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Keyword: socialcapital

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  • CNBC Interview with Social Capital CEO Chamath Palihapitiya

    03/20/2020 2:07:49 PM PDT · by LRoggy · 10 replies
    CNBC Broadcast ^ | 03/19/2020 | CNBC Halftime Report This interview occurred yesterday on their Halftime Report. I am an Investment Adviser and the last half of this video is MUST WATCHING, as he takes to task the smug CNBC interviewer Scott Wapner. You can here him discuss how the hedge funds DID IT AGAIN with overleverage. And it looks like this afternoon, the late sell off was a blown up hedge fund ordered to liquidate.
  • Fewer Americans are donating their free time

    01/24/2008 2:22:32 PM PST · by fgoodwin · 7 replies · 434+ views
    Kansas City Star ^ | Wed, Jan. 23, 2008 | DIANE STAFFORD
    Americans worked a median of 52 hours last year without pay. They’re called volunteers. Many organizations can’t survive without unpaid labor, and many people are glad to provide it. Sadly, though, data released Wednesday by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics show that both the number of volunteers and the volunteer rate — the percentage of the population that volunteers — declined in 2007 from 2006. Volunteering also had fallen in 2006 from 2005. About 60.8 million Americans, age 16 and up, volunteered in 2007, compared with a high of 65.3 million in 2005. The proportion of that population that...
  • Values added

    12/06/2007 9:48:58 AM PST · by fgoodwin · 3 replies · 205+ views
    The Guardian (UK) ^ | December 6, 2007 10:00 AM | Liam Byrne
    We can all benefit from immigration, but the deal is not unconditional - incomers must subscribe to the British 'rules of the game' Now, the challenge for Labour, which we are addressing, is that around the world, it is not the left but the right that's seizing this debate. The conservative argument is simple: shared values, argue the neocons, are best preserved in tradition. And tradition is best pickled in "traditional institutions". So, roll back the state and let what de Tocqueville called "the art of association" flourish. But the right is wrong. Traditional institutions alone are just not enough...
  • The left can no longer afford to bury the migration debate

    11/01/2007 8:33:49 AM PDT · by fgoodwin · 22 replies · 155+ views
    The Guardian ^ | Wednesday October 31, 2007 | Jenni Russell
    For years, the vast majority of politicians in the main parties have avoided having honest public conversation about the extent and consequences of immigration. The fear of appearing racist, or giving any ground to the arguments of the far right, has left most MPs and commentators in Pollyanna territory - extolling the economic and cultural benefits of immigration and glossing over problems. That has done the nation no favours, because the consequences of rapid social change have been scarcely studied, let alone addressed. And it has increased many people's distrust of the political universe, as the gulf between their own...
  • Ethnic diversity's rocky road

    09/14/2007 9:17:58 AM PDT · by fgoodwin · 6 replies · 240+ views
    Summit Daily ^ | August 27, 2007 | MORGAN LIDDICK
    Ethnic diversity's rocky road BY MORGAN LIDDICK And On the Right August 27, 2007 If you’re a damn-the-torpedoes Multiculturalist, better fasten your seat belt. Things are about to get bumpy. A few weeks ago Robert Putnam, the Harvard researcher who wrote “Bowling Alone,” a book about the weakening social fabric of the United States, released the results of his new research on the effects of multiculturalism, a doctrine which he had long promoted. They aren’t encouraging. Putnam has been working on his new project for about five years, and hesitated to bring his results into the public eye, so...