Keyword: senatorkennedy
Kennedy on State of the Union: Biden mismanages everything
At today's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) stumped key Biden Administration officials about key illegal immigration statistics.
VIDEOFor years, nominees for federal offices as well as witnesses appearing before the Senate were advised by their handlers to preface their answers to questions with "Thank you for the question, Senator." Was it be be polite? Not really because they frequently hated answering the questions. The real purpose of that reply was simply to burn up time so they could answer fewer of the questions. As a technique it worked... until recently when Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana absolutely DESTROYED that technique with a simple but obvious reply--- "You're welcome!"As a result anybody who tries to use that age-old...
When Senator Kennedy passed away, I honored the convention not to speak ill of the dead, although I hated him. Something happened today that brought it all back. Norma is caring for an elderly aunt who lives in senior citizens housing. When she returned today she told me that her aunt places a chair under her doorknob when she goes to bed. Why does she do this in a secure building? Because she is afraid of some of the residents who are not elderly, but are mentally disabled and do crazy things. This immediately brought back images of my own...
January 7, 2007 Iran with nuclear weapons is unacceptable, new House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer told The Jerusalem Post hours after entering the party leadership position. The Maryland Democrat said the view is shared by his party, rejecting assertions that the Democrats would be weaker than the Republicans on Iran. He also said that all options, including nuclear, were on the table. March 6, 2007, Senator Kennedy, “There is no question that Iran’s developing nuclear capability is a clear threat, and must be removed by any means necessary”. April 10, 2007, Senator Clinton, “Iran is threatening to destroy Israel with...
While Soviet troops occupied Afghanistan in 1980, Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) worked in close concert with high level Kremlin officials to alter the direction of U.S. policy, according to documents made available through a KGB defector.
I have an interesting tidbit of information to share. My old college roommate's mother is friends with Judge Alito's mother. They go to the same church in Roseland, New Jersey. Well, the judge's mother shared something with her that hasn't been in the papers and may bring a different perspective to those tears Alito's wife shed in the hearing. It seems Judge Alito's wife (the former Martha-Ann Bomgardner) has had personal reasons to dislike Senator Kennedy since long before Splash's shameful treatment of her husband. Long ago, the Senator was also less than kind to girl whose family was friends...
On 12 January, 2006, the New York Times ran an article entitled “Thrust into the Limelight, and for Some A Symbol of Washington’s Bite.” It was a mini-biography of Mrs. Martha-Ann Alito, and it purported to explain the reasons for Mrs. Alito’s tears during her husband Samuel’s confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee. It blamed them on a follow-up question by Senator Lindsay Graham, rather than on the verbal savaging of Judge Alito by the Democrats on the Committee, led by Senator Ted Kennedy. The Times should have gotten the story right, because one of the three reporters on...
Forget Sam Alito's tenuous ties, two decades ago, to the Concerned Alumni of Princeton. Where's the outrage about Sen. Edward Kennedy's continuing membership in the Owl Club? Kennedy relentlessly badgered Judge Alito for listing the Princeton group on a job application in 1985, but The Washington Times reported Thursday that the Massachusetts senator remains active with the Owl - one of nine males-only fraternities that in 1984 Harvard "booted from the university for violating federal anti-discrimination laws, authored by Mr. Kennedy." TheNew York Times examined the records of CAP and found no evidence Alito was an active member. Yet the...
Yes, Senator Kennedy is at it again. Not content with destroying Judge Bork 20 years ago, Senator Kennedy, the same senator whose lifelong boorishness and feckless behavior brought such grief to his family and to the Kopechnes, has decided to savage the reputation of yet another good man, Judge Samuel A. Alito. I don’t know how anyone can keep a straight face as this man denigrates another person. In case you have forgotten, while Judge Bork’s garbage was being stolen and analyzed by Kennedy operatives (a new federal law was later passed forbidding this vile practice), Senator Kennedy said the...
Howie Carr of WRKO Boston has posted a new Mary Jo Kopechne photo at This is the first new Mary Jo Photo since 1969 to appear.
Every American ought to be asking some tough questions right now about whether Mr. Roberts is fit to serve on the highest court in the land. Will he support seizing the property of average Americans so it can be transferred to powerful corporations? Has he ever gotten blind drunk, had an adulterous affair, driven off a bridge, left his companion to drown and gotten away with it? Is he willing to support judging people by the color of their skin rather than the content of their character? Will he be able to see past the archaic words of the Constitution...
Vice-President Casey? After watching the Senate Hearings this week where Teddy Kennedy quizzed Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, a phoenix arose from the ashes of liberal angst that resulted from the Senator's inability to score any political points by attacking the administration's execution of the War on Terror. General William Casey's stellar performance in refuting Ted's outrageous claims about the lack of progress in the War on Terror and the lack of military success in Iraq prompted several people to contact us with the suggestion of General Casey as a potential running mate for Dr. Rice. (Click here to...
We have received a number of requests for this graphic -- it isn't very well done -- but it makes a point. But feel free to use it and distribute it however you wish. It would be funny if there weren't alot of truth to it. It was posted on our website at Americans for Dr. Rice with the following: One would think so after watching his continuing efforts to undermine the US War on Terror for his own political motives during yesterday's Senate testimony of Donald Rumsfeld, high ranking generals and DoD officials. He used the occasion as a...
The "nuclear" showdown that is expected to begin unfolding in the Senate today has its origins in closed-door discussions more than three years ago between key Senate Democrats and outside interest groups as they huddled to plot strategies for blocking President Bush's judicial nominees. In a Nov. 7, 2001, internal memo to Sen. Richard J. Durbin, who is now the minority whip, an aide described a meeting that the Illinois Democrat had missed between groups opposed to Mr. Bush's nominees and Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat and member of the Judiciary Committee. "Based on input from the groups, I...
With tears rolling down her eyes, a veiled Iraqi woman shows off her finger stained with blue ink and a small card reading 'Elect Iraq ' after she cast her vote in a polling station in Amman, January 30, 2005. REUTERS/Ali Jarekji
After hearing clips of Senator Kennedy's anti-American screed played over and over on the radio today, I thought I'd leave a message for him on his Web site to offer a screed of my own. On the first page of the site (once you select high- or low-bandwidth), an image of an American soldier appears under the "Issue Spotlight" section. Is it a photo that acknowledges the achivement of bringing democracy to the Middle East? Is it an image of an American soldier courageously defeating the terrorist enemy? Of course not--you obviously wouldn't find such things on the Web site...
Revisiting Chappaquiddick After 35 Years Posted Jul 19, 2004Thirty-five years after the night of July 18, 1969, when Ted Kennedy drove his Oldsmobile sedan off the side of a wooden bridge on Chappaquiddick Island on Martha’s Vineyard, Mass., and left for dead Mary Jo Kopechne, the 28-year-old former secretary of his brother Robert F. Kennedy, in his submerged car, unanswered questions linger over the events of that fatal evening. Kennedy escaped the wreckage with a concussion and waited nine hours before reporting the incident to the police shortly after a young boy noticed the sunken car. Kennedy pleaded guilty to...
Demand an Official Congressional Resolution Censuring (i.e. reprimanding) Ted KennedyMay 17, 2004Ted Kennedy has finally crossed the line, and it is time to take action once and for all. Here is his statement:"Shamefully we now learn that Saddam's torture chambers reopened under new management, U.S. management." -- Ted KennedyThis, despite what the Iraqis did to Nick Berg, arguably encouraged by the likes of Kennedy. Enough is enough, and the time for action is well overdue.On Saturday, the Mobile Register actually called for Senator Kennedy's resignation.Senator Inhofe had this to say:"I'm outraged that the Europeans and the left in this country...
MULLINGS ® An American Cyber-Column Imagine This. Imagine That. Rich Galen Monday May 17, 2004 Senator Edward Kennedy (D-Mass) said on the floor of the US Senate the other day, "Shamefully, we now learn that Saddam's torture chambers reopened under new management - U.S. management." Imagine This: Imagine the current President were a Democrat and a Republican US Senator compared - no, EQUATED - the Abu Ghraib experience to Saddam Hussein. There would not have been enough printer's ink in the country to publish all of the editorials demanding an apology from the Senator and demands for a censure by...