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Keyword: westernculturetroll

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  • Swedes working overtime at record levels

    03/20/2011 4:43:49 PM PDT · by WesternCulture · 36 replies · 1+ views ^ | 03/18/2011 | TT/The Local/dl
    Employees at the Volkswagen plants in Germany only have to work 28.8 hours a week (altough many of them agree to work overtime). Over here in Sweden, assembly line workers in the car industry seldom enjoy a whole weekend off. Working 60-70 hours a week and trying to run a family at the same time is very common in my part of the World. In this regard, Swedish work conditions are almost at an 19th century level. The article: "As the economy continues to heat up, Swedes are working more overtime than ever before, with extra hours clocked in some...
  • USA and even "rich" Norway display a ridiculous standard of living.

    03/18/2011 8:19:55 PM PDT · by WesternCulture · 229 replies
    03/18/2011 | westernculture
    Why do Americans drive around in Fred Flintstone vehicles and what's the underlying problem behind the vast majority of Brits buying Fords and Vauxhalls year after year? Why does your tap water taste like sh*t and why don't Italians tear down buildings that no longer are in use? What's the idea of building a house out of cardboard? Denmark has the highest wages on Earth. Norway can compete. OK. But why is it that every time I visit our dear western neighbors I feel sorry for people driving wrecks instead of Volvo V70s? Is the V70 a far too sophisticated...