[PHOTO] This is not your father’s “F.B.I., IN LIVING COLOR.” (STARRING EPHRAIM ZIMBALIST JR. — Desilu, Quinn Martin, WB) [PHOTOS] [PHOTOS] “Inviolable. Untouchable. Pure as mountain air.” NO. ENDOWED WITH CLAWS OF AN EAGLE, YOUR CURRENT FBI SEEMS POLITICIZED, WEAPONIZED, AND FULLY PAID INTO LIBERAL DEMOCRAT LIES ABOUT PRESIDENT DONALD H. TRUMP. “Get Trump!”—AT ANY COST! [caption id="attachment_6306" align="alignnone" width="873"]Image: James Comey MSNBC.COM, AND JA FRIEDBERG IMAGES[/caption] THEY HAVE PURSUED DONALD TRUMP WITHOUT LIMITS. BUT.... “...they found nothing. “Somehow, the Times, other media outlets, and Democrats have absolutely no concern about the abuse of power by the FBI and say...