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why do you guys keep banning me? (Zot! Because we can) (Juwish modz totally rewl!)
Posted on 06/30/2004 10:19:24 AM PDT by jj_fate
why do people keep banning me everytime I put up interesting articles? I work for a website I think some of you are familiar with called phantirath weekly world news and each time we put somthing up on FR no matter how conservative it is it keeps getting banned. Whats the matter with it?! Damn man what are you marxist socialists communists? I just got a call this mroning from a Juwish friend of mine who said that you banned an important article about Zionism and Noam Federman and about how we were to support israel. I thought you guys supported Juws and others like him!? I mean you know that god is going to punish you if you dont support them and others like Noam Federman who are being downtrodden by the leftists and the Arabs! EVEN Pat Buchanan would be outraged by this! The Juws are wonderful people who have been a blessing to this nation and other nations in the world! Why is it you hypocrites complain about bias and then you shut us up just because you dont agree with us!? Who made you god and told us what we had to do anyway! This website has got to be the most fascist naziast place ive ever been! The Juws will win someday and when the Arabs are gone and when the Juws and rightous gentils go up top you will be atr the bottom! I demand an explanation for why you are doing this to me and my boss and the Juws!
KEYWORDS: 0; 00; 00000000; 00000000000000000000; 0000000000000000000a; 000000000000000boo; 000000000000000himom; 0000000000000asphalt; 000000000zeroshaveit; 00000001; 000000conspiracyguy; 00000kerrylies; 0000irishthatcherite; 0000monkeyfistmofo; 000morezeros; 000reneewazherefirst; 00darkshearewuzhere; 00doublegooseegg; 0347thlancerbrigade; 0conspiracyguyrewls; 0darkshearewuzhere; 0hughseriesmoose; 0nickybobaieeee; 0nickybobbadbadbad; 0nickybobevilevil; 0nickybobisbad; 0nickybobisbadaieee; 0nickybobisbadaqieee; 0nickybobisgreat; 0nickybobrunaway; 0nickybobsaveuslord; 0nickybobweirdnos; 0thanos; 100beerclub; 11111111111111111111; 121504stillgoing; 12345678900987654321; 1984; 1bigpoop; 1putyourhansup; 22222222222222222222; 25kposts; 28000; 2bornot2b; 2stpawayfrmthekywrds; 33333333333333333333; 3seszoththread; 44444444444444444444; 4cjisnotamember; 4moreyears; 4mycountryskeyword; 4weddingsandazot; 5; 55555555555555555555; 65535; 65535byacaguy; 66666666666666666666; 666michaelmoore; 77777777777777777777; 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fiskmetosamabinladen; footingturf; forkinghay; formarmsandbody; formfeetandlegs; formkeywrdwatchgroup; frantictickticktock; freedomtoarmbears; freedumb2003; freepersinspace; fruitbat; fruitfliesinmywine; funwithkeywords; gameskeepersbigwilly; gameskeeperwillie; garignak; georgeorwell; getmeabeeredith; gggggggggggggggggggg; giantcatfishofthepo; givesdumbabadname; glocksandotherguns; gmanindahouse; goasphalt; gobosox; gocookacamel; godhatestrolls; godie; godthedevilandbob; goingforkwrecord; goingtoneedanewone; goodgrief9000posts; goodthink; goodthreadsgonbad; gotwood; grapejelly; greeneggsandham; growingkeywords; guderianrules; guinnessisgoodforyou; gunsandmoreguns; gunsnroses; hachachacha; hammerofthemods; hannity; happychristmas; happygal; happyhannukah; harmlessteddybear; headachemonkey; helloyoucrazypeople; helpimoutofwine; helpmetheygotme; herekittykitty; hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh; holyhandgrenade; holyshit; holyshiteonastick; hookedonfonics; horsefeathers; hottrollsex; howaboutamint; howboutthemcowboys; howmanykeywords; hugh; hulkamania; iambuckhead; iamlannydavis; iamwearingadiaper; iatz; ibtz; idiot; ihavethebestkeyword; iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii; illbeinmybunk; ilovethisthread; imdeadandicantgetup; imronery; ineedcliffsnotes; insanekeywords; interrogatives; intheslithytove; inthewabe; ireland; irelandisgonewrong; irishthatcherite; israel; isthatallthereis; isthisthingon; itisafargreaterthing; itsalive; itsnotchristmasyet; itsonlikedonkeykong; itwasthebestoftimes; itwastheworstoftimes; iwuzhere072205; jacksparrow; jacuzzi; jamesthewonderbaby; jds; jeffbuckleyrocks; jeffgordonstillsucks; jessicaalbatross; jetjaguar; jibberjabber; jingo; jizzmoglobbin; jjfat; jjfatuous; jjfuckhead; jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj; johnbigboote; jotmo; judenrauss; justdan; justthefactsmaam; juswashere; juwish; juwishfate; juwishmodz; juwishryebread; juws; juwswillwin; kangaroojacqui; keepthisthreadgoing; kerry; kerryisaloser; kerrythebuttmonkey; kerryvoter; keyword; keywordabuse; keywords; keywordsgonewild; keywordthievesinarea; kickmeimtrollish; killthisthread; killthisthreadplease; kilroy; kilroywashere; kilroywasthere; kingofthebritons; kingproustpretender; kingproutlives; kittyfood; kittylitter; kittypoo; kittyvomit; kiwiword; kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk; klingon; klingonmacbeth; knightsofcolumbus; knowledgedecisions; konichiwa; kookkookkachoo; kwvandals; lastkeyword; lastpost; lavrenti; learntospelljews; leaveittobeeber; letthegoodtimesroll; letthisthreaddie; liberal; library; likeablackhole; limitto75000; llllllllllllllllllll; longestzotthread; lostpost; lotofstuffboutnuttin; lotsofkeywords; luigisloogies; makersmarkrules; marsupialbeeber; marsupialroadkill; massalama; maxx; me; meaddakeywordtoo; megathread; messagemassage; metallica; michaeldeeeeehiggins; migrationscultures; mikeiniraqwuzheretoo; milfmilfmilf; ministryoflove; ministryofpeace; ministryofplenty; ministryoftruth; mmmeggsandcoffee; mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm; moderatemyass; moderatorinstigator; modsareinonit; molassesmiasma; monkeybutt; monkeyfacerules; moosebitmykeyword; morekeywords; morekeywords4u; moremorekeywords; motherofallthreads; mrcreosote; mrduckyrules; mroning; multiparoustaxchick; mustardmeannessmist; mwsisyouroverlord; mybeeberhurts; mybeeberisstuned; mybuttwellkissed; mydoghasfleas; mykeywordiswaybetter; mylamahashairballs; myownprivatearmy; mypenguinhasgas; mypoodontstink; ncnicenessnazi; needsmorekeywords; nemo; nepenthe; neverlearn; nicktoons; nigerianphonescams; nightoflivingthread; nineteeneigthyfour; nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn; noitaint; nojobsinoklahoma; nomore; norskiwashere; nosmokingropenflames; notenoughkeywords; notherweirdscreename; notoldimretro; notsafeforhomeuse; notthisshitagain; nowwhatyerhavehere; noyoudont; nutritiousweetpotato; nycgopchick; oceansofhomophones; ohfortheloveofgod; ohhthepain; oklahomacatfish; onamissionfromgod; onefishtwofish; ononotanotherkeywurd; oodlesofsnow; oooooooooooooooooooo; oops; oopsicrappedmypants; oopswediditagain; orgasmicshampoo; ornot; osamamethomersimpson; ouchmyskull; overload; owahtogusiam; pagingdrphil; paleoneonihilist; peoplewithnolife; phantomofkrankor; pharmboyzotjj; piazzarewls; pigthethroughnet; plasticbabies; pleasedeletethread; poisonivyberries; poppies; poweqi; pp; pppppppppppppppppppp; presidio9; pukindogishot; pumpkinchili; pumpkinhead; qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq; ragingalcholicmonkey; ragweedinoklahoma; ramjetrocks; reagan; reprobatshavebabies; rewl; rexxy; rightbloodygenius; righteousgentils; righttobeararms; righttobearlegs; rightturnclyde; rkba; roadkilledbeeberassn; rosiecotton; rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr; rudy; rush; samiam; sarahisahottie; scoobysnacks; scourgeofyazid; screamingzot; scumdogs; scurvydog; seinfeld; selfimposedquiet; senatordouchebag; senatorhuntingducks; series; setbeeberonstun; setbeeberstostune; severedfoot; sexophones; shabedbeeber; shavedpalms; shitforbrains; shootpoolwithrope; signofthebeast; sillylatintaglines; sitzpinkler; slingsandarrows; smelltheglove; smokeybackroomrules; somethingtouchedleg; soseries; spandexpantload; spinthetroll; spintowin; spongebobisthedevil; spongebobsquarepants; sporkweasel; springinoklahoma; ssssssssssssssssssss; stag; stillstuningrbeeber; stopbanningjjfateha; stopreadindakeywords; stopstealingthoughts; stopthesanity; strangefurryson2004; streisandsbigsnout; streisandstinks; stuningbeeber; stunthatbeeber; summerinoklahoma; sunglassesatnight; superthread; sweetpotatochili; taintneither; takbatakbeha; takeahint; talkingtoself; teapotshortstout; teddybearkamasutra; texasthreeswing; thanksgiving; thanosaintconceding; thanosconcedes; thanyourkeyword; thatkeywordismine; thearafatfiskknew; thedeadthread; theendmyfriend; theendofends; themodsdidit; theomegathread; thepartysover; theresonlyonejj; theseasonofadvent; thethreadthatatefr; theundeadthread; theundeadzotthread; theunnamedfeeling; thewordoftherkba; theyarewafferthin; theykilledkilroy; theystolemykeywords; theytookmyeyes2; theytookourjobs; thisisnotakeyword; thisistheend; thiskeywordismine; thisthreadisawesome; thisthreadmustdie; thisthreadsucks; thisthreadwontdie; thiswaytotheshowers; thomassowellrules; threadsfull; threadwithitsonlife; threadwithoutendamen; tisbrillig; tobeornottobe; tonro; tontoisdead; toomanykeywords; toomuchmentalfloss; tortuga; totaltwat; touchedinthehead; touchofdeath; trains; trex; trollssuck; trollthreadvandals; truthordare; tttttttttttttttttttt; tulipisahottie; tulsabrian; twasbrillig; txblairwashere; uberbeeber; ultimatezotthread; undeadsingularity; undeadthread; unnngh; unnnnngh; unnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngh; uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu; verbose; verylongkeywordspam; vikingkitties; vikingkittyfood; vkpac; vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv; vwrc; wakeup; wakeupcall; wantsomewood; wardtalktobeeber; waytoomanykeywords; weareyouroverlords; wefeelyourpain; weightwatchers; weinermods; weirdoshmeirdo; weirdthingofinsanity; welostallourkeywords; weloveourpets; whataboutery; whatsthisthreadabout; whereismyyoyo; wheresmykeyword; wherespetronski; wheresthebeeber; whereswally; whetheryoulikeit; whiskytangofoxtrot; whoflungpoo; whosshapkabroham; why; willthisthreaddie; winbensteinsmoney; winery; winterinoklahoma; wmdbrandcoffee; woohooo; woooooooooooooo; worstthreadever; wow; wtc911; wwf; wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; yar; yeaandweremadtoo; yesitis; yetisex; yojimbo; youhavetoomuchtime; yousuck; youtalkingtomehuh; yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy; zipperheadsrus; zombiethreadfromhell; zot; zotbait; zotbetagamma; zotfest; zotjimmycartercom; zotmeagain; zotmebabyonemoretime; zotmeister; zotorama; zotpeterson; zottedagain; zottokill; zuluoscartango; zz13139posts; zzgettingreallyoldzz; zztop; zztoprulz; zzzscott0347; zzzzz; zzzzzzhimonkeyface; zzzzzzzzzzzzzzpoopoo; zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz50; zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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To: Monkey Face
That's how it always goes.
posted on
11/12/2004 9:10:14 AM PST
(Personality shattered and horribly twisted, the humor flows out through the cracks.)
To: sionnsar
Just a reminder whilst I catch up:
This is the -Undead Thread- on its way to The Ultimate LimitTM: Last Post #65535. |
FReepmail me if you want on or off the
Undead Thread ping list.
posted on
11/12/2004 9:20:21 AM PST
(NYT/Cbs: "It's fake but true!" | Iran Azadi | Traditional Anglicans:
To: Darksheare; sionnsar; Monkey Face; tiamat; Darkchylde; NicknamedBob; Conspiracy Guy; Laura Earl; ...
The moment you've all been waiting for ... the answer to "What is this thread about, anyway?"
The Undead Thread is about building a community of conservative people. Here we find a self-selected group of people of great diversity ... from different age groups, locations, religions, nationalities, and professions. Some of us write poetry. Some of us can spell. Some can program. Some play bagpipes. Our political and social opinions cover the entire broad spectrum of "conservative" thought. We can be found in very different areas of the larger world of Free Republic.
However, the Undead Thread has brought this group together and made it a community. The open discussion of every possible topic has given us the opportunity to get to know one another over a long period of time, to discover our areas of agreement or disagreement. We are a testimony to the principle of free speech. Although we may support different candidates for office, or take different sides of an issue, we return again and again to the position that we all love and support our country and our Constitution.
FReepers who come to the Undead Thread and remain after the "testing period" become our FRiends. We encourage one another, listen to one another complain, worry about one another, offer advice, pray for one another, cheer one another up with terrible jokes and funny pictures. When we meet in other forums, we know one another. We can contribute to the civility and intellectual strength of Free Republic because we can temper disagreement with understanding; we are individuals to one another, not just usernames.
We are making a unique contribution to this most valuable forum ... so be proud of being among the Undead! I love you all! (Yes, even you :-).
posted on
11/12/2004 9:25:12 AM PST
(First we had all the money, then we got all the votes, now we have all the fun!)
To: tuliptree76; Monkey Face; Tax-chick; Fedora; Darksheare; NicknamedBob
Behold! The next installment is complete... I think.
It's a bit long...
He could hear her clearly throughout the day. She drifted to
him through his dreams. Funny, vampires werent supposed
to have dreams. It was one of those things stolen away when
a mere mortal became IMMORTAL... Yet he still dreamed.
He never had been like the others. As a matter of fact, he had
been made an outcast long ago. Stigmatized by the damned
themselves... oh, the irony of it he mused in his slumber. How
he laughed, laughed like a mad man when they condemned him
to such a fate... never belonging to either world, but being
imprisoned within both. Hated & persecuted, the loneliness &
silence had driven countless others to insanity, choosing oblivion
rather than living another night with the mark of such damnation.
As night fell, his senses began stirring him. He could hear her
leaving her house & walking in the direction of their rendevous
point. Though the sun had not fully set, his anticipation would let
him sleep no longer. Odd, he could almost feel his heart pounding
with excitement though he knew it couldnt possibly. Not wanting
to be late, he made a quick change & slipped out the door just as
the last rays of the sun disappeared.
She would be waiting on the corner of Shallott & Chatalain. He
had always wondered why anyone would name a street Chatalain?
Noone even knew what the word meant anymore. Suddenly he felt
tense. He didnt sense another vampire, could it be that he was
actually nervous? Imagine, at his age he joked to himself.
There she was at the rendevous, just as theyd planned. She
was wearing a little black number that was flattering in all the
right ways. He never realized she had dresses like THAT in
her closet, shed never worn such an ensemble before. His
nerves started again... he kept reminding himself the sensation
wasnt real, but it felt real, just like his pounding heart.
She smiled at him as he stood awkwardly shy on the opposite
corner. How was this frail creature doing this to him? How
could she weave such a spell without even realizing what she
was doing? He pushed forward across the intersection to her
side. The curves in that dress were even more enticing than before.
Well, hello came the lilting response. The rhythmic sway of
her voice made his mind float. He loved that feeling for some
reason beyond his ability to comprehend or explain. Is this
suitable? she worriedly asked. Perhaps she mistook the
dazed expression on his face for one of dissatisfaction.
Oh, no. Its fine. You look incredible. he said as he stumbled
for words, trying so hard not to accidentally insult her. Just
how did she do this to him?
They walked along the buildings, having conversations that
neither of them had bothered having with another living
creature in a long time. They laughed & joked as they hadnt
done in so long... he tempered his desire to tell her
EVERYTHING. If all went well, shed know in good time.
During their liberating conversation, they had neglected to
pay attention to the direction of their travel. It was wonderfully
convenient when they found themselves stumbling upon a dance hall.
Can you dance? they asked each other in an obvious state
of mental union. Both giggled at the moment before rushing
through the door. They tore up the dance floor for what seemed
to be hours, besting everyone in all the competitions & giving a
tango performance like none had seen before.
Where did you learn to dance like THAT? she asked him
after they had caught their breath. I had been taught many
forms of dance from a young age He said. Now, where
did YOU learn to dance like that? He couldnt help but
smile as she blushed. I... I started studying ballet when I
was young. When my mother died, my father sent me
away for looking so much like her. I went to live with my
aunt, my mothers sister, in Spain. While there she made
sure I learned traditional Spanish dances. When my cousin
traveled to Brazil, I was sent as a guardian. I immersed myself
in their variations of Spanish dances. He stood there stunned
Wow was all he could manage to say. She certainly explained
things in more depth than he did.
He walked her home as he had the night before, thoroughly
behaving himself. Not once had he thought of biting her, that
fact amazed him. Somehow she was able to keep his hunger
at bay. Thank you for such a wonderful night, Im looking
forward to next time she soothingly whispered before gently
giving him another kiss. This kiss was different than the last
though. Her lips met his. It had been a long time since his last
true kiss. She giggled, watching him stumble back in a lovers
daze. Once again she said goodnight before closing that big
Victorian door.
For some odd reason that door looked familiar to him, the
reason why just wasnt coming to mind now. He wasnt
surprised though, she just KISSED him! His mind was
transported elsewhere by her soft lips.
His blissful reverie was shattered by a shadowy figure near
one of her windows. He hadnt fed all night & now was the
perfect chance. Silently he crept upon the would be burglar.
Before the wretch had time to scream he was silenced by
fangs imbedded deep in his neck. He quickly distributed the
now lifeless body in a rival cemetery, known for its mysterious
occurrences & association with the Santeria.
Now he could rest. Back to his crypt he crept, lying himself
down just before day break. He was getting to old to take
risks like that. As he drifted the image of the big cherry wood
Victorian door drifted into his supposedly impossible dreams...
where had he seen it before?
posted on
11/12/2004 9:25:50 AM PST
(Resistentialism - seemingly spiteful behavior manifested by inanimate objects)
To: tiamat
BUT for all of you who have been having to listen to the "Tiamat's House Saga", we just got an offer.
a decent GOOd offer. Congrats, tiamat! Hope it works out...
posted on
11/12/2004 9:27:18 AM PST
(NYT/Cbs: "It's fake but true!" | Iran Azadi | Traditional Anglicans:
To: Darkchylde
Wow ... that's really going good!
posted on
11/12/2004 9:28:42 AM PST
(First we had all the money, then we got all the votes, now we have all the fun!)
To: Monkey Face
Normally, sionnsar is the Keeper Of The Pings, but he is in Florida for a week, so I don't know who the Keeper Of The Ping is in his absence. You would have been pinged my now, I'm sure. sionnsar is here, if briefly. Asphalt has joined the ping list now.
posted on
11/12/2004 9:29:57 AM PST
(NYT/Cbs: "It's fake but true!" | Iran Azadi | Traditional Anglicans:
To: Tax-chick
Subtitle under that says on my screen: "And then there's D-sheare.."
We have an ANSWER.
(Needs to be added to the LIST.)
posted on
11/12/2004 9:29:57 AM PST
(Personality shattered and horribly twisted, the humor flows out through the cracks.)
To: sionnsar
Hey, Guys!
How ya doin'?
I sure missed you! Especially since I didn't even get to say "bon voyage"!
posted on
11/12/2004 9:30:17 AM PST
Monkey Face
(Never launch a vast project with a half vast plan.)
To: Tax-chick
The thread DOES have a point? AaiiieEEEEeee!
*head comes dangerously close to exploding*
I'm okay... I'm okay now.
posted on
11/12/2004 9:31:52 AM PST
(Resistentialism - seemingly spiteful behavior manifested by inanimate objects)
To: Darksheare
"And then there's D-sheare.." Piffle and you know it :-). Come visit us ... a large meal, good wine, and flamenco guitar playing!
posted on
11/12/2004 9:32:48 AM PST
(First we had all the money, then we got all the votes, now we have all the fun!)
To: Darkchylde
Glad you're okay. Every entity needs a purpose :-).
posted on
11/12/2004 9:33:31 AM PST
(First we had all the money, then we got all the votes, now we have all the fun!)
To: Tax-chick
What was that all about? ; )
To: Tax-chick
I've neglected names though. I'll
just fill those in later, I suppose.
posted on
11/12/2004 9:33:55 AM PST
(Resistentialism - seemingly spiteful behavior manifested by inanimate objects)
To: Tax-chick; annyokie
New Undead volunteers are always welcome. Sionnsar has a ping list, but he's on vacation. When he comes back, you can ask to be added! Or just FReepmail me -- I expect to be in&out. (It's not all vacation, next week is work.)
posted on
11/12/2004 9:34:15 AM PST
(NYT/Cbs: "It's fake but true!" | Iran Azadi | Traditional Anglicans:
To: Tax-chick
Well, there's the ferocity with which I defend those I care about.
(Mindless golem stomping ruin Zamboni like among the wrong doers!)
So... Having the subtitle there makes sense to me.
posted on
11/12/2004 9:34:44 AM PST
(Personality shattered and horribly twisted, the humor flows out through the cracks.)
To: Darkchylde
That's true ... but there's a very good mix of action, description, and dialogue. Too much of any one is awkward, but you've got a really nice pace going.
posted on
11/12/2004 9:35:00 AM PST
(First we had all the money, then we got all the votes, now we have all the fun!)
To: Darkchylde; Tax-chick
Don't fret. Tax Chick was just venting.
To: Conspiracy Guy
I have a cold, and I'm having trouble sleeping.
posted on
11/12/2004 9:35:53 AM PST
(First we had all the money, then we got all the votes, now we have all the fun!)
To: Tax-chick
Well, I'm a bit short on sleep, so this thread making
sense or having a point is inconceivable at this moment.
posted on
11/12/2004 9:36:03 AM PST
(Resistentialism - seemingly spiteful behavior manifested by inanimate objects)
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