Since Feb 28, 2009

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“You hate people,” said my mother in a tone I had never heard before.

“No I don’t/” I replied half laughing, half stunned.

“Yes you do.” she snapped. “You hate liberals.” she said most sternly.

“I don’t hate liberals, I hate their policies, there’s a difference.” I calmly asserted.

click....the phone line went dead.

I guess I missed the signal months earlier when I commented on “Joe the Plumber.” The chills from her razor blade stare was something I had never seen before. Just this silent, cold, chilling stare of “how dare you.”

So, with that, I realized my mother was an intolerant liberal, and my father was just politically ignorant. I promised to never speak of politics again in their presence, but the damage was already done. There was no going back.

So, I brought to bare every skill, every talent, and every patriotic bone in my body together in my area to fight back. First it was just my husband and I, then I found the fledgling Tea Party Patriots of Monterey County...and off I went to Stand Up for what i believe in.

I’ll do this until I die.
