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Keyword: senatorgraham

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    09/28/2018 12:06:36 PM PDT · by Sean_Anthony · 5 replies
    Canada Free Press ^ | 09/28/18 | Jeff Crouere
    Senator Graham gave the best speech of his career at exactly the most important time. It was the turning point in the incredible day of hearings and political grandstanding It had been a long day at the U.S. Senate as the Judiciary Committee heard from both Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Millions of Americans witnessed an incredible spectacle as both people claimed 100% confidence in their recollection of events. During the questioning of Dr. Ford, Republicans turned over the duties to an Arizona prosecutor who seemed to miss many opportunities to highlight discrepancies in the statements of...
  • Secrecy is the keystone to all tyranny

    04/26/2010 2:20:08 PM PDT · by geniusbyosmosis · 3 replies · 311+ views
    Captain Dave Funk ^ | April 26, 2010 | Captain Dave Funk
    Yet another example of the left’s promised transparency. Senators Liebermann, Kerry and Graham have taken the Obama Energy Tax Bill and skipped taking it to a committee and handed it over to Senator Reid so when he deems the time is right, Reid can ram it down our throats and take more of our hard earned money. The promises of transparency are being disregarded on all fronts and nothing but quiet on this issue thus far from either side of the aisle. Robert A. Heinlein said it best, “Secrecy is the keystone to all tyranny. Not force, but secrecy and...
  • SC Senator Lindsey Graham's insane comments at Racist Event!

    05/09/2007 7:36:01 PM PDT · by george76 · 60 replies · 3,151+ views
    YouTube ^ | May 08, 2007 | Senator Lindsey Graham
    " We're going to tell the bigots to shut-up... "
  • Senator Graham Censured by Army Court

    09/25/2006 1:54:38 PM PDT · by NRA2BFree · 79 replies · 3,802+ views ^ | 9/21/06 | Ellen Davis
    Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has been censured by an Army court on the same day he agreed to a deal with the White House outlining new provisions for military justice in cases involving suspected terrorists. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces yesterday held that Sen. Graham violated the Incompatibility Clause of the Constitution when, as a Reservist, he sat on the Air Force's intermediate appellate court while also a member of the Senate. According to one military law expert, there is no penalty for Graham, but the court overturned the case on which Graham sat, entitling the...
  • Please Don’t Use Rough Interrogation Unless the Bomb Might Be Near Me

    09/19/2006 4:55:28 AM PDT · by PurpleMountains · 4 replies · 237+ views
    From Sea to Shining Sea ^ | 9/19/06 | Purple Mountains
    We’ve been over this scenario a thousand times. Your grandson has been kidnapped and is trapped in an unknown place underground with limited air to breathe. You have the kidnapper’s accomplice who knows where the boy is, but isn’t talking. Your grandson has hours and perhaps minutes to live if the guy doesn’t tell you where he is. So far, Congress cannot seem to grasp that interrogators might occasionally face a situation like this. Yes, we respect the basic human rights of all persons, and yes, western and American values make us recoil from the thought, but when we face...
  • Small world, isn't it Splash? (background information on Mrs. Alito's tears in the hearings)

    01/20/2006 9:54:55 AM PST · by dead · 109 replies · 5,740+ views
    I have an interesting tidbit of information to share. My old college roommate's mother is friends with Judge Alito's mother. They go to the same church in Roseland, New Jersey. Well, the judge's mother shared something with her that hasn't been in the papers and may bring a different perspective to those tears Alito's wife shed in the hearing. It seems Judge Alito's wife (the former Martha-Ann Bomgardner) has had personal reasons to dislike Senator Kennedy since long before Splash's shameful treatment of her husband. Long ago, the Senator was also less than kind to girl whose family was friends...
  • Senator Ted Kennedy and Mrs. Alito’s Tears

    01/26/2006 10:22:20 PM PST · by Congressman Billybob · 496 replies · 12,526+ views
    Special to FreeRepublic ^ | 27 January 2006 | John Armor (Congressman Billybob)
    On 12 January, 2006, the New York Times ran an article entitled “Thrust into the Limelight, and for Some A Symbol of Washington’s Bite.” It was a mini-biography of Mrs. Martha-Ann Alito, and it purported to explain the reasons for Mrs. Alito’s tears during her husband Samuel’s confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee. It blamed them on a follow-up question by Senator Lindsay Graham, rather than on the verbal savaging of Judge Alito by the Democrats on the Committee, led by Senator Ted Kennedy. The Times should have gotten the story right, because one of the three reporters on...
  • The Insanity of Smoot Schumer and Hawley Graham-(history says free trade benefits both US and China)

    06/25/2005 7:33:12 PM PDT · by CHARLITE · 38 replies · 530+ views
    If a store is selling quality products at low prices, why would anyone want to shut it down? This rhetorical question was asked by economist Arthur Laffer last week in connection to an unprecedented attack on China trade by numerous U.S. senators. In response to the China bashing, the stock market plunged. How fitting that such a misguided approach to both the economy and national security would come on the 75th anniversary of the infamous Smoot-Hawley tariff bill. According to economist Thomas Sowell, that massive tariff helped trigger the Great Depression, with U.S. unemployment rising from 9 percent in 1930...
  • Congressman Billybob Sez: The Knight of Draper's Liquor Store

    05/19/2003 10:12:08 AM PDT · by Congressman Billybob · 3 replies · 170+ views
    Congressman Billybob's website ^ | 19 May 2003 | Congressman Billybob (J. Armor, Esq.)
    We dressed up in appropriate costumes, piled in the car, and went to Atlanta for the Renaissance Festival last weekend. One of the performances there was, of course, jousting. Those who haven't seen jousting probably have a false idea about how it's done. If you've watched some movies, like Ivanhoe, you think that jousting is fought to the death and is generally hard on the health of the participants. Not so. The phrase "blackmail" came from the period when jousting was the equivalent of NFL games in Europe. Here's how it was conducted: Weather permitting, jousts were held in venues...
  • Is the United States Headed Toward The Creation Of A Domestic Intelligence Agency?

    08/29/2002 5:58:57 PM PDT · by Retired Chemist · 2 replies · 109+ views
    Fox News Channel
    I heard Florida's Senator Graham on FNC tonight! He said the United States needs to consider the establishment of a Domestic Intelligence Agency similiar to the one Britian has! It would have no law enforcement power!