where is another agitator for republicanism like Sam Adams when we need him?)
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