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True conservative ZOT!
Posted on 06/19/2010 8:20:05 PM PDT by Danny H
My coworkers and I took a political test with 100 questions, 10 in 10 categories. I was by far the most conservative. 91/100. Most of my liberal coworkers got between 10/100 and 30/100. Only a couple others got above 50/100. Ugh.
The breakdown.
life - 10/10 abortion is wrong guns - 10/10 support no restriction on gun ownership marriage - 10/10 man and woman only, homosexuality is wrong healthcare - 10/10 repeal Obamacare and we need tort reform. immigration - 2/10 since I oppose HB1070. We need the workers. The McCain path to citizenship I support. environment - 10/10 too many regulations and global warming is a farce Iraq, Afghanistan - 10/10 fully support the wars and our troops Israel, middle east - 9/10 pro Israel though a war with Iran is a bit much income tax - 10/10 tax cuts across the board corportate taxes - 10/10 tax cuts there too social security and such - 10/10 phase that out
I'm 91% conservative, a true conservative. It says 80%+ was true conservative.
I support the more conservative candidate in most primaries, except McCain over Hayworth. The GOP will take over in 2010!
TOPICS: Cheese, Moose, Sister; Health/Medicine; Military/Veterans; Pets/Animals; Reference; Society; UFO's; Weather
KEYWORDS: banned; dannyh; dhct; dhdhdh101; fail; fakeconservatives; festivalofzot; gop; lightning; mccain; mccain4himself; mccain4mccain; mccain4obama; mccain4romney; mccainantihayworth; mccainantiteaparty; mccainiac; mcinsane; randomoutburst; respect; rino; sniff; suspended; troll; trolls4amnesty; trolls4mccain; trolls4rnc; trueconservative; valhallaiamcoming; victorkilo; vk; weareyouroverlords; whiskeytangofoxtrot; zot; zotbait; zotunism; zuluoscartango
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To: Kirkwood
I don’t hate my coworkers, but I shure hate their liberal politics.
posted on
06/19/2010 8:43:42 PM PDT
Danny H
(Obama sucks)
To: Danny H
Danny H Since Jun 19, 2010
You signed up to FR to post this? I support the more conservative candidate in most primaries, except McCain over Hayworth.
To: Jet Jaguar
Thats a pretty sweet bronzed Kool-Aid Man medal. I kind of want a real one now.
posted on
06/19/2010 8:44:00 PM PDT
Raider Sam
(They're on our left, right, front, and back. They aint gettin away this time!)
To: darkwing104
Now, prove it...What do you think of Rep. Barton's apology to BP.I think it was an apology!
posted on
06/19/2010 8:44:25 PM PDT
(Liberal: Proof you can fool some of the people all of the time.)
To: Danny H; Bob J
Why the animals pictures? I love the GOP!!!!!!!!!! Bob J, is that you?
To: Danny H
I was a conservative. Now I am a Krieghoff.
posted on
06/19/2010 8:44:52 PM PDT
Jet Jaguar
To: skintight buffoonery
I hear this is who's getting Helen Thomas' vacated front row seat in the White House press conference room next week.
To: AeWingnut; rabscuttle385
REV :”
youre about as conservative as sham hammity.”
You noticed Hannity was an RNC tool too? And a dumb one at that.
posted on
06/19/2010 8:45:34 PM PDT
( "It's not the taxes, the redistribution is the federal spending=tax delayed")
To: Danny H
To: Danny H
“Im rock solid...”
...a rock solid troll...
posted on
06/19/2010 8:45:55 PM PDT
(I am a tea party descendant - steeped in the Constitutional legacy handed down by the Founders)
To: Danny H
I'm a true conservative.After reading your posts, I'm sure you're a reincarnation of Tlbshow.
posted on
06/19/2010 8:46:32 PM PDT
To: Danny H
With that number, there would still be 30 million 100% conservatives in the US. Pretty good number.
posted on
06/19/2010 8:46:36 PM PDT
Raider Sam
(They're on our left, right, front, and back. They aint gettin away this time!)
To: darkwing104
posted on
06/19/2010 8:46:41 PM PDT
(Afghanistan: Lithium is the new oil. Where are the NO WAR FOR LITHIUM protests?)
To: darkwing104
I’m not happy with Barton. WTF was he thinking?
Obama has f*ucked up the response so much it makes me ill. His administration gets an F.
posted on
06/19/2010 8:46:50 PM PDT
Danny H
(Obama sucks)
To: Danny H
>immigration - 2/10 since I oppose HB1070. We need the workers. The McCain path to citizenship I support.
Drop the minimum wage and that’ll free up businesses to hire more people; also, why do you say we need workers with unemployment hovering around a fifth?
posted on
06/19/2010 8:47:01 PM PDT
(Q: Why am I here? A: To do Justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with my God.)
To: Danny H
Be careful there.
Even hinting at curse words may get you.
posted on
06/19/2010 8:47:07 PM PDT
Jet Jaguar
To: Jet Jaguar
I am the walrus.
Koo-koo katchoo...
posted on
06/19/2010 8:47:10 PM PDT
To: Jet Jaguar; Danny H
I think the kids OK, we’re just piling on him!
posted on
06/19/2010 8:47:26 PM PDT
(Liberal: Proof you can fool some of the people all of the time.)
To: Danny H
Danny H, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and take you at your word that you believe yourself to be a true conservative. Here's what everyone else on here is thinking and why they're giving you a hard time.
Your posts don't read like you're a conservative. Your posts read like a guy who's liberal, joined the site, put up some stuff and is hoping to get people to join in with some racist, sexist, homophobic comments that you can take back to a liberal web site and high five with your buddies about how you snaked them neanderthals at FR.
You come across as Borat. If you're really a conservative, as you say you are, back off a little, read some posts and figure out what's going on here.
If you're a liberal trying to lure us into making stupid comments, sorry, it won't work.
posted on
06/19/2010 8:47:33 PM PDT
Richard Kimball
(We're all criminals. They just haven't figured out what some of us have done yet.)
To: Raider Sam
1/10000, that would be only 30000, and only half or 15000 would be 100% conservatives.
91/100 was listed as very conservative. Even 80/100 was.
posted on
06/19/2010 8:48:11 PM PDT
Danny H
(Obama sucks)
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