Posted on 07/04/2020 8:34:34 AM PDT by the OlLine Rebel
What does everyone gather regarding long-term negative effects on COVID patients health?
Ive seen some mention occasionally but not much.
My brother, ever the paranoid, is bringing up how we have to be super careful about this virus because there may be lots of organ damage, etc, for even a healthy young person having it.
Basically, he doesnt want to deal with fall-out from COVID for the rest of my life.
Anyone have opinions on this or summarize whats been stated? Any articles?
I just got over it. I am fine. No long term damage. Not even short term except I am still don’t have my sense of smell and taste back 100%> The people who have long term damage are the people who would have that damage if they had a bad case of penumonia. My gentleman friend is in the hospital now. He has it. (He gave it to me). He has COPD he is 72 years old. In March he had pneumonia and he almost died. It was terrible. This COVID thing doesn’t even come close to that. This is my experience only.
The small number of people who have had permanent damage is similar to the number of people who have had significant damage from other serious lung-affecting flus, and a lot less than the number of people who got permanent damage from small pox or Lyme Disease.
It is a crime for those panic-mongers to suggest that such damage is to be routine expected.
How can there even be stories of “long term damage” when the entire episode is about 4 months old?
If there was serious long-term damage, the MSM would be incessantly talking about it. The fact that they are not is telling.
Hi. Im so sorry you all are going through this! Sounds like your SO is suffering in the hospital; is it worse than the previous pneumonia or not?
How do you know you dont have long-term? Even kidney damage was mentioned, e.g.
I dont mean to be rude, but I just dont know how anyone knows yet about long-term, and I doubt everyone gets thorough scans and tests to see if everything is as well as it was prior to COVID!
Im just trying to find out if this is a valid concern.
I doubt anyone will be able to tell you much about that for the next 5 years or so. Until then its just a guess.
I had a bad, bad cold (maybe it was flu, who knows) once where I had inflammation of the outer heart muscle that tired me, a very, very irritated spot in the throat from coughing that itself made me cough more, lingering lung inflammation, diminished taste and smell, and a scratching rough patch on my eye.
It all went away by the start of spring.
None of that laid me up as much as what happened to me the year earlier when I bruised the tendon on my big toe.
Getting the cold and the incident that caused the toe injury occurred the same month of the year, but it was well into summer before I could take a decent walk for exercise and to regain my general strength that was diminished from not being able to walk as much and as quickly as one should in order to keep healthy.
One person here, with scientific genetic background and knowledge of watching to see the long term issues with fertility.
I knew a woman who had the flu (in June!) some years back who let things go because she was upset at her husband just passing away.
She ended up in the ICU and on dialysis and was told she would have long-term kidney and heart damage. Her scans and test showed damage still existed months later.
A year later her scans showed a healthy heart and kidneys.
I am finding that the long term problems relate to microembolisms.
Here is April 20th article from ABC News about covid clots.
From the WSJ
In short, this isn't just the flu for some people and health needs to be monitored thereafter. It's as if someone engineered it to be nasty...
How is Fred Cuomo doing?
No change. He’s still an a-hole...
You’re right.. All I can tell you is I feel fine. I am not going to worry about the future. I am a County elected official, and we are not hearing anything about longer term or permanent damage. My SO is not suffering. He’s actually doing great. It’s his breathing which was not good before so they are being very prudent and watching him. Like I said, this isn’t even close to how sick he was when he had pneumonia. We almost lost him.
I believe Fredo made that whole thing up.
Ask the ChiComs to share that data with you.
Most Americans who had this virus and survived are doing fine.
Some of us might have had it from Thanksgiving on.
We don’t know anyone, who has had this virus except for an 80+ year old mother of a woman we know. That 80 year+ lady was in a NJ nursing, developed pneumonia and sent to a hospital. She was diagnosed somehow as a CV+ and was sent by to the nursing home. She died 4 days later. Supposedly, she had a DNR and had asked for cremation which they did. Her California daughter knew nothing of the DNR and cremation order.
Our current California county is supposedly running hundreds of tests per day for free. In the past week a lot of positives have occurred. No one has been sent to a hospital.
The largest % are Hispanic and zero +’s are sick enough to be admitted to a hospital. They are asymptomatic, no fever and feel okay. Over a dozen came from the same household.
What about thee long term effects of ,flu,aids,common cold,drugs, alcohol,tobacco,trans fats, etc.,etc.,etc.? We could go on cowering before the likes of Fauci forever. Man up America! Its our country and we are taking it back!
I’m sure they are working hard at coming up with some pure, utter Bullshit to keep us masked and controlled.
They found a way to dictate whims and they’re not letting it go.
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