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Keyword: severomorsk

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  • Incompetent Communist Militaries Shoot Themselves in the Foot: Severomorsk 1984, Wuhan 2019

    05/21/2020 7:57:54 AM PDT · by CharlesOConnell · 5 replies
    Freep | 05-21-2020 | CharlesOconnell
    Chernobyl is not the Soviet equivalent of Wuhan. A little-known Soviet military-nuclear accident that stopped active Soviet plans to prosecute nuclear war against the west, the May 13, 1984 Severomorsk Disaster is the actual Soviet equivalent of the incompetent Chinese virology accident at Wuhan. The People's Revolutionary Army doctrine of Asymmetric Warfare plans to depopulate North America using ethnically-focused, weaponized virology research. The Chinese were going to elbow their way to taking over Canada, the U.S. and Mexico, by engineering killer viruses to which Asians are immune. Other ethnicities are prone to die from the weaponized virus which military-directed Chinese...
  • Did A Deadly Fire Break Out On A Secret Russian Spy Sub 'Losharik'.

    07/03/2019 6:18:12 PM PDT · by robowombat · 8 replies
    Radio Free Europe via Global Security ^ | July 02, 2019 | Mike Eckel
    Did A Deadly Fire Break Out On A Secret Russian Spy Sub? Here's What We Know About 'Losharik' By Mike Eckel July 02, 2019 It's one of the more unique, more capable, and more distinctive vessels in Russia's naval fleet. And it now appears to hold the distinction of being the latest Russian naval ship to suffer a catastrophic -- and, so far, unexplained -- incident. Russia's Defense Ministry said on July 2 that a submarine operated by its main naval research and development unit had suffered a fire on board, killing 14 sailors. The ship was reportedly operating in...
  • New Details On Russian Submarine Fire Emerge Along With An Intriguing Schematic (Updated)

    07/03/2019 8:01:08 PM PDT · by Widget Jr · 26 replies
    The Drive ^ | July 3, 2019 | Joseph Trevithick and Tyler RogowayJuly
    "Krasnaya Zvezda, the official newspaper of the Russian Ministry of Defense, has included a heretofore unseen drawing of the Project 09852 Belgorod, a heavily modified Oscar II-class submarine outfitted for various "special projects" missions, in its latest report about a fire that killed 14 sailors onboard a still-unnamed Russian submarine on Monday. Russia officially launched the still-under-construction Belgorod, which is presently the world's longest submarine, in April 2019. At the same time, new details regarding the July 1st accident have begun to trickle out, although they are limited in number and some are unconfirmed in nature." ... "We have no...
  • A fire killed the crew of the secret Russian nuclear submarine "Losharik" (Transl)

    07/02/2019 9:30:41 AM PDT · by AdmSmith · 223 replies
    Gordon ^ | 02JUL2019 | Staff
    The Russian deep-water submersion on which the fire occurred on July 1 is the nuclear submarine AS-12, known as "Losharik." The incident occurred on July 1 at about 20.30. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported the death of 14 submariners in the "deep-water apparatus" based inSeveromorsk.
  • Does it matter that Britain lost a Russian nuclear submarine?

    10/18/2010 10:10:01 PM PDT · by ErnstStavroBlofeld · 5 replies
    The Guardian ^ | 10/19/2010 | Nicholas Watt
    Britain's defence chiefs were said to have been deeply unamused when a Russian nuclear submarine slipped away from the gaze of our military spies. I wrote this morning about how the "layer cake" of surveillance lost the submarine last summer as it left the headquarters of the old Soviet northern fleet in Severomorsk near Murmansk. It was picked up three weeks later on patrol in the Atlantic. Does this matter? Rob Hewson, editor of Jane's Air-Launched Weapons, thinks not. This is what he told me: The fact that we cannot track a Russian missile submarine, of which there are very...
  • French warship to participate in Russian Navy exercises

    03/30/2010 10:03:05 PM PDT · by ErnstStavroBlofeld · 6 replies · 478+ views ^ | 3/30/2010 |
    French anti-aircraft frigate, Chevalier Paul, will take part in tactical maneuvers and anti-aircraft defense exercises with the Russian Northern Fleet Navy on April 3. The Chevalier Paul, a Horizon-class frigate, is arriving on Tuesday to the northern Russian port of Severomorsk to participate in the joint naval exercises; Ria Novosti quoted a Russian Navy spokesman as saying. The Horizon frigate provides local area or extended cover against saturation missile attacks and escort and protect carrier groups. The ship also has powerful anti-submarine and anti-air self defence. Russia plans to buy a Mistral-class ship from France, worth 400-500 million euros (around...