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To: RebelTex

I have reported the DHOH communications which prove that the Factcheck COLB is a forgery to just about every news outlet I can think of. They are plugging their ears and screaming as loudly as possible so they can say they didn’t know they were dead wrong.

They’re treasonous snakes. All of them. Including Fox News and Wall Street Journal, who are perhaps even worse than the rest because they wouldn’t let ANYBODY say the information I have on their websites.

165 posted on 05/08/2010 12:54:04 PM PDT by butterdezillion
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To: butterdezillion

My point is that all of us need to contact CNN and complain about the deliberate fraud of Anderson Cooper. And we also need to convey that Anderson Cooper pulled a ‘Dan Rather’ to all the networks and newspapers.

Thousands and thousands of complaints to all the networks and newspapers MAY get the attention this issue deserves.

Each complaint should contain 3 facts:

1. The Obama COLB has never been legally authenticated.
2. The Obama COLB has been proven a hoax, a photoshopped fake which when presented as authentic is evidence of fraud.
3. A COLB can NOT be LEGAL proof of anything because it is not the original long form birth certificate or certified copy thereof.

A sharp attorney could file charges of fraud by CNN and Cooper with the proper State AG and end the COLB defense once and for all.

169 posted on 05/08/2010 1:30:57 PM PDT by RebelTex (FREEDOM IS EVERYONE'S RIGHT! AND EVERYONE'S RESPONSIBILITY!)
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