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  • Which came first — Twitter or the troll?

    04/18/2022 7:49:13 AM PDT · by untenured · 23 replies
    Law and Liberty ^ | 4/18/22 | Theodore Dalrymple
    Half a century ago (although it now seems to me but yesterday), there was a lively public debate as to whether representations of violence on television and in the cinema conduced to, or even caused, real violence in society. There was at the time great public concern over a rising tide of violent crime that some criminologists insisted, in the lordly fashion that academics sometimes adopt towards the general population, was unfounded. There were two main schools of thought on the question of the effect of televisual and cinematographic violence: those who thought that such representations of violence acted in...
  • Existentialism and Meaning with Theodore Dalrymple

    09/11/2019 9:42:58 PM PDT · by OddLane · 14 replies
    Youtube ^ | September 7, 2019 | Hermitex Podcast
    Anthony Malcolm Daniels, who generally uses the pen name Theodore Dalrymple is an English writer and retired prison doctor and psychiatrist. He worked in a number of Sub-Saharan African countries as well as in the East End of London. Before his retirement in 2005, he worked in City Hospital, Birmingham and Winson Green Prison in inner-city Birmingham, England. He is the author of a number of books, including Life at the Bottom: The Worldview That Makes the Underclass; Our Culture, What's Left of It; and Spoilt Rotten: The Toxic Cult of Sentimentality. In this episode we will be discussing existentialism,...
  • Why prisoners turn to God

    09/03/2017 5:05:36 PM PDT · by iowamark · 10 replies
    UK Catholic Herald ^ | 31 Aug 2017 | Theodore Dalrymple
    Religion offers the fresh start many are looking for. For the first time, according to a recent report, Catholics outnumber Anglicans in British prisons. Whereas half of prisoners were Anglicans in 1993, only 17 per cent now are. There were 270 more Catholic prisoners in British prisons than Anglicans a couple of months ago, and nearly as many Muslims, the figures being 14,961, 14,691, and 13,100 respectively. There were 26,443 prisoners who claimed to be of no religion. This latter figure explains in part the fall in the number of Anglicans: it used to be that if a prisoner said...
  • Nationalist Contradictions In Europe

    06/29/2016 1:45:55 PM PDT · by OddLane · 3 replies
    City Journal ^ | June 29,2016 | Theodore Dalrymple
    All the current nationalist parties of small nations in Europe—the Scots, the Welsh, the Basque, the Catalans, the Flemish—strongly support membership in the European Union, which is dedicated to, and even predicated upon, the extinction of national sovereignty. One would have thought that these parties wanted, at a minimum, national sovereignty. The contradiction is so glaring that it requires an explanation. The human mind is not a perfect calculating machine, and no doubt all of us sometimes contradict ourselves. Perfect consistency tends to be disconcerting—but so does glaring inconsistency. It’s possible that the nationalist parties’ leaders don’t perceive the contradiction,...
  • Not a Fan (Bowie)

    01/18/2016 9:59:21 AM PST · by rey · 107 replies
    Not a Fan by Theodore Dalrymple January 16, 2016 One should not speak ill of the dead, of course, especially of the recently dead, but it does not follow that one should speak well of them, or speak of them at all. Personally I was astonished at the amount of coverage given to the death of David Bowie. One might have thought he was really a figure of world historical importance such as David Beckham or Leonard DiCaprio. On the day after his death, the supposedly serious newspaper that I take most often when I am in Britain, The Guardian,...
  • Sunday Leaders Theodore Daylrmple (video 28 min)

    05/18/2015 6:08:40 PM PDT · by virgil283 · 4 replies
    youtube. ^ | May 16, 2015 | Ginni Thomas
    First time I've seen him interviewed, ....discussing destructive cultural trends...... he imagines that Hilary Clinton's life has no meaning even to herself if she isn't running for office....
  • The Quivering Upper Lip - The British character: from self-restraint to self-indulgence

    10/15/2011 10:04:59 PM PDT · by Cronos · 114 replies
    City Journal ^ | Autumn 2008 | Theodore Dalyrmple
    When my mother arrived in England as a refugee from Nazi Germany, shortly before the outbreak of World War II, she found the people admirable, though not without the defects that corresponded to their virtues. By the time she died, two-thirds of a century later, she found them rude, dishonest, and charmless. They did not seem to her, moreover, to have any virtues to compensate for their unpleasant qualities. I occasionally asked her to think of some, but she couldnÂ’t; and neither, frankly, could I. It wasnÂ’t simply that she had been robbed twice during her last five years, having...
  • British rioters the spawn of a bankrupt ruling elite

    08/10/2011 11:20:26 PM PDT · by Murtyo · 24 replies
    The Australian ^ | August 11, 2011 12:00AM | Theodore Dalrymple
    THE riots in London and elsewhere in Britain are a backhanded tribute to the long-term intellectual torpor, moral cowardice, incompetence and careerist opportunism of the British political and intellectual class. They have somehow managed not to notice what has long been apparent to anyone who has taken a short walk with his eyes open down any frequented British street: that a considerable proportion of the country's young population (a proportion that is declining) is ugly, aggressive, vicious, badly educated, uncouth and criminally inclined.
  • British Degeneracy on Parade

    08/10/2011 11:06:11 AM PDT · by yetidog · 28 replies
    City Journal ^ | August 10, 2011 | Theodore Dalrymple
    The ferocious criminality exhibited by an uncomfortably large section of the English population during the current riots has not surprised me in the least. I have been writing about it, in its slightly less acute manifestations, for the past 20 years. To have spotted it required no great perspicacity on my part; rather, it took a peculiar cowardly blindness, one regularly displayed by the British intelligentsia and political class, not to see it and not to realize its significance. There is nothing that an intellectual less likes to change than his mind, or a politician his policy.
  • Health Care in Hell

    08/10/2010 5:14:41 AM PDT · by Kaslin
    Pajamas Media ^ | August 10, 2010 | Theodore Dalrymple
    A recent article in The Lancet is titled "North Korea’s health system in disarray" — but that implies that it was ever actually in array in the first place. When I was a prison doctor, my patients — the prisoners — would often try moral blackmail. If I did not give them what they wanted, they said, they would kill someone, and then it would be on my conscience. I never gave in to the blackmail, and eventually the prisoners abandoned the attempt. But I always had a niggling fear that they might carry out their threat. The fact that...
  • Surrendering to Barbarism

    02/26/2010 7:52:49 PM PST · by neverdem · 5 replies · 595+ views
    National Review Online ^ | February 25, 2010 | David Pryce-Jones
    Readers of National Review need no introduction to Theodore Dalrymple. Under that byline, or his real name of Anthony Daniels, he is a frequent contributor. There's no one quite like him. He's been a doctor and worked in prisons, really coming to grips with the lower depths. Although he reports terrible things, and sometimes has a little gleam of I-told-you-so when reporting something even more terrible than what's gone before, he refuses to abandon his humane instincts and a belief that it's worth fighting for civilization even if the cause looks lost. His very latest book, just published by Encounter...
  • Ayn Rand: engineer of souls

    02/20/2010 6:21:41 PM PST · by ventanax5 · 14 replies · 797+ views
    Ayn Rand was never, in fact, much appreciated or very influential in Europe; at the height of her fame in America, where her books sold by the million, her name was not one to conjure with on the other side of the Atlantic. She was much read by middle-class young Indians of the time, however, as well as by Americans, and she is now coming back into fashion globally. I confess that enthusiasm for her is to me utterly mysterious, and the excellent new biography by Ann C. Heller does not clear up the mystery but, rather, deepens it.[1] Able...
  • The Galbraith Revival - The aristocratic economist’s big-government ideas are back in vogue.

    01/31/2010 6:02:33 PM PST · by neverdem · 10 replies · 463+ views
    City Journal ^ | Winter 2010 | Theodore Dalrymple
    A Canadian university recently asked me to deliver its annual John Kenneth Galbraith Lecture, named for the economist who for much of my youth was the most famous member of his profession in the world. His books sold by the million and were available everywhere in cheap paperback editions; titles such as American Capitalism and The Affluent Society were known to almost all educated people. A teacher at Princeton, Cambridge, and Harvard, he was the editor for a time of Fortune and the American ambassador to India. He was also the first economist to be widely known on television, not...
  • Man vs. Mutt

    08/09/2009 8:52:04 AM PDT · by dervish · 7 replies · 426+ views
    In the last few years, I have had the opportunity to compare the human and veterinary health services of Great Britain, and on the whole it is better to be a dog. 'snip' Of course, from the point of view of social justice as equality, it wouldn’t really matter whether the treatment meted out to dogs was good or bad, so long as it was equal. And, oddly enough, one of the things about the British National Health Service for human beings that has persuaded the British over its 60 years of existence that it is socially just is the...
  • Theodore Dalrymple: The Persistence of Ideology - Grand ideas still drive history.

    02/08/2009 10:31:43 PM PST · by neverdem · 26 replies · 1,151+ views
    City Journal ^ | Winter 2009 | Theodore Dalrymple
    In 1960, the sociologist Daniel Bell published The End of Ideology, in which he argued that ideology—understood in the sense of a coherent, single-minded philosophical outlook or system of abstractions intended as much as a lever to change society as a description to explain it—was dead, at least in the West, and in the United States in particular. A combination of democracy and mass prosperity had “solved” the political question that had agitated humanity since the time of Plato. There were to be no more grand and transformative, if woefully erroneous, ideas; all that remained was public administration, with, at...
  • When Hooligans Bach Down: Strike up Johann Sebastian and watch them scatter

    01/30/2009 4:35:24 PM PST · by mojito · 35 replies · 1,393+ views
    City Journal ^ | 1/29/2009 | Theodore Darlrymple
    Staying recently in a South Yorkshire town called Rotherham—described in one guidebook as “murky,” an inadequate word for the place—I was interested to read in the local newspaper how the proprietors of some stores are preventing hooligans from gathering outside to intimidate and rob customers. They play Bach over loudspeakers, and this disperses the youths in short order; they flee the way Count Dracula fled before holy water, garlic flowers, and crucifixes. The proprietors had previously tried a high-pitched noise generator whose mosquito-like whine only those younger than 20 could detect. This method, too, proved effective, but the owners abandoned...
  • Guarding the boundaries: On the moral consequences of relativism (Fine Essay)

    01/07/2009 10:16:00 AM PST · by mojito · 11 replies · 644+ views
    The New Criterion ^ | 1/1/2009 | Anthony Daniels (aka Theodore Dalrymple)
    Since I’ve received no education in philosophy whatever, it is no doubt very rash of me to make a broad generalization concerning the subject, but I shall risk it nonetheless: that in the whole history of philosophy not a single important philosophical problem has ever been solved beyond all possible dispute. I know that the late Sir Karl Popper claimed to have solved the problem of induction not merely to his own satisfaction, but also to the satisfaction of all rational men; alas, I do not think that all rational men have reciprocated by agreeing with him. Pace Popper, the...
  • The Decay and Fall of the West

    12/10/2008 1:27:14 PM PST · by AJKauf · 4 replies · 602+ views
    Pajamas Media ^ | December 10 | Bernard Chapin
    Is our society losing its way? An interview with psychiatrist and thinker Dr. Theodore Dalrymple. Bernard Chapin: In your essay, “The Roads to Serfdom,” you refer to a famous quote by George Bernard Shaw, who said, “We are all socialists now.” Are we all on the brink of becoming socialists once again? Why do you think, given the oppressive and pernicious nature of this method of governance, it remains politically viable? Dr. Dalrymple: I think it more likely that there will be an increase in corporatism than in socialism. America will not be socialist, but it might be corporatist (there...
  • The Quivering Upper Lip -- The British character: from self-restraint to self-indulgence

    11/30/2008 6:16:36 PM PST · by SirJohnBarleycorn · 36 replies · 1,493+ views
    City Journal ^ | Autumn 2008 | Theodore Dalrymple
    When my mother arrived in England as a refugee from Nazi Germany, shortly before the outbreak of World War II, she found the people admirable, though not without the defects that corresponded to their virtues. By the time she died, two-thirds of a century later, she found them rude, dishonest, and charmless. They did not seem to her, moreover, to have any virtues to compensate for their unpleasant qualities. I occasionally asked her to think of some, but she couldn’t; and neither, frankly, could I. snip What, exactly, were the qualities that my mother had so admired? Above all, there...
  • Theodore Dalrymple: Planet Obama

    11/26/2008 4:05:10 PM PST · by neverdem · 29 replies · 1,124+ views
    The American Conservative ^ | December 01, 2008 | Theodore Dalrymple
    Global euphoria is better than the disrepute of the Bush years, but so far our new president’s appeal is entirely symbolic.By Theodore Dalrymple Like it or not, the election of Barack Obama to the presidency of the United States has done an immense amount to restore American prestige in the world. Not since the destruction of the Twin Towers has there been dancing in the streets anywhere on the planet to celebrate events in America. It is to be hoped, of course, that it is not the same people doing the dancing.In Delhi, Indians kissed Obama’s photo. Parties spilled into...