Posted on 05/07/2010 9:01:18 PM PDT by PilotDave
Here's a link to the Anderson Cooper 360 interview on tonight with Ltc Latkin. He's the Army doctor who has refused to deploy based on Obama's inelegibility for POTUS per article 2 of USCON.
Did quite a bit of research on the African terminology when this first came out. Let’s see how much I recall.
In the original Dutch colonies the term Afrikan was used to designate those that were from original tribes , and another term used for those of mixed heritage. Another term was used for the white.
SInce Kenya was originally a dutch colony, it is possible that on the tansfer of information (possibly cable) from Kenya to HI, they used the term African to designate the race.
That is one explanation of why it was used.
What all have you looked at from my site?
Cooper was waving around the proven fake COLB and representing it as real.
He was pulling a ‘Dan Rather’ on his audience.
We need to raise hell with CNN for allowing him to perpetrate this fraud.
Demand that CNN fire Cooper and apologize to it’s viewing audience.
If this will let me copy, I’ll put the page here.
Hmm. Looks like it won’t copy here. That is the government website that I gave the link for. It’s a PDF file. Do the rest of the pages show?
I have reported the DHOH communications which prove that the Factcheck COLB is a forgery to just about every news outlet I can think of. They are plugging their ears and screaming as loudly as possible so they can say they didn’t know they were dead wrong.
They’re treasonous snakes. All of them. Including Fox News and Wall Street Journal, who are perhaps even worse than the rest because they wouldn’t let ANYBODY say the information I have on their websites.
As far as your legal research, we have a difference of opinion that can only be decided by the US Supreme Court, what you think or I think doesn’t amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world.
Under the Supreme Court’s tradition of “the rule of four,” it takes four of the nine justices to agree to hear a case before the full court. I guess no four justices have agreed to hear any of those lawsuits.
You sound many times like S.T., is she you mother???
Therefore you seem to be asserting that the FactCheck online COLB image is in fact “his” (presumably meaning “Obama’s”) COLB. Are you not making a logical leap of faith here? Where and when did Obama swear on penalty of perjury (in which jurisdiction) that the FactCheck COLB image is an authentic COLB? If you are claiming that a digitized image published on the internet can not be analyzed to determine whether or not the original, hard copy is a forgery, then it seems as if it should follow that a digitized image published on the internet can not be analyzed to determine whether or not the original, hard copy is authentic, either. An image is just that, an image. It seems to me that this is the reason why, when stopped for a traffic violation, most of us can’t get away with “just kindly look at my driver’s license on the internet, officer, for prima facie evidence of my identity and my license to drive an auto.”
Do you really think that any court of law would use the image of Obama’s COLB as opposed to getting a copy of the ORIGINAL COLB directly from the state of Hawaii since that state has already verified that Obama was born there?
“I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawaii State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago.”—July 27, 2009
If any court of law ever wants to see Obama’s birth doucments for themselves, Obama will give his permission for the state of Hawaii to forward a copy to that Court along with a sworn and notarized statement from Dr. Fukino, Director of the State Health Department.
My point is that all of us need to contact CNN and complain about the deliberate fraud of Anderson Cooper. And we also need to convey that Anderson Cooper pulled a ‘Dan Rather’ to all the networks and newspapers.
Thousands and thousands of complaints to all the networks and newspapers MAY get the attention this issue deserves.
Each complaint should contain 3 facts:
1. The Obama COLB has never been legally authenticated.
2. The Obama COLB has been proven a hoax, a photoshopped fake which when presented as authentic is evidence of fraud.
3. A COLB can NOT be LEGAL proof of anything because it is not the original long form birth certificate or certified copy thereof.
A sharp attorney could file charges of fraud by CNN and Cooper with the proper State AG and end the COLB defense once and for all.
I agree.
Pelosi also could have seen a copy of the real thing, but you know what? The HDOH has confirmed that she never even asked to see it.
She swore an oath that he is Constitutionally eligible to be POTUS without even checking his age and citizenship status.
Should a court be concerned that Pelosi perjured herself? Why or why not? Should the fact that Pelosi perjured herself have some bearing on whether Obama was ever legally certified as POTUS - since it was based on a lie?
LOL, you don't know who S.T. is???
She is the one that JimR and mods slaps on the hands, when she spams here in tandem with you!!!
Any particular reason you repeated your post to me three times?
Most pages are blank.
Just the fact that he did the analysis of a digital image published on the internet is proof enough to anyone who understands the process.
Pelosi also could have seen a copy of the real thing, but you know what? The HDOH has confirmed that she never even asked to see it.
She swore an oath that he is Constitutionally eligible to be POTUS without even checking his age and citizenship status.
Should a court be concerned that Pelosi perjured herself? Why or why not? Should the fact that Pelosi perjured herself have some bearing on whether Obama was ever legally certified as POTUS - since it was based on a lie?
US law places the responsibility on Congress to NOT certify the Electoral College votes of any candidate who is illegal or any illegal members of the Electoral College. Congress did not fulfill that responsibility. Any one member of the House and any one Senator could have challenged Obama’s Electoral votes at the Joint Session of Congress held to count and certify the electoral votes. No member of Congress submitted the required written objections and Vice President Cheney certified Obama as the officially elected candidate.
It is still the ulitimate responsibility of the chief election official of each state to ensure that only eligible candidates are on the ballot. In most states that official is the Secretary of State.
Both Alan Keyes and Leo Donofrio attempted to sue state election officials, but to no avail.
LOL, you don’t know who S.T. is???
She is the one that JimR and mods slaps on the hands, when she spams here in tandem with you!!!
Number one is a fact; two and three are not.
Obama presumably signed a document avowing Constitutional eligibility in Hawaii and Arizona, but those would conflict with his having been “native born”. Since they are claimed (and required) in only two states, it remains to be seen whether Obama’s legal team hasn't already a contingency.
Because his books and public statements as well as the Kenyan government identify Obama II as the son of Obama I, and because he (or Bill Ayers) have described his discovery of his birth certificate among Toot’s belongings, he must be assumed to know who his father is. Knowing he was ineligible, running for and attaining the office knowing he was ineligible, but later discovering that he was born of another father raises some messy legal issues. The intent to defraud is just a naive guess. That Obama has told us he doesn't believe the Constitution is relevant might also be used, but Obama took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution.
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