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Keyword: sandrafluke

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  • Welfare Disguised as Women's Rights (Fluke wants taxpayer funded contraception so she can have sex)

    03/02/2012 4:00:06 AM PST · by tobyhill · 38 replies · 425+ views
    Rush Limbaugh ^ | 3/1/2012 | rush
    RUSH: Did anybody ask like I'm gonna ask now: "Why did Sandra Fluke want to go to a Catholic college? Georgetown's a Catholic college. Why go there? Well, from the Washington Post: "Fluke came to Georgetown interested in contraceptive coverage. She researched the Jesuit college's health plans for students before enrolling. She found that birth control was not included." Quote, "I decided I was absolutely not willing to compromise a quality of my education in exchange for my health care." So why the hell go to Georgetown? Why didn't she go someplace else? She wanted to go there to stir...
  • Sandra Fluke: “Next Fight” for Abortion Activists is Forcing Americans to Pay for Abortions

    06/28/2016 9:49:56 AM PDT · by Morgana · 49 replies ^ | June 28, 2016 | Steven Ertelt
    The pro-abortion movement received a massive victory from the Supreme Court yesterday in striking down common sense regulations on abortion clinics to ensure they protect women’s health. After leaving women’s hung out to dry, what’s the next step for abortion advocates? According to abortion activist Sandra Fluke, the next step is forcing Americans to pay for abortions. Fluke outlined a number of scenarios in an interview where Americas might be forced to fund abortions — via Medicaid, for abortions for women in the armed forces and forcing Americans to pay for abortions view their health insurance premiums. Here’s more: ALEXANDER:...
  • Is Rush Limbaugh in Trouble?

    05/30/2016 12:46:50 PM PDT · by EveningStar · 230 replies
    Politico Magazine ^ | May 24, 2016 | Ethan Epstein
    Earlier this year, as that unmistakable bass line of the Pretenders’ My City Was Gone faded into the background, Rush Limbaugh opened his daily three-hour broadcast with characteristic bombast. “[According to the] latest research data,” he intoned, “the audience is expanding at near geometric proportions, as people seek guidance, answers, explanations, information, and an answer to the basic question, ‘What the hell is happening out there?’" ... And yet, there are signs that all is not well in the Limbaugh radio empire. Because even as his influence is sky high and his dominance at the top of talk radio remains...
  • California political losers have hard time paying debts (Carly Fiorina, Sandra Fluke)

    09/27/2015 6:42:08 AM PDT · by jimbo123 · 10 replies
    Sacramento Bee ^ | 4/7/14 | JIM MILLER
    Today’s story in The Bee about lawmakers’ campaign debt showed that it can take months or even years to pay off personal loans and unpaid bills. And that’s for candidates who won. For losing candidates, the task becomes much harder, experts say. -snip- Democrat Sandra Fluke lost her bid for a Los Angeles-area state Senate seat in November and her campaign reported more than $140,000 in outstanding debt Dec. 31. That included $100,000 in personal loans and more than $46,000 in credit-card bills, her reports show. Fluke declined to comment. -snip- Campaign debt sometimes generates bad publicity. Last winter, newspaper...
  • Fiorina: Rush Limbaugh's comments about student "insulting," "incendiary" (2012 Fluke)

    09/27/2015 6:28:11 AM PDT · by jimbo123 · 39 replies
    CBS News ^ | 3/2/12 | LUCY MADISON
    California Republican Carly Fiorina said Friday it is "insulting" for radio host Rush Limbaugh to call a student activist a "slut" and "prostitute" because she is pushing for employers to pay for contraception. "That language is insulting in my opinion," said Fiorina, who launched an unsuccessful Senate bid against longtime California Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer in 2010, on "CBS This Morning." "It's incendiary and most of all, it's a distraction. It's a distraction from what are very real and important issues," the former chief executive of Hewlett-Packard said. At least one advertiser, The Sleep Train, has pulled its advertising from...
  • Obamacare has saved women more than $1 billion on birth control

    07/08/2015 4:35:25 PM PDT · by Oldeconomybuyer · 26 replies
    Washington Post ^ | July 8, 2015 | By Danielle Paquette
    American women are spending much less money on birth control since the Affordable Care Act started requiring insurance plans to cover contraception, according to a new analysis. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania examined health insurance claims from one of the country’s largest private insurers in 2012 (pre-Obamacare) and 2013 (post-Obamacare). They found that spending on the pill, America’s most popular birth control method, quickly fell 38 percent -- from $33 to $20, on average. Spending on IUDs, meanwhile, plummeted 68 percent, from $262 to $84. The total savings, the health economists estimate: $1.4 billion.
  • Kim Jong-Un's "pleasure squad":dictator recruits harem of beautiful women to serve him

    04/06/2015 9:36:56 AM PDT · by JoeProBono · 31 replies
    mirror ^ | 2 April 2015 | Sam Webb
    The tyrant, who lives in luxury while his people starve, is recruiting beautiful young females to cater to his every sexual whim, it has been reported.A South Korean newspaper has reported that the tyrant, who lives in luxury while his people starve, is recruiting beautiful young females to cater to his every sexual whim. It is believed Kim disbanded the group who entertained his father Kim Jong-Il when he came to power in 2011. But now Kim, who is married to singer Ri Sol-ju and has a daughter, has resurrected the tradition and sent out his officials to recruit "tall...
  • Police: Woman Threw Molotov Cocktail at Anti-Abortion Protestors

    03/28/2015 3:14:19 PM PDT · by SoFloFreeper · 40 replies
    KEYE-TV ^ | 3/24/15
    A woman is facing charges after police say she threw a Molotov cocktail at anti-abortion protesters who were standing outside of Planned Parenthood. Melanie Toney, 52, was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. According to the affidavit, the incident happened around 6:25 p.m. on Monday at the Planned Parenthood building on East Ben White Boulevard. Multiple witnesses told police that they witnessed Toney throw a flaming object out of the passenger side window of her BMW SUV near the protesters, the affidavit stated.
  • Top Ten Left-Wing Goals of the Obama Administration in Its Remaining Two Years

    12/28/2014 4:01:53 PM PST · by Delacon · 38 replies ^ | 17 Dec 2014 | Virgil
    Now that President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have launched their new friendship initiative with Cuba, progressives are thinking more optimistically about what else might be possible in the remainder of the president’s term. After all, since the November 2014 elections, Obama has moved sharply left on immigration, climate change, and net neutrality. So why shouldn’t the Left hope for more? What might be next on the Obama agenda? Breitbart News has obtained one such to-do list: 10. Marijuana to be completely decriminalized under the ever-expanding doctrine of “prosecutorial discretion.” In the meantime, the administration will push...
  • Global Warming Update for Nov. 20, 2014 - Buffalo, Sandra Fluke (hosted by Adam Taxin)

    11/20/2014 5:48:30 PM PST · by Adam Taxin · 16 replies
    Adam Taxin on YouTube ^ | 11/20/14 | Adam Taxin
    8-minute audio segment Plenty of coverage of the biblical-type snowstorm in Buffalo (and, remember, it's over a month until the start of winter ... and plenty of Thanksgiving turkeys are at this point still alive). Also, Sandra Fluke tweets about global warming.
  • Bye-bye, Sandra Fluke. Hello, Joni Ernst

    11/07/2014 12:02:58 PM PST · by Kaslin · 70 replies ^ | November 7, 2014 | Charlotte Hays
    While the “War on Women” rhetoric may have contributed significantly to President Obama’s gaining a second term in 2012, in 2014 it couldn’t even get Sandra Fluke, the former Georgetown Law student who crusaded to make Jesuits pay for birth control, elected dog catcher. Well, she was really running for a seat in the California state Senate, but, given her retro campaign (she still lives in the halcyon days when Rush Limbaugh called her a naughty name), she probably couldn't have won the county dog catcher slot. No word yet on the actual dogcatcher races run on a "War on...
  • Davis, Fluke And Dunham: Liberal Feminism’s Rage Spiral

    11/06/2014 4:15:39 PM PST · by Coleus · 30 replies
    the daily caller ^ | 11-6-14 | Matt K. Lewis
    Radical liberal feminism — the kind that likes abortion on demand and taxpayer-funded birth control — has been rejected at the polls. Or, at least, it’s been a really rough week, or so. And I’m not just talking about the fact that Sen.-elect Cory Gardner effectively pushed back on the “war on women” narrative by defeating Colorado’s ”Mark Uterus.”The story also played out in Texas, where — writing about the race — Mollie Hemingway observed: “Wendy Davis was the face of ‘War On Women’ Politics. How’d that go?” And it played out in California, where Sandra Fluke lost a bid for...
  • The ‘War on Women’ loses a general after Sandra Fluke rejected by California voters

    11/05/2014 1:42:16 PM PST · by SeekAndFind · 24 replies
    Hotair ^ | 11/5/2014 | Noah Rothman
    The hollow and silly “War on Women” narrative may never truly disappear. Democrats will need to marshal grievance among young and single women like never before if Hillary Clinton becomes the party’s standard-bearer in 2016. But the 2014 elections have dealt this vacuous yarn a blow from which it may never recover. Ed Morrissey chronicled the collapse of the fabled “War” in a must-read column for The Fiscal Times: This is not a case of just poor turnout but of actual shift in support — or at the very least an erosion of loyalty in a very short period...
  • Abortion Activist Sandra Fluke Loses Campaign for California State Legislature

    11/05/2014 8:14:44 AM PST · by Morgana · 29 replies
    Life News ^ | 11/5/14 | Steven Ertelt
    Abortion radical Sandra Fluke is apparently so far out of the mainstream. she couldn’t even get the radical voters in California to support her bid for the state Senate. Fluke is best known for pushing the HHS mandate that forces religious groups to pay for birth control and abortion-causing drugs. After rising to national notice, she declared a bid for Congress — but eventually dropped that pursuit when other Democrats persuaded her that she wouldn’t have any luck winning the seat. Instead, she decided to run for the California state legislature. Last night, after the massive wave election that saw...
  • No Fluke: Sandra Loses State Senate Race in California

    11/05/2014 12:02:15 AM PST · by Berlin_Freeper · 35 replies ^ | 4 Nov 2014 | Breitbart California
    LOS ANGELES, California -- Sandra Fluke, the feminist icon who rose to national prominence after being called a "slut" by conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh, and after urging that Obamacare require religious institutions to cover abortion and birth control, has failed in her effort to win a seat in the California State Senate.
  • Sandra FLUKE going down!

    11/04/2014 8:25:25 PM PST · by Enterprise · 69 replies
    11-4-2014 | Enterprise
    Ok, I know. She's losing in a two person Democrat contest. But hey, it's something to smile about anyway.
  • Sandra Fluke Poll Shows Her Leading State Senate Race

    09/20/2014 9:20:35 AM PDT · by Bettyprob · 77 replies
    Real Clear Politics ^ | September 4, 2014 | Adam O'Neal
    Democratic activist Sandra Fluke -- who is running for a state Senate seat in California -- leads her opponent by seven percentage points, according to a new survey from the Fluke campaign. Forty-one percent of voters in the poll of California’s 26th Senate District said they prefer Fluke. Ben Allen, a member of the Santa Monica-Malibu school board, took 34 percent. Twenty-five percent of voters in the Los Angeles area district remain undecided. Fluke holds advantages among Democratic voters (53 percent-25 percent) and non-affiliated voters (44 percent-28 percent). Her opponent leads among Republicans (58 percent-15 percent).
  • Where Did Sandra Fluke Get $100K?

    07/30/2014 8:19:21 AM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 54 replies
    FrontPage Mag ^ | 07/30/2014 | Daniel Greenfield
    Is it just me or does this look a little bit like campaign finance fraud? Liberal darling and free-birth-control advocate Sandra Fluke is her own biggest donor in her state Senate race, according to official California campaign finance reports.Fluke donated $12,000 to her campaign and $4,826.27 in non-monetary contributions. While $16,826.27 may not sound like a lot, Fluke also loaned her campaign $100,000.Where does a 2012 law school grad working as a social justice attorney get a loan that size? Her campaign never responded to a Washington Examiner inquiry, so weÂ’re left to speculate. The Examiner piece by Ashe Schow...
  • The Psychopathology of Sandra Fluke's All-American Totalitarian Vagina

    07/26/2014 1:52:25 PM PDT · by Objective Scrutator · 42 replies
    American Thinker ^ | July 23, 2014 | Deborah C. Tyler
    [...]The constitutional right to be free from unlawful search and seizure is based on the psychological need to maintain control over personal information and behavior. The involuntary loss of privacy and dignity regarding sex is a central aspect of the psychopathology of American sex totalitarianism. And it has been inflicting itself on the American mind from the highest offices of government. Sexually oriented feminists can be divided into two generations. The central purpose of the first generation was to legalize abortion and normalize sex outside marriage. Gloria Steinem is still the leader of that generation. She, who is often seen...
  • The IRS: A Public Monument to Sandra Fluke's Privates

    07/26/2014 4:54:09 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 15 replies ^ | July 26, 2014 | John Ransom
    At 74,000 pages, the IRS code is a mind-boggling ode to lobbying, pork-barrel spending and graft. These are the only good things that I can say about the IRS. Ode may be too friendly a word, however. Let’s instead call it an incantation for our country. Because the code holds a country in thrall like the winged monkeys in Dorothy’s Oz were held. And until the witch is dead, we monkeys must do her bidding. Politicians, economists and ordinary citizens can’t follow the tax code, which has tripped up cabinet nominees, majority leaders and others who ought to know...