Posted on 05/25/2015 7:10:21 PM PDT by Beave Meister
Ann Coulter is back, more fearless than ever. In Adios, America she touches the third rail in American politics, attacking the immigration issue head-on and flying in the face of La Raza, the Democrats, a media determined to cover up immigrants' crimes, churches that get paid by the government for their "charity," and greedy Republican businessmen and campaign consultantsall of whom are profiting handsomely from mass immigration that's tearing the country apart. Applying her trademark biting humor to the disaster that is U.S. immigration policy, Coulter proves that immigration is the most important issue facing America today.
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You crack me up. If I want a book on cooking, I don’t trust one written by a car mechanic. If I want a book on fixing liberal policies on illegal immigration, I don’t read one by a writer that promoted a guy caught TWICE with illegals working IN his house, nor shifting in the wind on national policy.
But then I’m not an idiot.
In any case, have fun developing an argument against illegal immigration that is "pure" of Coulter's infernal Romney influence. LOLOL
Ann Coulter is one of the best at boiling down what liberals (and now even Republicans) are doing to destroy America.
Just read his post history. You’ll have all the answers about him you need.
Forget the emaciated RINO.
Concentrate on the subject matter in the book which is the stinking left's plan to turn our beloved country into an irreversible and smelly third world hell hole.
It's the constructive thing to do.
Since she was/is a part of is, she should be.
In other words, like an idiot, you will wait for the next book to come along. There’s always on juuusssst over the horizon. Don’t worry, it’s not like illegal immigration is a pressing issue, or anything. You have plenty of time.
“What RINO will she be endorsing this time for POTUS so we will have another Rat POTUS? Jeb? Rubio?”
She doesn’t like either one. Her endorsement of Romney had nothing to do with his winning the nomination, or losing the election. It was all Romney’s doing. She, or Romney, had nothing to do with McCain losing his run at the presidency; it was all McCain’s stupidity. She has written an excellent, powerful, vital warning for the nation on the perils of immigration. She has the backbone, energy, and intelligence to get it before the nation. Just how in the world can anyone who claims to be concerned about the deadly effects of massive illegal and legal immigration on this nation immediately start knifing her in the back?
Not to mention her orgasm over Christie.
Still can’t explain why the truth upsets you I see. Nothing new about that.
Post a pic of Semitic sam on a dragon. Thats even more intelligent.
But NOT her yard, right?
And after her flip flopping, why should she be trusted? I trust she will profit from people willing to ignore her actions which conflict with her words. Anything beyond that, not so much.
Question: can someone direct me to a True Conservative author with the reach of Coulter, so that I may develop an argument against illegal immigration? I’m not willing to wait very long, although others appear to be.
Have you been drinking?
Question: Why does the truth upset you so and cause you to spin like your fellow liberals?
Nope. Just mocking your stupidity.
I don’t really think it’s “the left” that intends to do this.
I think it is more accurate to say that the US federal government intends to turn America into a third world country.
Our government is hell bent on destroying us, consuming everything, and enriching itself.
By being stupid. Well, you have that going for you.
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