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To: jamese777

Pelosi also could have seen a copy of the real thing, but you know what? The HDOH has confirmed that she never even asked to see it.

She swore an oath that he is Constitutionally eligible to be POTUS without even checking his age and citizenship status.

Should a court be concerned that Pelosi perjured herself? Why or why not? Should the fact that Pelosi perjured herself have some bearing on whether Obama was ever legally certified as POTUS - since it was based on a lie?

171 posted on 05/08/2010 2:02:27 PM PDT by butterdezillion
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To: butterdezillion

Pelosi also could have seen a copy of the real thing, but you know what? The HDOH has confirmed that she never even asked to see it.

She swore an oath that he is Constitutionally eligible to be POTUS without even checking his age and citizenship status.

Should a court be concerned that Pelosi perjured herself? Why or why not? Should the fact that Pelosi perjured herself have some bearing on whether Obama was ever legally certified as POTUS - since it was based on a lie?

Then someone should go ahead and indict Pelosi for perjury.

US law places the responsibility on Congress to NOT certify the Electoral College votes of any candidate who is illegal or any illegal members of the Electoral College. Congress did not fulfill that responsibility. Any one member of the House and any one Senator could have challenged Obama’s Electoral votes at the Joint Session of Congress held to count and certify the electoral votes. No member of Congress submitted the required written objections and Vice President Cheney certified Obama as the officially elected candidate.

It is still the ulitimate responsibility of the chief election official of each state to ensure that only eligible candidates are on the ballot. In most states that official is the Secretary of State.

Both Alan Keyes and Leo Donofrio attempted to sue state election officials, but to no avail.

177 posted on 05/08/2010 2:56:58 PM PDT by jamese777
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