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Keyword: ussintrepid

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  • The US Navy's Five Aircraft Carrier Museum Ships

    07/12/2013 7:42:25 AM PDT · by Jeff Head · 98 replies
    JEFFHEAD.COM ^ | July 12, 2013 | Jeff Head
    US NAVY AIRCRAFT CARRIER MUSEUMS (Click map for a high resolution image) Currently (July 2013) there are five US Navy Aircraft Carrier museums. Four are of Essex class carriers commissioned during World War II which underwent the SBC-125 refit in the 1950s to modernize them. All were commissioned in 1943 & served into modern times. The last, the USS Lexington, was decommissioned in 1991 after 48 years service. The other is the USS Midway, namesake of a larger class carrier built at the end of the war. She underwent two major refits, in the 1950s & in 1970 greatly enlarging...
  • title A day in the life of President Bush (Many photos) 11-11-08

    11/11/2008 8:11:58 PM PST · by Kaslin · 87 replies · 2,620+ views
    President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush flew to New York City to attend the rededication ceremony of the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space museum You can read the transcript herePresident Bush visited the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum TranscriptVice President Cheney visited members of the Virginia Military Institute in Lexington, VA Enjoy your visit to Sanity Island
  • Bush honors veterans at aircraft carrier Intrepid

    11/11/2008 12:11:24 PM PST · by SwinneySwitch · 1 replies · 193+ views
    Yahoo News/AP ^ | November 11, 2008 | Devlin Barrett
    NEW YORK – President Bush thanked veterans Tuesday for serving their country, noting wistfully that he'll "miss being commander in chief of such a fabulous group." Bush marked his last Veterans Day as president with a visit to a New York pier that is home to the World War II aircraft carrier Intrepid, appearing before a crowd of thousands bundled on a pier against the windy November chill for the rededication ceremony of the USS Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum. The president praised veterans in the crowd, including those who served aboard the Intrepid in its long history of...
  • USS Intrepid Facing Financial Peril

    05/24/2008 11:38:49 AM PDT · by Free ThinkerNY · 7 replies · 106+ views
    Associated Press ^ | May 24, 2008
    Once it was Japanese torpedoes and kamikaze suicide planes. Then, the threat of the wrecking ball. Now, it's money -- or the lack of it -- that could imperil the future of the USS Intrepid. Nineteen months after tugboats pried it from the mud at its Hudson River pier and towed it away for a much-needed renovation, the legendary World War II aircraft carrier needs a sizable infusion of cash to resume its postwar career as a floating military museum. If all goes according to plan, the ship will be brought back in early October and formally reopened to the...
  • Vets of U.S.S. Intrepid present flag vigilante with a flag of his very own

    11/21/2007 11:00:41 AM PST · by Lady J USA 1981 · 2 replies · 60+ views
    Hot Air ^ | November 21, 2007 | Allahpundit
    Veterans who served on the U.S.S. Intrepid aircraft carrier presented Jim Brossard with a certificate and flag for cutting down a Mexican flag that was flying over a U.S. flag at a Reno bar. “To fly the American flag underneath the Mexican flag, it just defies everything,” said Wayne Erven, West Coast representative of the U.S.S. Intrepid Association Inc. “Our flag goes on top. That’s the honor we give our flag.”… Brossard said he has no regrets. “If I hadn’t done that then I’m afraid it wouldn’t have gotten done,” he said. “I was ready and fully willing to accept...
  • USS Intrepid Returns to NYC on D-Day

    06/06/2007 6:03:57 PM PDT · by george76 · 12 replies · 1,199+ views
    AP ^ | Jun 6, 2007 | PAT MILTON,
    The USS Intrepid aircraft carrier, glistening from a full-body makeover, arrived in style at Staten Island on Wednesday to the cheers, hoots and hollers of former crew members and World War II veterans. "It's like running into an old girlfriend who had a facelift," said 82-year-old Ray Stone, a former Navy radar man who served on board the Intrepid from 1943 to 1945. "I nearly broke down in tears when I saw her," said Stone. "Her bottom has been scraped of barnacles and she looks just like she did way back when." Stone was among about 400 people who attended...
  • Intrepid Underway

    12/05/2006 6:01:35 AM PST · by Robe · 22 replies · 1,467+ views | 12/05/06 | Robe
    Shes underway at last Have a look on Earthcam
  • Stuck in mud, USS Intrepid move is scrapped

    11/06/2006 8:57:44 AM PST · by SmoothTalker · 118 replies · 3,155+ views
    "NEW YORK - The legendary aircraft carrier USS Intrepid got stuck in the deep Hudson River mud Monday as powerful tugboats fought to pull it free to tow the floating museum downriver for a $60 million overhaul." " After 24 years at the same pier on Manhattan’s West Side, the Intrepid began inching backward out of its berth, but the tugs moved it only a few feet before its giant propellers jammed in the thick accumulation of mud. The decommissioned war ship no longer has engines of its own." "The Intrepid, launched in 1943, is one of four Essex-class carriers...
  • Veterans gather for VJ Day (USS Intrepid)

    08/18/2005 5:52:24 PM PDT · by SandRat · 4 replies · 358+ views
    Marine Corps News ^ | Aug 18, 2005 | Cpl. Lameen Witter
    NEW YORK (August 18, 2005) -- The Intrepid Sea, Air, and Space Museum, in conjunction with the History Channel, held a ceremony to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the victory in Japan and the end of World War II, known as VJ Day here Sunday. Civilians, veterans, and service members to include the Marines of 6th Communication Battalion (6th Comm), were in attendance at the Museum’s celebration of America’s WWII victory. Sgt. Michael Taft, member of the color guard and a satellite communications operator for 6th Comm, said the ceremony was an amazing opportunity for camaraderie with the veterans of...
  • Evel's Son Got the Right Stuff [Robbie Kneviel Jumps USS Intrepid Flight Deck to Honor Troops]

    08/01/2004 10:44:28 AM PDT · by gopwinsin04 · 23 replies · 1,297+ views
    'Captain' Robbie Kneviel son of famed daredevil Evel Knievel last night jumped over two helcopters and five planes on the deck of the USS Intrepid aircaft carrier turned museum. Organizers of the stunt, broadcast like on the cable network TNT, were breathless in their depiction of the dangers that the 45 year old faced.Two paramedics were on hand to rush him to the hospital if he crashed, and a fire boat was at the ready in case he strayed overboard, they informed the audience. Adding to the drama, the vintage aircraft that Knievel had to soar over was tagged as...
  • Evel Knievel's Kid To Jump Aircraft Carrier To Honor Troops

    07/27/2004 2:11:19 PM PDT · by Doctor Wu · 37 replies · 2,704+ views
    NCBuy News ^ | 7/27/04
    Evel Knievel's Kid To Jump Aircraft Carrier NEW YORK CITY (Wireless Flash) -- Stunt cyclist Evel Knievel once tried to jump a canyon and now his son is trying to jump an aircraft carrier. On July 31, "Kaptain" Robbie Knievel plans to jump over six military airplanes on the deck of the aircraft carrier museum U.S.S Intrepid. In order to complete the 180-foot jump, Knievel says he had to build a 30-foot high ski ramp to help his bike build up enough speed. He originally planned to jump two aircraft carriers at once but it was logistically impossible. The stunt...
  • Myers Salutes Troops, All Who Serve the Nation

    02/12/2004 5:13:55 PM PST · by Ragtime Cowgirl · 4 replies · 216+ views
    DoD-AFPS ^ | Feb. 12, 2004 | Linda D. Kozaryn
      Myers Salutes Troops, All Who Serve the Nation By Linda D. KozarynAmerican Forces Press ServiceWASHINGTON, Feb. 12, 2004 –Air Force Gen. Richard B. Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, accepted the Intrepid Foundation 2004 Freedom Award in New York City Feb. 11 on behalf of America's men and women in uniform. The nation's service members "serve tirelessly and with great courage and great dedication," Myers said. "They're the ones out there doing the really hard work." Launched in 1943, the USS Intrepid served the U.S. Navy for 31 years. During World War II, the Intrepid suffered...