Keyword: samfarr
A top building trades union is launching a midterm-election assault on House Democrats who oppose construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline. A letter distributed Friday by the Laborers' International Union of North America (LIUNA) to the districts of 27 House Democrats calls for union members to make sure their representative "feels the power and the fury of LIUNA this November." Their crime: signing a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry last month urging him to reject Keystone, which would carry oil sands from Canada to Gulf Coast refineries.
Last week's jobs report showed that our economic recovery has made some significant gains. For the 47th consecutive month the private sector added jobs, causing the unemployment rate to fall to 6.6 percent. While this news is encouraging, it offers little relief for job seekers who are still struggling as we continue to dig out of the Great Recession. The hope of a job in the future does not pay the bills due today. Republicans in Washington have shown little regard for the 1.7 million Americans who have been cut off from emergency unemployment insurance after Congress failed to extend...
Democrats in House of Reps. joined J Street in supporting Obama administration's attempt to force Israel into making painful concessions Seventy-four Democrats in the House of Representatives have joined the dovish J Street organization in supporting the Obama administration's attempt to force Israel into making painful concessions to the Palestinian Authority. “In our view, support for a two-state resolution is inseparable from such support for Israel, its special relationship with the United States, and its very survival as a democratic homeland for the Jewish people,” the letter said. Seven Jewish members signed the letter, including Reps. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.), John...
Congressional District #17 Challenger Jeff Taylor (Rep) will debate the current Socialists Congressman Sam Farr.
It's the economy stupid. And Laird..aka Lard is NOT the guy who will hold the line on spending in the State Senate Race (Maldonado's old seat) in District 15. While previously in office Laird voted for: $23 BILLION in tax increases - Like the gas tax? $53 BILLION in Payroll tax increases Why did Obama take the unusual step and ENDORSE Laird? Because they want the spending to continue, because they want to continue the ownership of the UNIONS of our great State. It takes more than blogging folks....get out there and physically do something for your freedom.
Even in liberal California Tea Partiers are waking folks up and urging the conservative vote. This group gathered spontaneously at the intersection of Rio Road and Highway 1 near Big Sur, urging motorists to vote against Sam Farr. They urged support of Arizona, drawing many honks of support. This freep stopped and filmed the event, telling those on scene about FreeRepublic.
Congressman Sam Farr's scheduled Town Hall Meeting for today, 6:00 p.m. 8/12/2009 has changed locations. It is being held at the Veterans Memorial Building, 649 San Benito Street, Hollister, CA. This is probably a tactic to decrease number of dissenters who show up. Tell all your conservative friends!
On Tuesday I voted to end the war in Iraq. Finally, the House of Representatives passed a bill that provides money solely for the purpose of withdrawing our troops from Iraq. Though the bill, HR 4156, must leap high hurdles in the Senate and again at the White House, I am proud to have cast my vote to get out of Iraq and bring home our troops. The bill passed 218-203 and joining me in this vote were my strong anti-war colleagues such as Rep. Barbara Lee and Rep. Lynn Woolsey. The majority of 'no' votes were cast by Republican...
A Carmel congressman is seeking $25 million in disaster aid for spinach growers who had to pull products from grocery shelves after last September's E. coli outbreak. But Democratic Rep. Sam Farr's request could be a casualty of war - the war budget process, to be exact. Farr included his measure inside a proposed agricultural assistance package that totals $3.7 billion. That package in part of a $124 billion emergency supplemental spending bill that the House is scheduled to vote on at the end of the week. Outside watchdog groups have decried lawmakers' attempts to stuff the war spending bill...
A congressman who tried to stage a public spinach-eating news conference to demonstrate that the leafy greens are safe following a nationwide E. coli outbreak scrapped his plan after he couldn't find any in local grocery stores. Rep. Sam Farr, D-Carmel, used the experience to try to persuade consumers it is safe again to eat spinach from the Salinas Valley, which federal officials targeted in their search for the contaminated spinach that sickened 192 people in 26 states. "The good news is that spinach is able to be sold in the markets," Farr said. "The bad news is the markets...
Dear (Technoman) : Thank you for contacting me to share your views on immigration. This is an issue with strong feelings on both sides. I want you to know that I do not support illegal immigration, that I believe all persons should respect and honor our laws for admission to our country and I am grateful for the US Border Patrol and National Guard who regulate our borders to discourage lawbreakers. However, the fact is that 12 million undocumented immigrants reside in the United States . This issue will not go away. We cannot turn our backs on the matter...
MONTEREY, Calif. -- Central Coast Democratic Rep. Sam Farr is apologizing for comments he made about the presidential race. When asked why the results in California were so different than the rest of the country, Farr told the Monterey Herald: "I think if the rest of country had invested in higher education like California, you would have had a more educated electorate and a California outcome in the rest of the country." "It was the night after the election. Everybody was sort of wondering why the blue states, why the red states. I thought I'd say, 'Look, the blue states...
Amid waning public support of Americans and the Bush administration for the United Nations, one congressman proudly flies the blue and white U.N. flag outside his D.C. office. While most of his 534 colleagues display banners of their home towns at the entrances to their offices in the Longworth House Office Building on Capitol Hill, Rep. Sam Farr, D-Calif., moved last month to use that platform to demonstrate his longstanding love of the U.N. U.N. flag "If the U.N. didn't exist, we'd be inventing it right now," Farr told the San Francisco Chronicle, calling the U.N. "the only way to...
Amid waning public support of Americans and the Bush administration for the United Nations, one congressman proudly flies the blue and white U.N. flag outside his D.C. office. While most of his 534 colleagues display banners of their home towns at the entrances to their offices in the Longworth House Office Building on Capitol Hill, Rep. Sam Farr, D-Calif., moved last month to use that platform to demonstrate his longstanding love of the U.N. "If the U.N. didn't exist, we'd be inventing it right now," Farr told the San Francisco Chronicle, calling the U.N. "the only way to build up...
The U.N.'s flag-waving fan Congressman's position bucks the Bush administration Washington -- In the long corridors of Congress, the entrances to members' offices aren't fully dressed unless they are framed by the United States flag and that of the member's state. Many also fly the black and white POW-MIA flag or the flag of their city or home county. But only one of the 535 members of Congress, Rep. Sam Farr, D-Carmel, flies the blue and white United Nations flag. Farr started doing it only recently, just as President Bush's feud with such fellow U.N. Security Council members as France,...
<p>Washington -- As war apparently draws nearer, anti-war members of Congress led by Rep. Barbara Lee of Oakland outlined their last-ditch bid on Wednesday to reopen debate on whether the United States should attack Iraq.</p>
<p>Lee's vehicle, the latest in a host of anti-war resolutions that the leadership of both houses has refused to take up, is the introduction of a nonbinding resolution that would put the House on record as opposing so-called wars of pre-emption.</p>
WASHINGTON -- Rep. Lynn C. Woolsey (D-Petaluma) is a strong "no" vote on going to war with Iraq. Rep. Howard L. Berman (D-Mission Hills) is a solid "yes." Rep. Ellen O. Tauscher of Alamo, like many other Democrats on Capitol Hill, wishes the whole issue could be decided after November's elections. The state's Republican lawmakers, meanwhile, have raised no qualms about President Bush's Iraq policy. California's congressional delegation is, in short, a microcosm of Congress as a whole as it grapples with Bush's request for a resolution authorizing use of force against Iraq. "The snapshot is: Republicans are supportive of...