Keyword: unblogged
A New Year and I got out of bed and went to work on New Year's Day at 7am. Normal routine was a good thing that day getting out of normal routine this time of year does things that are negative IMHO... Four Years Since January 6th An Event That Started On 9/11/2001 It was in the aftermath of the September 11th attacks that government intelligence and law enforcement power was ratcheted up first to fight International Terrorism International Extremism Eventually this power would be expanded into realms of alleged Domestic Terrorism Domestic Extremism... Newsdump Update: Russia Warns Of Response...
Support Free Republic Many of our posts get reposted on "Free Republic" a premier conservative website often used by Rush Limbaugh for his show prep. El Rushbo referenced one of my posts... We will start with three hits on the radio 50 years ago today... "The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body is full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!" Matthew 6:22-23... "God's grace for us in Christ...
The first song this week I have memories of hearing on the radio even back when it was first on the radio in 1965... It's time for a Kim Jong-Un Update Sir Elton John sings "Rocket Man"... Israel never joined the arms supply orgy in Ukraine even when it wasn't at war. Ukrainian nationalism was a Handmaiden of the Holocaust. How does the modern Western World resemble Nazi Germany? "Nazi art drew from two themes, and two alone; Pornography and Militarism" Journalist Howard K. Smith "Last Train From Berlin"... one should not make the mistake and I don't think many...
The first song this week was something I heard because Jimmy Buffett's music... "The Liberal Capitalists whipped The..." Not that people but the election came out this way... October 7th, 2023 changed a lot in this world... Here's something to think about is there anyone or anything in this world that can keep Benjamin "Machiavelli" Netanyahu in check? Insider Thomas Friedman who works for the New York Times and the "Deep State" IMHO had this to say... Behind "Democracy" There Is "Hierarchy"... "I do not believe that God created an egalitarian world. I believe the authority of parent over child,...
The first song one that is a "Sanity Test Song" and when I first heard it... An "Escaping Reality Update" The Beatles "Strawberry Fields Forever" is the theme song... "What is most irresistible is the image-ingestion aspect of our relation to photos. Eye-candy. They taste so good! They feed an appetite. They feed the appetite they create. Both the appetite and food are pseudo. Have we become more prone to ingest image reality than experience real reality (whatever that is)?..."... The Late Ron J (Roy Kuljian) Writes Of Image Junkies Decades Ago In His Book "Lust Virus" Considering Mere Photographs......
No human being is a substitute for the Higher Power even El Rushbo said 'talent on loan from God'. "Chariots Of Fire" And The 1924 Paris Olympics The theme from the 1981 film "Chariots of Fire" which chronicled the exploits of the 1924 British Olympic runners in Paris... The Empire Keeps Striking Back An overwhelming vote in Israel's Parliament this week rejecting the Palestinian state... And what happens after Ireland goes in for the "Palestinian State"?... Didn't JD Vance say the British government is "Islamist" too?... And who might be trying to get Joe Biden out of the way???... Your...
Your host with you again grateful I don't have to hate anyone I can't change the politics or the fact that our politicians are bought by Israel or defense contractors or pharma whatever... Our "Sleepwalking" theme for the next segment Shelia Walsh was preaching the Gospel a bit back in 1982 when she arrived on American shores I remember hearing her... What Does It Add Up To? Is It That Bad?... "Having read this and noting the rejection of Russia's latest peace proposal, I have just cancelled our planned European holiday..."... rising tensions on the Russian Front, in the South...
Support Free Republic Some of the blog's posts are reposted to "Free Republic"... Another weekly excursion your host the hypocrite and sinner feeing months of prompting that signifies real change more progress towards better things in my life. The internet filled with incitement against personalities either side of the political divide. I've been an online character assassin what good is that kind of stuff. That Moment I Dumped Fox News... Hating Other Folks Isn't The Answer Wanting What's Best For Them And Cleaning Up My Own Act Is?... Meanwhile on the Russian Front the sanctions heating up US economic warfare...
Some of this blog's posts are reposted to Free Republic and FR is conducting its quarterly fundraising. Join me in supporting FR through these links... Welcome to another your host a "Recovering Politician" that's what... The Drama Over Tiananmen Square This Coming Week... An in Israel the much hyped Nikki Haley tour a politician on the take of the "Military Industrial Complex" if ever there was one... And self-righteously moralizing about "Democracy" being "our side" and then talking "Tyranny" in reference to China or Russia belies what our Western society is becoming... "How long till we can order death pills?"...
Your host welcoming you to another attempt at media excellence last a "stream of consciousness" where I defined Anti-Semitism based on my own very personal experience. I was sexually mistreated in my youth and as I reflect on Candace Owens... This week more dramatic accusations of Anti-Semitism surrounding the International Court of Justice arrest warrant for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel... Newsdump Alert: Latest Polling From Israel Shows Upward Trend For Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud Party... Politics Here In The USA: 'Dictator' Vs. 'Dementia'... The Ukraine War Update and Shelia Walsh sings... Joe Biden making that ominous kind of speech...
Good to be with you again well there's Ray Stevens singing "Everything Is Beautiful" isn't everything out there created by the Higher Power for the Higher Purpose... Thank the Lord I don't have to live in anger and resentment and pretending I'm God and all the other folks out there are beneath me.... "Donald Trump's chances of winning the election have improved despite coming face-to-face with porn star Stormy Daniels"... What Do Donald Trump, Joe Biden And Banjamin Netanyahu All Have In Common?... You think the game in Washington the Uniparty plays is about "Saving Israel" well it's something else...
"I am the vine and you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing" John 15:5 In The Bible (New International Version)... And now we have messaging saying: "Christ Is King" How about a Campus Protest Update Buffalo Springfield with "For What It's Worth"... The Globalist Speaker of the House Mike Johnson goes to the site of one of those protests Columbia University sets himself up to be jeered by these protesters so he can look like some sort of victim.... It all seems...
Rush Limbaugh always had something to say about the X-Rated President of the United States Bill Clinton why not a Bill Clinton Update... 3 Communist Things come to mind with President Bill Clinton Sending Elian Gonzalez back to Communist Cuba the Feds barged into that home in Miami April 26, 2000 24 years ago this coming Friday... My Own Humble Opinion "I don't endorse the notion of Russia taking Ukraine per se. Russia has its attitude in the matter but what matters as an American is what's going on over here on our side of the fence... Newdump Alert: US...
"I hope I am wrong. My gut tells me we will fight in 2025" Memo of US Air Force General Mike Minihan Released On Social Media And Confirmed By The Pentagon On Friday... US Secretary of State Antony Blinken set to go to Beijing for talks with China next weekend... Trying to separate the Real Issues from the Fake Issues the Gaslighting frm the Fakeservative sources and Fakegressive ones as well... Russia is getting the same treatment Japan got in 1940 and 1941 folks and will they respond at some to this the folks in the "Deep State" know what...
If George Santos Is A Liar And A Crook Why Does He Have To Leave Congress He Fits In Just Fine? This week Steven Crowder who has been associated with Glenn Beck and The Blaze coming out not attacking people but making his case for uncensored content on Big Conservative Media Platforms... And to follow up on that historically media newcomers and I think of Cable TV network folks like Ted Turner back in the 1970's and 80's they had to deal with money and banks and financial power... Abortion Starts Well Before The Abortion... If Rush Limbaugh Had Lived...
Don't be distracted with the drama about Russia, China and other nations. Don't even be distracted with the drama about Joe Biden and classified documents. Things are broken in the USA, the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand and they need to be fixed there rather than in Russia and China. We must not support any aspect of the World Economic Forum agenda... If The Chamber Of Commerce Is A... If Big Business Is A... Then Kristi Noem and dare I say 98 percent of the Republican politicians in this country assume the position for the... If Pastor Martin Niemöller...
Will someone go 'nuclear" in 2023 I think Joe Biden already did in two successive elections (2020 and 2022) using the FBI to censor his political opponents and to think in 2020 Biden wasn't even the Resident of the White House yet?... Well guess what there's a new government in Israel and Welcome Back to Benjamin Netanyahu as Prime Minister the theme... Predictions for 2023 well I see some coming out of Russia... Where was Kari Lake on December 15th? She was in the room with President Donald J. Trump and others... Blast From The Past-50 Years Ago Anne Murray...
Heck I've seen a lot in my lifetime been in the room with the "Men of Faith" of course the biggest hypocrite the biggest ego in the room my own! I am not 'the Lord' but His Birth is celebrated this time of year... The Drive-Bys Seem To Have Three Priorities Among Many That I Identify... The Harvard-Harris Poll released yesterday shows Donald Trump at 48 percent support to Ron DeSantis at 25 percent support... "Instead of chasing child sex predators or terrorists, the FBI has agents---lots of them---analyzing and mass-flagging social media posts. Not as part of any criminal...
Material from this blog regularly reposted to "Free Republic" and this quarter's fundraising for FR continues... Well five years ago President Donald Trump did the Sword Dance with the Saudis but the Man of the Hour this week in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is Xi Jinping President of China.. Xi calling for oil to be purchased in Chinese currency instead of the US dollar... We have these Twitter Files but needless to say the FBI collusion with Big Tech carries on. They are in bed censoring with Facebook and Google-You Tube etc. etc.... The Higher Power has a "Top...
The Original "M*A*S*H" Theme Song lyrics and all in that opening music set. Here I am your "Hawkeye" Host doing the triage. Your "Radar" Host listening for "choppers". And Yes your repentant Major Frank Burns Host Hypochristian to the hilt. A Deluge Of Questions (Warning: You May Find These Questions Offensive Strong Language Included)... December is a great time to dump news you want to go away down the line like this stuff was on a Friday night in December. Yes Elon I hear you say we need a 'sensible moderate' like DeSantis to be our next President...That doesn't mean...