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why do you guys keep banning me? (Zot! Because we can) (Juwish modz totally rewl!)

Posted on 06/30/2004 10:19:24 AM PDT by jj_fate

why do people keep banning me everytime I put up interesting articles? I work for a website I think some of you are familiar with called phantirath weekly world news and each time we put somthing up on FR no matter how conservative it is it keeps getting banned. Whats the matter with it?! Damn man what are you marxist socialists communists? I just got a call this mroning from a Juwish friend of mine who said that you banned an important article about Zionism and Noam Federman and about how we were to support israel. I thought you guys supported Juws and others like him!? I mean you know that god is going to punish you if you dont support them and others like Noam Federman who are being downtrodden by the leftists and the Arabs! EVEN Pat Buchanan would be outraged by this! The Juws are wonderful people who have been a blessing to this nation and other nations in the world! Why is it you hypocrites complain about bias and then you shut us up just because you dont agree with us!? Who made you god and told us what we had to do anyway! This website has got to be the most fascist naziast place ive ever been! The Juws will win someday and when the Arabs are gone and when the Juws and rightous gentils go up top you will be atr the bottom! I demand an explanation for why you are doing this to me and my boss and the Juws!

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To: Vigilantcitizen; Darksheare; The Scourge of Yazid; Conspiracy Guy

"I'm here now, so this thread is officially 'dead as Elvis'."

Aha! That explains why I just saw a thread about Bruce Lee being sighted alive! He had changed his name to Bruce Li, though, to keep people from figuring out who he was.

781 posted on 07/01/2004 8:31:46 AM PDT by Fedora (Kerryman, Kerryman, does whatever a ketchup can/Spins a lie, any size, catches wives just like flies)
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To: Fedora

We must keep that secret. When the Trafalmadorians gave us the secret of time travel we vowed to keep this hush hush. Go back and un say this. Soon please.

782 posted on 07/01/2004 8:32:37 AM PDT by Conspiracy Guy (Drove my Jaguar to the Quagmire. But the Quagmire was dry.)
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To: Darksheare

That was a mess. Be careful.

783 posted on 07/01/2004 8:33:19 AM PDT by Conspiracy Guy (Drove my Jaguar to the Quagmire. But the Quagmire was dry.)
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To: Darksheare

"Hoping no-one throws orange rinds through at me this time.."

Throws orange rinds through Darksheare, who has apparently become intangible in Martian Manhunter/Vision-like fashion. However since time has been distorted, the oranges arrive where Darksheare was standing at a different time, hitting Buck Rogers in the 25th century who mistakes it for a revival of his dead TV series.

784 posted on 07/01/2004 8:35:33 AM PDT by Fedora (Kerryman, Kerryman, does whatever a ketchup can/Spins a lie, any size, catches wives just like flies)
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To: Darksheare

Time travel is a wonder.

785 posted on 07/01/2004 8:37:56 AM PDT by Conspiracy Guy (Drove my Jaguar to the Quagmire. But the Quagmire was dry.)
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To: Fedora


786 posted on 07/01/2004 8:39:22 AM PDT by Conspiracy Guy (Drove my Jaguar to the Quagmire. But the Quagmire was dry.)
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To: Darksheare; JenB
And meanwhile, this caused JenB to make a typo elsewhere on FR. It was unintentional, though--she didn't mena to :)
787 posted on 07/01/2004 8:40:35 AM PDT by Fedora (Kerryman, Kerryman, does whatever a ketchup can/Spins a lie, any size, catches wives just like flies)
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To: Fedora

Also explains the sighting of Chickenman and one certain person named 'Dib' wandering around..
Mighty weird these TKP's and the Nexii of such.

788 posted on 07/01/2004 8:41:27 AM PDT by Darksheare (I devour troll souls and derive nourishment from their accursed spirits because I'm COMPASSIONATE!)
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To: Conspiracy Guy

Yes, that was a mess.
The trans-phasic modulator was suposed to compensate for objects entering the opposite end of the portal.
Still wondering just how I ended up in that Can-Can showlike that.
Orange rinds, someone's car bumper, and a parking meter center stage.

789 posted on 07/01/2004 8:43:04 AM PDT by Darksheare (I devour troll souls and derive nourishment from their accursed spirits because I'm COMPASSIONATE!)
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To: Fedora

I had to hide fromthat little green twerp "Zim" the other day.
He was tossing beanie baby piggies through a random portal for some reason.
Wildest footwork during time jump I've ever done, avoiding plush piggies..

790 posted on 07/01/2004 8:44:41 AM PDT by Darksheare (I devour troll souls and derive nourishment from their accursed spirits because I'm COMPASSIONATE!)
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To: Fedora; JenB

It's worse than I thought!
Many TKP Nexii in thread creates a rift akin to opening flood gates on the world's largest reservoir dams at the same time but down the same channel.
The effect is multiplied and distorted.

791 posted on 07/01/2004 8:46:34 AM PDT by Darksheare (I devour troll souls and derive nourishment from their accursed spirits because I'm COMPASSIONATE!)
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To: Conspiracy Guy

"We must keep that secret. When the Trafalmadorians gave us the secret of time travel we vowed to keep this hush hush. Go back and un say this. Soon please."

I wish I could. Unfortunately I didn't type that--that was Kilgore Trout.

(And Teddy K was drinking whisky and rye/saying, "This'll be the day Saddam fries". . .)

792 posted on 07/01/2004 8:49:42 AM PDT by Fedora (Kerryman, Kerryman, does whatever a ketchup can/Spins a lie, any size, catches wives just like flies)
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To: Conspiracy Guy


[Looks around suspiciously and speaks in the voice of Leslie Nielsen] Almost *too* clever. . .that's just what they want us to think. . .

793 posted on 07/01/2004 8:51:09 AM PDT by Fedora (Kerryman, Kerryman, does whatever a ketchup can/Spins a lie, any size, catches wives just like flies)
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To: Darksheare

Sounds like the monostable fratilizer went asyncronous. I'll replace it.

794 posted on 07/01/2004 8:51:55 AM PDT by Conspiracy Guy (Drove my Jaguar to the Quagmire. But the Quagmire was dry.)
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To: Conspiracy Guy
A B Normal

LOL I'm a little slow this morning. This hit me while I was pretending to listen to my little bald headed yankee boss (LBHYB). Now he is wondering what he said that was so funny!

795 posted on 07/01/2004 8:52:35 AM PDT by OSHA (Note to Self: They always suspect the husband first.)
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To: Fedora

Ah ha. A Kilgore Trout reader.

796 posted on 07/01/2004 8:53:17 AM PDT by Conspiracy Guy (Drove my Jaguar to the Quagmire. But the Quagmire was dry.)
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To: Darksheare

"Also explains the sighting of Chickenman"

Yep--both sightings are explained as a result of the Chi-genfunction taking on that Chi-genvalue at that point in spacetime (though of course we can't know its velocity at that point in spacetime--at least that's what I think I remember from Nexii 101 class, though I'm uncertain).

797 posted on 07/01/2004 8:55:21 AM PDT by Fedora (Kerryman, Kerryman, does whatever a ketchup can/Spins a lie, any size, catches wives just like flies)
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To: Fedora

I think we're all Bozo's on this bus.

I was sitting in my office reading my name on the glass door, regnad kcin.

798 posted on 07/01/2004 8:55:21 AM PDT by Conspiracy Guy (Drove my Jaguar to the Quagmire. But the Quagmire was dry.)
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To: Darksheare

"The trans-phasic modulator was suposed to compensate for objects entering the opposite end of the portal."

Hmmm--better talk to Marvin the Martian about fixing that. Tell him to quit taking extra time on his breaks trying to conquer the Earth and get back to his job.

799 posted on 07/01/2004 8:56:53 AM PDT by Fedora (Kerryman, Kerryman, does whatever a ketchup can/Spins a lie, any size, catches wives just like flies)
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I love Young Frankenstein.

What knockers!

Oh thank you doctor.

800 posted on 07/01/2004 8:57:26 AM PDT by Conspiracy Guy (Drove my Jaguar to the Quagmire. But the Quagmire was dry.)
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