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Keyword: streetblockers

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  • Port Clinton woman arrested, accused of promoting Cleveland street takeover

    10/24/2024 12:26:56 PM PDT · by simpson96 · 8 replies ^ | 10/22/2024 | Staff
    CLEVELAND, Ohio— A Port Clinton woman was arrested on Tuesday and accused of organizing and promoting a street takeover in Cleveland, officials said. Ashlyn Rogers, 23, is charged in Cleveland Municipal Court with aggravated riot and possessing criminal tools, both fifth-degree felonies. She is in the Cuyahoga County Jail awaiting her first court appearance on Wednesday. Cleveland police raided the woman’s home about 7 a.m., according to Cleveland police spokesman Sgt. Wilfredo Diaz. Investigators reported seizing the woman’s 2020 Infinity Q50 and three guns, including a rifle. Police said Rogers was an “active promoter and participant” in the Sept. 28...
  • St. Louis Protester Killed While Attempting to Loot FedEx Big Rig

    05/31/2020 8:23:25 AM PDT · by Mr. Mojo · 63 replies
    St. Louis, MO – A man was killed early Saturday morning in St. Louis while attempting to loot a FedEx big rig amid ongoing protests over the death of George Floyd. Multiple protests occurred throughout St. Louis on Friday night and into the early morning hours on Saturday. In fact, protesters even went so far as to block and eventually shut down all lanes of 70 West in the downtown area. During the uprising, multiple outlets reported that some looters were targeting big rigs. Real Stl News was on the scene of one such incident that turned deadly near Broadway...
  • Wisconsin Mayors Wife Busted Blocking Traffic, Gets Pepper Sprayed by Driver

    05/31/2020 9:21:17 AM PDT · by ThE_RiPpEr. · 70 replies
    La Crosse Tribune ^ | 5/31/2020 | Olivia Herken
    Christy Kabat was part of the march Saturday evening when she got into an altercation with a driver who was stopped in the street by the protest, according to Mayor Kabat. The driver "came very close" to hitting her and nearby protestors, said the mayor, who wasn't at the protests himself. When Christy reminded the driver that they were protesting "peacefully," he then sprayed her with pepper spray or mace. "She's pretty shook up," Mayor Kabat said. "She feels responsible because she's like, 'Well I should have just let the jerk drive away.'"