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Keyword: theotherwhitemeat

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  • Bronze-Age Britons Were Cannibalized After Massacre, Research Shows

    12/18/2024 5:21:40 PM PST · by nickcarraway · 38 replies
    CBS News ^ | December 17, 2024 | Kerry Breen
    New research suggests that dozens of Bronze-Age era Britons were killed in an attack unlike any previous known to archaeologists studying that time period and location. The research on human remains from Charterhouse Warren in southwest England, conducted by a team of researchers from multiple institutions including Oxford University, was published in Antiquity, a journal of world archaeology. It found that at least 37 Bronze Age-era men, women and children were "killed and butchered" and then cannibalized, with their bodies then thrown down a nearly 50-foot deep natural shaft. While archaeologists have found the remains of Bronze Age and later...
  • People Think Joe Rogan Killed a Triceratops on Hunting Safari, And They're Very Upset About It [Idiots sign petition to ban people from hunting Triceratops]

    10/18/2021 6:22:12 PM PDT · by grundle · 67 replies
  • Snake and Eggs? Floridians Could Soon Eat Invasive Pythons

    12/12/2020 5:03:37 PM PST · by nickcarraway · 44 replies
    CLICKORLANDO ^ | December 12, 2020 | Chris Perkins
    Snake and eggs? Floridians could soon eat invasive pythons Python Bowl kicks off Friday in Florida Everglades Python Bowl kicks off Friday in Florida Everglades FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – Donna Kalil estimates she’s eaten a dozen pythons in the last three years or so. That’s not including the python jerky, says Kalil, a python hunter for the South Florida Water Management District. “I eat that several times a week because I take it out with me on python hunts and I eat it out there.” State officials would like to see more people like Kalil putting pythons on the menu...
  • Jellyfish-lamb Hybrid Ends Up as Meat at French Slaughterhouse

    06/23/2015 12:10:50 PM PDT · by palmer · 13 replies ^ | Tue, 06/23/2015 - 12:29pm | Seth Augenstein, Digital Reporter
    A lamb that was genetically modified with jellyfish genes for advanced research was sold to a slaughterhouse for meat in France, according to European news accounts. An investigation to find out how the genetically-altered animal ended up as meat is underway, according to Le Parisien, the French newspaper that broke the story. "Rubis, the lamb, was found on a plate. Who ate her? No one knows. All that's known is the meat left a French slaughterhouse in November 2014" according to Le Parisien. The story states Rubis came from a program started in 2009 called "Green Mutton" within the scientific...
  • Dog meat on menu: Activists want this Chinese food festival banned

    06/04/2015 9:23:53 AM PDT · by nickcarraway · 20 replies
    Hindustan Times ^ | un 03, 2015 | Harikrishnan Nair
    Come June 22 and the small city of Yulin, some 780 km southwest of the Chinese capital, comes alive with a food festival. But many people in China and around the world want this festival banned. The reason – dog meat is the main attraction on the menu. Local residents say the practice of eating dog meat with lychee, a popular fruit in south China, is meant to welcome the summer solstice on June 22. Eating dog meat isn't new to the people of Yulin. In fact, it is consumed every day. However, activists say the practice was popularised in...
  • Top Saudi mufti reportedly issues fatwa allowing starving husbands to eat wives

    04/10/2015 10:52:07 AM PDT · by Altenkrug · 57 replies
    The Jerusalem Post ^ | April 9, 2015
    Saudi Arabia's highest religious authority has issued a fatwa allowing a starving man to eat his wife in order to save himself, causing a stir among the Kingdom's residents, London-based daily al-Quds al-Arabi reported. Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Sheikh, according to the report, said that the act would display the wife's obedience to her husband and her willingness to become one with his flesh. Saudi Twitter users quickly took to the social network to express their shock at the strange fatwa attributed to the Grand Mufti. Following the report Saudi media accused Iranian media of fabricating the fatwa, noting...
  • PETA to Bigfoot Hunters: You Shouldn't 'Shoot and Kill It' Just Because You Can

    02/02/2014 1:13:42 PM PST · by DogByte6RER · 38 replies
    |Myrtle Beach News Examiner ^ | February 1, 2014 | Norman Byrd
    The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) are certain about one thing, even though they do not acknowledge that Bigfoot is real: It is just as unethical to kill a Sasquatch as it would be any other animal. In a report posted by the CBS Houston on Jan. 30, the animal rights activists reacted to the idea much as expected, because to members of their organization, shooting and killing a living creature, whether it be for food or sport, is an atrocity. PETA spokesperson Lindsay Rajt told The Houston Chronicle: “As an organization we do oppose hunting of...
  • Plague of wild pigs has U.S. authorities squealing

    08/24/2013 3:24:02 PM PDT · by rickmichaels · 101 replies
    Reuters ^ | AUGUST 24, 2013 | KEVIN MURPHY
    A few years ago, Jim Vich would not have dreamed of setting up an elaborate trap to catch wild hogs. But that was before Oklahoma was invaded by a plague of pigs that devour crops, uproot pastures, destroy wildlife habitats, spread disease to humans and animals, kill trees and even knock over cemetery stones.
  • Islamofascism Case Example #692 ... ‘Seditious’ Facebook Pork Photo Leads Two Malaysians to Court

    07/18/2013 6:50:13 PM PDT · by DogByte6RER · 6 replies
    Al Arabiya ^ | Thursday, 18 July 2013 | Al Arabiya
    ‘Seditious’ Facebook pork photo leads two Malaysians to court Prosecutors on Thursday charged two Malaysians with sedition and inciting religious enmity after they posted a photograph on Facebook considered an insult to the Muslim holy month of fasting. They face up to eight years in prison if convicted of both charges in the Muslim-majority nation. Alvin Tan and Vivian Lee, both ethnic Chinese non-Muslims in their 20s, drew criticism when they uploaded a photograph of themselves earlier this month eating pork stew while conveying greetings to Muslims for the current fasting month of Ramadan. Pork is forbidden for Muslims. Tan...
  • American Idiot Converts to Islam ... Then Threatens to Kill Mother Over Pork Dinner

    06/21/2013 7:59:33 PM PDT · by DogByte6RER · 45 replies
    The Smoking Gun ^ | June 19, 2013 | The Smoking Gun
    Police: Death Threat Prompted By Pork Dinner • Muslim man accused mom of trying to "poison" him JUNE 19--A Pennsylvania man allegedly threatened to kill his mother because he believed she tried to “poison” him by serving pork, “which was against his Muslim religion," investigators report. Joshua Lee Coffey, 25, confronted his mother Sherri last week in the family’s home in St. Marys, a central Pennsylvania city. Coffey accused his mother of “attempting to poison him,” noting that “the meat he was given to eat was pork, which was against his Muslim religion," according to a probable cause affidavit. A...
  • (Drunken) Alaska Man Feeds Black Bear Barbecue Meat, Gets Mauled for Dessert

    06/20/2013 6:33:09 PM PDT · by DogByte6RER · 49 replies
    NEW YORK DAILY NEWS ^ | Wednesday, June 19, 2013 | Sasha Goldstein
    Alaska man feeds black bear barbecue meat, gets mauled for dessert The drunken man could be charged with illegally feeding wildlife after the Alaska Department of Fish and Game says he 'pretty much goaded' the beast into the attack. Beer, barbecue and black bears are never a good mix. An Alaska man learned that the hard way this weekend when he threw a hungry bear a piece of barbecued meat — only to be mauled by the same bear. "He'd been drinking," Alaska State Trooper spokeswoman Beth Ipsen told the Anchorage Daily News of the man. The unidentified man was...
  • The United Nations Says We Should All Be Eating Insects

    05/14/2013 7:10:50 PM PDT · by DogByte6RER · 63 replies
    Forbes ^ | 5/14/2013 | Tim Worstall
    The United Nations Says We Should All Be Eating Insects The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), a part of the United Nations, has released a report saying that we should all get ready to start eating insects. There’s a certain amount of truth in the report but not all that much: “ World population is slated to top nine billion by 2050, and seeing as how arable land is being rapidly swallowed by towns and cities, oceans are increasingly overfished, and climate change is disrupting traditional farming, a new United Nations study proposes a twist on Marie Antoinette’s dietary advice:...
  • (Cannibal Islamist "Freedom Fighter") Syrian Rebel Bites Heart of Dead Soldier: Video

    05/13/2013 7:02:48 PM PDT · by DogByte6RER · 31 replies
    NYT ^ | May 13, 2013 | REUTERS
    Syrian Rebel Bites Heart of Dead Soldier: Video BEIRUT (Reuters) - A video of a Syrian rebel commander cutting the heart out of a soldier and biting into is emblematic of a civil war that has rapidly descended into sectarian hatred and revenge killings, Human Rights Watch said on Monday. The New York-based group said an amateur video posted on the Internet on Sunday shows Abu Sakkar, a founder of the rebel Farouq Brigade who is well known to journalists as an insurgent from Homs, cutting into the torso of a dead soldier. The video has caused outrage among both...
  • Researcher Claims to Have Shot and Killed a Sasquatch

    02/17/2013 3:03:52 PM PST · by DogByte6RER · 59 replies
    AmmoLand ^ | Friday, February 15, 2013 | Trent Law
    Researcher Claims to Have Shot and Killed a Sasquatch Nevada - ( - Our regular readers will know that I love the story or idea that Bigfoots (or is it Bigfeets, as in more than one) could exist. So regular readers on AmmoLand never mind when we detour and take a break from all the serious news coverage to speculate on the idea that we have a giant man sized, wood booger, hunting the same woods as me and you. The recent gossip is, a controversial big foot researcher, named Rick Dyer, has shot a large bigfoot while filming a...
  • South Florida Man Wins Live Cockroach-Eating Contest, Then Suddenly Dies

    10/09/2012 9:23:17 AM PDT · by DogByte6RER · 48 replies
    AP ^ | October 9, 2012 | SUZETTE LABOY
    Man dies after live roach-eating contest in Fla. MIAMI (AP) — A contestant in a roach-eating contest who downed dozens of live bugs and worms collapsed and died shortly after winning the contest in South Florida, authorities say. About 30 contestants ingested the insects during Friday night's contest at Ben Siegel Reptile Store in Deerfield Beach about 40 miles north of Miami. The grand prize was a python. Edward Archbold, 32, of West Palm Beach became ill shortly after the contest ended and collapsed outside the store, according to a Broward Sheriff's Office statement released Monday. He was taken to...
  • Recipes for the Post-Apocalypse: How and Why to Eat Rat Meat

    08/05/2012 3:38:58 PM PDT · by DogByte6RER · 23 replies
    IO9 ^ | August 5, 2012 | Lauren Davis
    Recipes for the Post-Apocalypse: How and Why to Eat Rat Meat Rat is a readily available street food in some Southeast Asian countries, and earlier editions of The Joy of Cooking contained instructions on the proper butchering of squirrels. But rodents have fallen out of favor in most Western cuisines, relegated to mere vermin. So how would you go about cooking a rat if you'd never tried it before? Laura Ginn did just that recently, breaking her lengthy vegetarianism to how to butcher and prepare rodent meat. Ginn is an artist whose work largely incorporates survival skills such as skinning...
  • Media Pundit Named in Jesse Jackson Lawsuit ("Reverend" in Sex Tryst with FNC Pundit Tamara Holder)

    05/16/2012 7:44:49 PM PDT · by DogByte6RER · 62 replies
    AIM ^ | May 16, 2012 | Cliff Kincaid
    Media Pundit Named in Jesse Jackson Lawsuit Tamara Holder, a Fox News contributor, is accused of having an affair with Jesse Jackson, Sr. in a lawsuit that alleges the illegal use of a gay Jackson employee to facilitate the relationship. The accuser, Tommy R. Bennett, was Jackson’s personal travel assistant and ran the legal clinic at Jackson’s organization, the Rainbow PUSH Coalition. He says he was eventually fired for protesting his treatment by Jackson and other PUSH employees and is seeking hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages. Holder has not responded to repeated requests for comment from Accuracy in...
  • (Sasquatch In The Crosshairs!) It’s Officially Legal To Kill Bigfoot In Texas

    05/05/2012 9:01:19 AM PDT · by DogByte6RER · 45 replies
    IO9 ^ | May 5, 2012 | Lauren Davis
    It’s officially legal to kill Bigfoot in Texas Cryptid conservationists, be on the alert; it's officially open season on Sasquatch. According to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, if you can find Bigfoot in the state of Texas, you can kill it. Cryptomundo reader John Lloyd Scharf sent a letter to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department about whether it would be legal to kill Bigfoot, and apparently department Chief of Staff L. David Sinclair replied that killing an indigenous cryptid would be legal since it isn't listed as a game animal: The statute that you cite (Section 61.021) refers...
  • (Obamanomics in Action) Eat the Old: Could Mass Cannibalism Solve a Future Food Shortage?

    10/28/2011 8:36:16 PM PDT · by DogByte6RER · 33 replies
    Live Science ^ | October 28, 2011 | Adam Hadhazy
    Eat the Old: Could Mass Cannibalism Solve a Future Food Shortage? The global human population is set to hit 7 billion on Oct. 31, and by century's end it will stand at 10 billion, according to the United Nations. That's a lot more mouths to feed. There's a very good chance that generating food from traditional farming and livestock practices will not be able to keep pace with this boom. What if a worldwide food shortage were to become so terribly dire that people resorted to eating . . . people? In such a dreadful event, the most-sensible first choice...
  • Iran: Dog Ownership to Be Outlawed Under Lawmakers' Plan

    04/19/2011 7:15:26 AM PDT · by Realman30 · 91 replies
    TIME ^ | 04-19-11 | AZADEH MOAVENI
    For much of the past decade, the Iranian government has tolerated what it considers a particularly depraved and un-Islamic vice: the keeping of pet dogs. During periodic crackdowns, police have confiscated dogs from their owners right off the street; and state media has lectured Iranians on the diseases spread by canines. The cleric Gholamreza Hassani, from the city of Urmia, has been satirized for his sermons railing against "short-legged" and "holdable" dogs. But as with the policing of many other practices (like imbibing alcoholic drinks) that are deemed impure by the mullahs but perfectly fine to many Iranians, the state...