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SS Screwup Takes My SS Check Away
FreeRepublic ^ | 8/21/21 | Chuck Ness

Posted on 08/21/2021 1:39:50 PM PDT by OneVike

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I ask that you please bear with me as get something off my chest. I have been somewhat calm, yet quietly angry inside for the last 5 years. However,
something happened today that is finally making my frustration meter reach the ballistic stage. Before I start going Rambo on some bureaucrats, I need to
get this all off my chest. This will be long, but what I am sharing with you is what my life has been like in the last 5 years.

I turn 65 on September 17, next Month. Now I have been collecting my SS check for 3 years, and in less than one Month I am set to begin getting my well
earned medical insurance which I qualify for at 65. Yet I received this letter today from the SS administration. In it, they never tell me what information they
need. Yet they already passed judgement. Allow me to rant as I offer some history.

Thanks to Obamacare, I lost my private insurance 5 years ago after I turned 60. Until then I had above average insurance policy my employer offered at very
little cost to me, because they graciously picked up 95% of the cost of the premiums. Well after 30 plus years my insurance was terminated when the
company premiums went up to over $500 a Month. Plus they were facing another increase come 2017. Thanks to Obamacare, after about 3 years of
escalating costs, the company was spending over $million a year for employee insurance.

Well, instead of paying the exuberant premiums the small family operation was forced to close shop. This left me and all other employees without a job and
no insurance. They gave us a severance stipend, but at 60, I was expecting to retire in 5 years in a much better situation financially. All that was
gone. Wiped out by Obamacare.

So on January 1, 2017 I lost my $50,000 plus a year job, my great insurance, and met expected retirement. . So for the last 5 years I have struggled to get
work, and I had no insurance. I did had my IRA money to help make ends meet, but that was supposed to be my retirement, and I did not expect to tap into it
for some time. OK. like everyone back then I did my share of complaining, but I put it all in God's hands. My wife who is a paraplegic has never worked, so
between her disability benefits and what jobs I could find we managed to eek out an existence. Our home was paid for, so I was not in as bad of shape as

As I watched my nested become smaller by the Month, come 2018 I decided I needed to start collecting my SS retirement check early, and it helped us out.
Then later that year in November, the Campfire burned down town of Paradise California. Paradise was 8 miles from our home, and as we watched the fire
burn we wondered if we would lose everything. Fortunately for us it never advanced towards us. Now I originally figured I would retire early, since we owned
our home, and just spend our leisure years taking it easy. A little less perky, but retired just the same. However, the fire changed everything. Then after the
town of Paradise burned down leaving thousands of friends homeless or out of work, we decided it was time to leave the state.

So we sold our house. Mind you, we could have sold our house for almost $200,000 more than it was worth, since many people who lost everything
started bidding wars for any old house being sold. However, being a good Christian, we sold it for what the market value was before the fire. We were not
going to benefit from someone else's misery. The sale of the house was finalized before we could find a suitable place in Idaho, but even though the sale was
final, we had an agreement with the new owners that we would not leave until we found a place in Idaho. Figuring it would not take long.

Well, it took longer than we expected. So we packed everything up in one of the biggest rental trucks we could find, which was twice the going rate
because everyone one was abandoning CA. We ended up staying in a motel for a Month before we found a home. I want you to picture us in a motel room
with two 120 pound German shepherds. Every noise caused them to bark. They finally moved us as far away from the office and other rooms as possible
because of the dogs, and even threatened to kick us out. I believe they would have if it were not for the fact my wife is a paraplegic and needs a wheel chair
and handicap accessible room. It would not have been go PR for that. So they put up with us and our dogs for the Month.

At the time, a decent home in Idaho was going for an average of about $150,000 to $300,000 each. However do to a housing shortage because of the
influx of people moving to Idaho, bidding wars began happening, and houses were disappearing off the market as fast as they went on the market. Soon the
the average price of a decent home jumped to $280,000 to $400,00 each. So while I was the niece guy when we sold our home, we ended up paying almost
as much for a home in Idaho that we sold our home for in CA.

I had originally expected to have extra money after the move. Unfortunately we ended up about even, with a home that was not nearly worth what we
were forced to pay. We did end up purchasing a brand new home however, but we also sacrificed some things we wanted. We ended up 50 Miles North of
Boise in Payette ID on the Idaho/ Oregon border. Right where the Payette and the Snake rivers converge. I figure God is in control, so we moved in and started
making the best of things.

I got a job across the border in Oregon as a driver for a company that delivers invalids and elderly to and from Dr apointments. It was a perfect job for an
older guy who just drove around transferring patients. from p[lace to place. I loved it, and I always get along with people so I was perfect for the job. However,
because the company deals with Idaho and Oregon, the state with the most extreme regulations is the one the company must abide by. In this cased Idaho
has more stringent regulations than Oregon. Yea, shocked me to. Well after about 6 Month I was called into the office one day and told they had to let me go.
Turns out I could not keep the job because of a long ago forgotten conviction of contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

The minor in question was my wife. Back in 1987, we were on a road trip in Montana, drinking some beer and having a good time of it. My problem was I
did not know the driver was as drunk as she was. Or back then I didn't care. Stop, I know. Well my future wife an I were passengers in the back seat of the car
when the driver missed a curve and drove right off a 35 foot embankment. The car flipped and eventually landed on all fours in the thicket of weeds and
bushes right next two a pretty good sized creek. It was just about a mile from Norris Hot Springs.

Well the driver was ejected and broke her neck. She died instantly. My girlfriend was ejected and landed on the bank of the river, breaking her back
and severing her spina cord. To this day she is a paraplegic. We got married a few years later. Mind you, we have been together now for 34 years since that
accident happened. Now, because I was over age, and the girl who was driving was under the drinking age, I was convicted of contributing to the delinquency
of a minor. OH, I did not purchase any alcohol, the driver did, but I was a passenger and the authorities needed a pound of flesh, and they got from me.

As I said it was near Norris Hot Springs which itself is like 20 miles from Virginia City Montana. At the trial I plead guilty, what could I do, by law I was. Now
the judge told me if plead the case, and kept my nose clean for a year the conviction would be expunged from my record. So I did, since then I figured it was
long forgotten. However, 32 years later I found out they never expunged my record. Gee, what a shock. Now Idaho tells me I can never work around children,
the elderly, and neither can I ever work for any medical establishment in the State of Idaho, and since Oregon mimics Idaho's more stringent rules I can never
work in those positions in Oregon either. So, I lost the job.

A Life Changing Road Trip
an account of the facts I
wrote about the accident

Things were beginning to pile up. So I decided to apply for a disability. See I have been diagnosed as being legally deaf, because a birth defect in my ears
makes it difficult to hear in situations when there are a lot of other noises. The noises do not have to be real extreme. Its the combination of noises that
confuse my ears. Interestingly, back in 1973, the military did not notice, because back then the military did not do intensive ear exams. Until I was almost 58 I
never knew I had a problem. Oh I knew I did not hear as good as others, but never knew it was as bad as it was until years later. My wife, family, and friends all
used to tell me I should have my ears tested, and maybe get a hearing aid. Me? I am hard headed so I refused to admit it was that bad. Besides, I was real
good at reading lips in certain situations where external noises made it difficult.

Well I finally caved and got my ears tested. Turns out I am deaf to many sounds I never knew existed. Now I know why the music from a portable radio
sounds as good to me as an expensive stereo does to others. The expensive ones are a waste of money for people with bad hearing. Turns out my problem is
with deciphering certain tones. As the meter tracks what I hear, the meter reaches a certain point and it drops like a rock. At one point I respond that I can
hear the tone, the next point I hear nothing. I remember wondering why the tester took so to give me another beep. Later I asked the doctor, "I guess I need a
hearing aid huh?" To which the doctor tells me that a hearing aid will not help me, because what is wrong is that something is missing in my ear. I was born
with a defect that no one knew, because I never complained.

See I growing up with 7 brothers and sisters, there was always someone talking or fighting, with the radio playing or noise from the television. Everyone
just figured I was a quiet kid, and even a bit slow. Years later they realized I have an above average IQ, and they were the slow ones not me. I just though
everyone heard like me. I do know that because of other noises I started reading lips to go along with sounds I could understand and it worked. I still do. I
have been accused of refusing to look people in the eyes, when in fact I look at their lips to properly understand the words I am hearing.

So I asked my doctor. "So tell me, does this mean I cannot hear certain sounds and maybe even struggle hearing some people speak?" To which he tells
me, "well Mr Ness, in rooms with a lot of people you may not be able to properly understand what people talking about. Plus some peoples voices could be at
a such tone which is indistinhuishable to your ears. If your back is turned from them you will hear, but may misunderstand what you hear." Now I know why I
never enjoyed concerts, bars scenes, or big parties.

I then asked the Dr "So tell me Doc, does that mean that some women's voices might be harder for me to hear properly?" To which he shook his head and
said, "OH sure, that is very good possibility." So I then asked him, "Could you write that down so I can explain it to my wife, and could you send a copy to my
two ex-wives?" He laughed and asked, "Do you really think they will believe me?" " I replied, "My present wife might". Later I told her, and she shrugged it off
by claiming I just wanted an excuse as too why I ignore her. OH well.

So back to me applying for disability. Because after my financial troubles of losing the job I decided to apply for disability insurance. After all, it was the
government who screwed me over with Obamacare, and while I hate taking something for free, they owe me this time. So I applied. Three Months later I
received a letter from them that I was denied because the value of my IRA was too high and that my income level had to drops below $10,000 before I would
be eligible for disability payments.

Now I was back to square one. Well, at least I was making ends meet. So I began doing handyman jobs and while I was new to Idaho I was able to do some
jobs. Although they were few and far between. I figured in time my reputation would be built and I would get some good work. Them one day I was helping a
contractor do some work, and while I was coming down off a ladder, it seems someone pulled the air hose which pulled the air compressor to the bottom of
the ladder. I did not see it, and tripped backwards taking the full brunt of the fall right on my high elbow. It cracked like a watermelon, and swelled up like one

Well, NO INSURANCE. and I was getting paid cash, so no compensation neither. This would cost me out a lot of money I scarcely had to spend. What with
emergency room bill, x-rays, MRI's, and follow up Dr appointments it started draining what expendable funds we had. So I started dipping into my IRA again. I
was already a newcomer to the area with little friends and fewer contacts, and add in the fact that most people want younger workers, things were looking
bleak now because I was out of work for 6 Months heading into the Winter. Add to the fact I am turning 65 soon, and most want to hire younger men.

Then just as I thought I thought I could get back out looking for jobs to do, Trump was tricked into shutting down the country. Now things took a turn
for the worse. Once things started opening up I was able to find some jobs. Thank God. Then one by one I began getting calls from clients that the price of
materials were too high for them to do what they wanted to do. So again, being the new guy around, those who had long standing reputations in the area
were sucking up what jobs were still available.

So long story I know, but I wanted to set things up so you can truly appreciate my frustration and anger.

All the while, ever since we moved to Idaho, one of my prize AKC German Shepherds has been dealing with a weird rash on her stomach that has had us
returning to the Vet for tests and ongoing pills to fix. Eventually they diagnosed her an auto immune problem that makes her allergic to something in the
ground where we live. They tell us that it is something that other dogs in this are are suffering from. Now sadly, many have put their dogs down because they
cannot afford the costs of medication and vet bills. One guy had two bull dogs he dropped off at the shelter, which in turn they had to put down.

You heard about the "Boy In A The Bubble?" Well we have a dog that needs a bubble it seems. Her vet bills has run into the thousands of dollars in the
last year alone, and they are no closer to solving the problem. She is fine after taking steroid pills, but then within a Month we are back at the vet with the
same. problem.

I know, I know, put a bullet in her head and bury her. That is the harsh fix I get from some friends believe it or not. However, my wife and I have no
children. I have children and grandchildren from my first two wives, but in the 34 years with my wife, Sharee, she has never gotten pregnant. So her
children are our shepherds, and I would no sooner put them down over financial troubles than I would a teenage girl or boy. Yet, I know I cannot lastforever without some relief.

So I turn 65 next Month and I am finally going to get relief by getting my medicare insurance started. With every passing Month we seem to be hit with more unexpected expenses. Mind you my IRA which kept me from getting disability has now almost shrunk to the point that I may soon be eligible for disability.

After I finished walking the dogs by the river, I checked the mailbox and pulledl out this letter from the SS Administration, that tells me I will not be receiving my SS
check. I'm like, EXCUSE ME?!!! That is not all though. While I have yet to start my medicare, the letter goes on to tell me they will still charge me for my medicare premium.

As I said in the beginning, I have been somewhat calm, yet quietly angry inside for the last 5 years. However, my level of frustration has finally reached the
ballistic stage. Mind you, there are other things I could add about what my wife has gone through, but those are more expected considering her condition.
Her problems come from the accident we were in 34 years ago. So I cannot lay those at the feet of anyone but us. I just wanted to share the many things that
have frustrated me in the last 5 years since the Obama virus infected my world in late 2016. If things do not change soon, I swear I am going to go Rambo on
some bureaucrats. If I lose my Monthly SS check, it could be devastating to us.

I have never been one to worry the sky is falling, but take a stroll in my shoes and you may understand why I begin to start worrying that one day I will
need to have some type of life altering procedure done, but because I refuse to get a vaccines shot that the hospital with blackmail me into getting one. Then
due to an adverse reaction, I'll end up drooling on myself while sitting in the corner of a room at the county hospital half comatose for the last 15 years of men
life, If I live that long. While my wife is left alone with having to care for herself.

By the way, while In have had my share of injuries through my life, I have never been one to get sick. Me getting sick is a 24 hour bug that I am over with
faster than it takes to sleep at times. Never in my life have I ever gotten flu shots, and I do not plan on starting now. Not with some illness that has a higher
survivability rate than a baby in the womb does these days, and I do not see them cracking don on abortions.. In the last year there have been 650,000
abortions in America, while 9,300,000 females of child bearing ages has taken the morning after pill. Sorry, but there has not been more than 10,000,000
people ending up dead form the damn KungFlu.

So, I now will go down to the SS office on Monday and try my best to be kind enough not to be kicked out as I try to get to the bottom of this SS problem

Thanks for listening to my rant. I feel much better now.

TOPICS: Conspiracy; Health/Medicine; Miscellaneous; Society
KEYWORDS: 64; anotherstupidvanity; cantaffordtoretire; freeper; getajob; getarealjob; getbacktowork; government; notworking; omgmakethisstop; onevike; retirement; socialsecurity; ss; startabusiness; thatssocialismforyou; tldr; unemployed; vanity; youneedincomenotss; youneedmoreincome
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To: OneVike

You might not like the idea of charity, but have you considered requesting aid from your local church? Many have food banks and other assistance programs that can help you financially.

21 posted on 08/21/2021 2:23:31 PM PDT by Angelino97
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To: OneVike

love you brother! you know you’re in my prayers.

22 posted on 08/21/2021 2:27:47 PM PDT by dadfly
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To: TangoLimaSierra

TL;BSR. Too Long But Still Read.

Dealing with bureaucracy has to be the worse experience ever. Hope your meeting goes well. At least not so bad as jail time for acting like I would.
You said it absolutely correctly. My life is more like his has been than not and I don’t like to admit it. But it has had moments like a horror story. Yet I I have found there is no point in mulling something over and over and over with no resolution though I have mulled murder, accidents, poisoning, etc. of my enemies. I think “The Seat of the Soul” by Gary Zukav has enlightened my Buddhist soul adequately for me to “get by” until my soul departs.

23 posted on 08/21/2021 2:30:08 PM PDT by Bodega (Ready to secede now before it's too late.)
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To: OneVike

You’re a veteran. When my ins. went sky-high at work, I dropped it and went with the VA

24 posted on 08/21/2021 2:35:02 PM PDT by roving
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To: OneVike

Man, that’s a heavy load bro, best success in getting it resolved.

As distasteful as it sounds, there are times in our system where you need to let the liberals work FOR you. What I mean is, people who work in SSA typically chose to work there because they like “helping people” and showing their compassion and all that. They love nothing better than to come down like a ton of bricks on cheaters but in your case, they ought to want to be on your side, so let them. Avoid any political remarks and just emphasize what you need and what do you have to do to get it. They’re well aware of how bureaucracies work and (or don’t) and the quicker you can get them working for you the better off you’ll be.

And SSA isn’t “socialism” in the classic sense, you’ve paid in for years so now you deserve to get what’s coming. Hope you do and without delay.

25 posted on 08/21/2021 2:37:18 PM PDT by bigbob
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To: OneVike

I used to be on the phones at SS, 2014-2016.

Call on Weds late morning/afternoon or late morning/early afternoon Thursday. Not Monday and not Friday.

You can ask for a supervisor if the first person seems to not be helpful. Stay calm but persistent. Insist that the call be escalated if there is a problem. Stay calm. Be prepared to spend some time waiting on the phone and actually on the phone with someone. Just leave a good chunk of time open when you call just in case..... One or two hours. I would leave myself a 2 hour window.

26 posted on 08/21/2021 2:39:40 PM PDT by Az Joe (FREE CHAUVIN!)
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To: OneVike

Un malheur ne vient jamais seul.

27 posted on 08/21/2021 2:46:49 PM PDT by aspasia
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To: Angelino97

We will be fine. I still have enough of my IRA left too make it.

28 posted on 08/21/2021 2:49:25 PM PDT by OneVike (Just another Christian waiting to go home)
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To: dadfly

Thanks my brother.

29 posted on 08/21/2021 2:49:49 PM PDT by OneVike (Just another Christian waiting to go home)
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To: roving

Yes, I have considered that also,

Thanks brother

30 posted on 08/21/2021 2:51:14 PM PDT by OneVike (Just another Christian waiting to go home)
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To: OneVike

That’s one long sad story. I am truly sorry for all you’ve gone through. I’m praying for you Chuck and hope things get better for you.

31 posted on 08/21/2021 2:52:14 PM PDT by plain talk
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To: bigbob

Thanks a lot BigBob. God bless you and thanks for the heartfelt advice.

32 posted on 08/21/2021 2:52:38 PM PDT by OneVike (Just another Christian waiting to go home)
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To: OneVike

In a few weeks, SS checks will be withheld until the recipients get the clot shot.

33 posted on 08/21/2021 2:52:44 PM PDT by Old Yeller (We're a nation of surprisingly talented people run by the least talented of us.)
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To: OneVike
I read it all. You've had a tough lot lately, and it seems the devil has taken full control of the U.S. Take heart and be not afraid. Get involved in a church and do as much volunteer work as possible, it will keep you busy and you'll be surprised at how many good people who can help you that you'll meet.

I doubt you believe your suffering is so God can be given 100% credit for your miraculous survival and recovery. But that's what we're here for. It promised, your suffering idnt for you but to glorify Him.

34 posted on 08/21/2021 2:53:06 PM PDT by Ikeon (The second amendment isnt there for the govt to interpret! )
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To: Az Joe

Thanks for the advice AZ, Everyone has been most helpful and understandable.

35 posted on 08/21/2021 2:53:36 PM PDT by OneVike (Just another Christian waiting to go home)
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To: OneVike

Make an appointment and go there. Phone calls do not solve problems.

36 posted on 08/21/2021 2:56:11 PM PDT by Sacajaweau
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To: aspasia

Yes, and right now I am in a deluge.

But heck, I could be stuck in Kabul trying to avoid the Taliban

37 posted on 08/21/2021 2:57:30 PM PDT by OneVike (Just another Christian waiting to go home)
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To: Old Yeller

That is a scary thought, but one that must be considered.

38 posted on 08/21/2021 2:58:12 PM PDT by OneVike (Just another Christian waiting to go home)
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To: OneVike

I am so sorry you are going through this. Would an SS attorney help? Online they say no payment unless they get $$$ for you.

39 posted on 08/21/2021 2:58:49 PM PDT by PghBaldy (12/14 - 930am -rampage begins... 12/15 - 1030am - Obama's advance team scouts photo-op locations.)
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To: Sacajaweau

Yes I will be going down in person

40 posted on 08/21/2021 2:58:57 PM PDT by OneVike (Just another Christian waiting to go home)
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