Posted on 07/23/2010 1:07:17 PM PDT by BuckeyeTexan
No surprise there. Wacko lefties flock together.
Just an observation but 75% of those listed are Jewish. Like a Pro-Hitler newspaper run by Jews circa 1939.
How appropriate.
Not surprised they just went and started a replacement when they got caught.
Not being anti semitic, but we need a whole lot more Christian reporters in the media. Seems the Jewish ones are unable to think independently or in an American fashion.
Evil liberals who conspire to defeat liberalism’s enemies and thus gain status amongst the larger mainstream outlets. The pretend journalists of a lot of the larger MSMs are more discreet and less prone to being outed. Regardless, they are all the same - scum not worthy of breathing the air of a free country.
Folks need to awaken. Leftists are not good people, it isn’t just a “difference of opinion”. They are hateful society wreckers.
Posted on Friday, July 23, 2010 4:30:03 AM by 2ndDivisionVet
Sarah Palin can't expect anyone to take her seriously as a presidential candidate--not after what she said this week.
In recent days, the former Alaska governor and Tea Party fave has been on a tear against Journolist, a listserv for nearly 500 journalists, policy wonks, and academics, most of whom are self-identified liberals working for self-identified liberal outfits. The participants on this off-the-record email chain promoted their work, debated politics and policy (occasionally quite sharply), and traded and tested ideas for articles and columns. Last month, The Daily Caller, a conservative website, began running articles based on Journolist archives it somehow had obtained. Some conservatives immediately denounced Journolist as a secret cabal that established a party line for the dreaded liberal media.
Palin was one such rightwinger. On Tuesday, citing a Daily Caller article that focused on how several liberal opinion journalists in 2008 were pondering how to respond to stories about Jeremiah Wright (Barack Obama's controversial reverend), she contended that Journolist was proof that the mainsteam media--or, as she calls it, the "lamestream" media--is biased, characterizing Journolist members as "'prominent' mainstream media personalities." That was a misrepresentation: writers and bloggers for The Nation, The American Prospect, Mother Jones (my home base), the Center for American Progress, the New American Foundation, and other liberal media organizations and think tanks are not usually considered mainstream media leaders. (The founder of Journolist, Ezra Klein, did move from The American Prospect to The Washington Post, but he was knowingly hired by the newspaper as a liberal blogger.) It's hardly surprising that out-of-the-closet progressives would share progressive ideas with colleagues. Journolist was no conspiracy; it was a community--a virtual bar, without booze. I explain all that here. (Membership declared: I was a mostly nonactive member of Journolist; I haven't used it in years.)
Palin's blast revealed deep ignorance. Journolistas were generally not prominent MSMers.
Thank you to all who have sent information. Keep it up; we're still working on this. An extra-special thanks belongs to freeper kcvl for the significant research provided.
I'll start adding the keywords from the previous thread.
Someone with access to Lexus Nexus , and with a bit of programming skill, could put together combinatorial search strings and see how many times each of these people quoted each other in the archives of the mainstream media.
Ahh, Firelake Dog.
My inside source for the latest being pushed by Media Matters.
Well American Secular Jews, like the ones listed here have a mindset that being Liberal is protecting them from another Holocaust. Being played for chumps once can even hear the same arguments Jews in Berlin made in 1933.."Oh why would he do that, he is such a nice man, they need us..."
Who is going to hire them? If you are not liberal enough, you won’t be hired
Yu missed a couple—like ambinder..Go to American Thinker for the ones you missed.. They are in the updated section. C
Was Hitler Jewish?
Good work Buckeye!
Thanks for the ping.
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