Posted on 07/23/2010 1:07:17 PM PDT by BuckeyeTexan
The following 75 names are confirmed members of the now-defunct JournoList listserv.
1. Ezra Klein - Washington Post, Newsweek, The American Prospect
2. Dave Weigel - Washington Post, MSNBC, The Washington Independent
3. Matthew Yglesias Center for American Progress, The Atlantic Monthly
4. David Dayen - FireDogLake
5. Spencer Ackerman Wired, FireDogLake, Washington Independent, Talking Points Memo, The American Prospect
6. Jeffrey Toobin CNN, The New Yorker
7. Eric Alterman The Nation, Media Matters for America
8. Paul Krugman The New York Times, Princeton University
9. John Judis The New Republic, The American Prospect
10. Eve Fairbanks The New Republic
11. Mike Allen - POLITICO
12. Ben Smith - POLITICO
13. Lisa Lerer - POLITICO
14. Joe Klein - TIME
15. Brad DeLong The Economists Voice, University of California at Berkley
16. Chris Hayes The Nation
17. Matt Duss Center for American Progress
18. Jonathan Chait The New Republic
19. Jesse Singal The Boston Globe, Washington Monthly
20. Michael Cohen New America Foundation
21. Isaac Chotiner The New Republic
22. Katha Pollitt The Nation
23. Alyssa Rosenberg Washingtonian, The Atlantic, Government Executive
24. Rick Perlstein Author, Campaign for Americas Future
25. Alex Rossmiller National Security Network
26. Ed Kilgore Democratic Stategist
27. Walter Shapiro
28. Noam Scheiber The New Republic
29. Michael Tomasky The Guardian
30. Rich Yeselson Change to Win
31. Tim Fernholz American Prospect
32. Dana Goldstein The Daily Beast
33. Jonathan Cohn The New Republic
34. Scott Winship Pew Economic Mobility Project
35. David Roberts - Grist
36. Luke Mitchell Harpers Magazine
37. John Blevins South Texas College of Law
38. Moira Whelan National Security Network
39. Henry Farrell George Washington University
40. Josh Bearman LA Weekly
41. Alec McGillis Washington Post
42. Greg Anrig The Century Foundation
43. Adele Stan The Media Consortium
44. Steven Teles Yale University
45. Harold Pollack University of Chicago
46. Adam Serwer American Prospect
47. Ryan Donmoyer - Bloomberg
48. Seth Michaels
49. Kate Steadman Kaiser Health News
50. Michael Scherer - TIME
51. Laura Rozen Politico, Mother Jones
52. Jesse Taylor
53. Michael Hirsh - Newsweek
54. Daniel Davies The Guardian
55. Jonathan Zasloff UCLA
56. Richard Kim The Nation
57. Thomas Schaller Baltimore Sun
58. Jared Bernstein Economic Policy Institute
59. Holly Yeager Columbia Journalism Review
60. Joe Conason The New York Observer
61. David Greenberg - Slate
62. Todd Gitlin Columbia University
63. Mark Schmitt American Prospect
64. Kevin Drum Washington Monthly
65. Sarah Spitz NPR
66. Jonathan Stein Mother Jones
67. Daniel Levy Century Foundation
68. Ben Adler Newsweek, POLITICO
69. Avi Zenilman POLITICO
70. Suzanne Nossel Human Rights Watch
71. Nick Baumann Mother Jones
72. Ryan Avent Economist
72. Greg Sargent Washington Post
73. Gautham Nagesh The Hill, Daily Caller
74. Foster Kamer The Village Voice
75. David Corn Mother Jones
They are listed in the order in which I was able to confirm their participation through the following sources.
The Death of JournoList: Does Privacy End at the Edge of Your Thoughts?
JournoList: Inside the echo chamber
After JournoList
The Secret Liberal Journalist Cabal [Hot Air]
JournoList Revealed! Inside the Secret Liberal Media Email Cabal
Who Doesnt Love The JournoList?
On Journolist and Dave Weigel
The Inside Scoop on JournoList
Tim Fernholz
Dana Goldstein
Math Lesson For The JournOList: 60 More Than 50
Responding to John Hawkins
Obama wins! And Journolisters rejoice
A few excerpts from JournoList journalists
Documents show media plotting to kill stories about Rev. Jeremiah Wright
When McCain picked Palin, liberal journalists coordinated the best line of attack
Tucker Carlson: We will not publish full J-List emails
You shall know them by their work
The Tucker Carlson Journolist-Disclosure Email Exchange
Confessions of a Journolister
No surprise there. Wacko lefties flock together.
Just an observation but 75% of those listed are Jewish. Like a Pro-Hitler newspaper run by Jews circa 1939.
How appropriate.
Not surprised they just went and started a replacement when they got caught.
Not being anti semitic, but we need a whole lot more Christian reporters in the media. Seems the Jewish ones are unable to think independently or in an American fashion.
Evil liberals who conspire to defeat liberalism’s enemies and thus gain status amongst the larger mainstream outlets. The pretend journalists of a lot of the larger MSMs are more discreet and less prone to being outed. Regardless, they are all the same - scum not worthy of breathing the air of a free country.
Folks need to awaken. Leftists are not good people, it isn’t just a “difference of opinion”. They are hateful society wreckers.
Posted on Friday, July 23, 2010 4:30:03 AM by 2ndDivisionVet
Sarah Palin can't expect anyone to take her seriously as a presidential candidate--not after what she said this week.
In recent days, the former Alaska governor and Tea Party fave has been on a tear against Journolist, a listserv for nearly 500 journalists, policy wonks, and academics, most of whom are self-identified liberals working for self-identified liberal outfits. The participants on this off-the-record email chain promoted their work, debated politics and policy (occasionally quite sharply), and traded and tested ideas for articles and columns. Last month, The Daily Caller, a conservative website, began running articles based on Journolist archives it somehow had obtained. Some conservatives immediately denounced Journolist as a secret cabal that established a party line for the dreaded liberal media.
Palin was one such rightwinger. On Tuesday, citing a Daily Caller article that focused on how several liberal opinion journalists in 2008 were pondering how to respond to stories about Jeremiah Wright (Barack Obama's controversial reverend), she contended that Journolist was proof that the mainsteam media--or, as she calls it, the "lamestream" media--is biased, characterizing Journolist members as "'prominent' mainstream media personalities." That was a misrepresentation: writers and bloggers for The Nation, The American Prospect, Mother Jones (my home base), the Center for American Progress, the New American Foundation, and other liberal media organizations and think tanks are not usually considered mainstream media leaders. (The founder of Journolist, Ezra Klein, did move from The American Prospect to The Washington Post, but he was knowingly hired by the newspaper as a liberal blogger.) It's hardly surprising that out-of-the-closet progressives would share progressive ideas with colleagues. Journolist was no conspiracy; it was a community--a virtual bar, without booze. I explain all that here. (Membership declared: I was a mostly nonactive member of Journolist; I haven't used it in years.)
Palin's blast revealed deep ignorance. Journolistas were generally not prominent MSMers.
Thank you to all who have sent information. Keep it up; we're still working on this. An extra-special thanks belongs to freeper kcvl for the significant research provided.
I'll start adding the keywords from the previous thread.
Someone with access to Lexus Nexus , and with a bit of programming skill, could put together combinatorial search strings and see how many times each of these people quoted each other in the archives of the mainstream media.
Ahh, Firelake Dog.
My inside source for the latest being pushed by Media Matters.
Well American Secular Jews, like the ones listed here have a mindset that being Liberal is protecting them from another Holocaust. Being played for chumps once can even hear the same arguments Jews in Berlin made in 1933.."Oh why would he do that, he is such a nice man, they need us..."
Who is going to hire them? If you are not liberal enough, you won’t be hired
Yu missed a couple—like ambinder..Go to American Thinker for the ones you missed.. They are in the updated section. C
Was Hitler Jewish?
Good work Buckeye!
Thanks for the ping.
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