Keyword: romneyryan
Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) said that while it’s “good news” there was “insufficient evidence” to charge President Trump with conspiracy or obstruction, he was dismayed by the “pervasiveness of dishonesty and misdirection” by Trump and those around him. In the Friday statement, Romney said he was pleased the “business of government” could now “move on.” “The alternative would have taken us through a wrenching process with the potential for constitutional crisis,” he wrote. “Even so, I am sickened at the extent and pervasiveness of dishonesty and misdirection by individuals in the highest office of the land, including the President.” The...
When House Speaker Paul Ryan announced his plans to retire from Congress at the end of his current term, the open seat created an opportunity for both Republicans and Democrats. A number of local politicians are considering possible runs in Wisconsin’s 1st Congressional District. Here’s a list of who’s in and who’s out. Republicans: Possibly in: State Sen. Dave Craig (R-Town of Vernon) is still considering a run, saying on Facebook his family is praying about the decision. Craig is a former staff member for Ryan and a conservative favorite. Craig’s Senate seat is not up for election until 2020...
Speaker Paul Ryan told House Republicans Monday that he won’t campaign with, or defend, Donald Trump and he urged his members to “do what’s best for you” in the presidential race. In a stinging rebuke to his party’s presidential nominee, the nation’s top elected Republican told fellow GOP members in a conference call that protecting the party’s House majority must be their priority going forward, multiple news agencies reported. Ryan said he “won’t defend Trump” or otherwise campaign for him between now and Election Day, according to Politico. He told Republicans in Congress to “do what’s best for you,” according...
We’ve asked this question before: Is there any group in the conservative coalition that Speaker Paul Ryan and the Republican establishment have not betrayed? After last night’s vote to codify Obama’s extra-constitutional “guidance” mandating that men must be allowed into the showers, dressing rooms and public toilets used by women, the answer would have to be "NO," there’s no issue left upon which Ryan and his servile underlings have not betrayed America’s conservative majority. About now someone is going to say “hold it” you’re being unfair, because Paul Ryan didn’t vote for the amendment from Democratic Rep. Sean Maloney (NY-18), that codified Obama’s executive order...
Fox Business Network anchor Lou Dobbs really lost his cool with Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan tonight, calling them a “twosome from hell” who are selling out their party. He said on his FBN show tonight that Romney’s anti-Donald Trump speech and Ryan’s public comments are further proof of how they’re trying to “defend a stagnant failed status quo.” “This time,” Dobbs declared, “they’re up against a winner and Trump is the people’s choice to this point, and the twosome from hell is about to lose another one if they have their way.”
Paul Ryan says the Gang of Eight’s immigration-reform plan is “productive” and “getting us closer to a solution.” Ryan will give a speech on Monday in Chicago on immigration. Representative Luis Gutierrez of Illinois, a Democrat, will appear with him.
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Sunday dismissed the idea that President Obama is vulnerable in Pennsylvania, where polls have tightened ahead of Tuesday's election. The mayor, a former White House chief of staff who is one of the president's most outspoken advocates, said the Obama campaign is confident in Pennsylvania despite the narrowing lead. "I think Pennsylvania is secure, but you don't take anything for granted," Mr. Emanuel said on CNN's "State of the Union." The Obama campaign is sending former President Bill Clinton to campaign in Pennsylvania on Monday, but Mr. Emmanuel played down that move as well. "That...
You can see it on the horizon. It’s swelling, rising, as we speak… its speed deceptive, disguised by its magnitude, threatening to sweep everything in its path. Remember when the DeMarxists wrote us off after the last election? American patriots, under the nom de guerre of the Tea Party, had just finished handing the left (and a few RINOs) a sixty-year shellacking, and one of historical proportions at that. The insane predictability of the left never fails to amaze me. DeMarxist mouthpieces started bleating all around the country… “That was it, they (the Tea Party) shot their bolt, it’s over,...
Democrats Abroad is the Democratic Party’s overseas party comprising American voters who live outside the United States. Democrats Abroad has chapters in many countries, including Israel. And Bryna Franklin, the former chair of of Democrats Abroad in Israel has just come out with a commercial for Mitt Romney. Video and TEXT of her comments about Obama's term in office.
Call it the Cuban Conundrum—a problem for pollsters who find Florida Hispanics are far more Republican than anywhere else in the nation.It’s on full display in the latest Florida International University/Miami Herald/El Nuevo Herald poll of likely Hispanic Florida voters showing President Barack Obama clings to a narrow 51-47 percent lead over Republican Mitt Romney.But nationwide,the poll shows,Obama leads by a far bigger margin among likely Hispanic voters.The difference in Florida: Cuban voters. Without them, the FIU poll shows,Obama would handily win likely Florida Hispanic voters 65-32 percent.Not only are Cubans reliable Republican voters—they’re about 70 percent of Miami-Dade’s registered...
Why Catholics Will Choose President Romney Because they can. Sixty million Americans are Catholic. One in every four American voters is Catholic. This election is about jobs, jobs, jobs -- and about that ubiquitous Catholic "swing" vote in 10 key states where electoral votes will be determined by the Catholic margin: Wisconsin, Iowa, New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, Missouri, the new toss-up states of Pennsylvania and Michigan, and the key states of Florida and Ohio. With 134 Catholic "swing state" electoral votes on the line, Catholics are about to head to polls and choose the next president of the United States:
If Romney's buying advertising in Philadelphia, it means it's in play. It means that it's in play. And, of course, "Bite Me" is in Pennsylvania. Minnesota is, I think, a three-point state right now. So Romney is buying advertising time in Philadelphia. It's as blue as Los Angeles is. Maybe bluer in ethnic ways, but regardless, they got the money to spend, and that tells me that there's a chance, and they also, I think, it may be a little bit of a rope-a-dope, spend some money in Philadelphia, make Obama spend some time there as well. Although I don't...
The bipartisan Battleground Poll, in its “vote election model,” is projecting that Mitt Romney will defeat President Obama 52 percent to 47 percent. The poll also found that Romney has an even greater advantage among middle class voters, 52 percent to 45 percent. While Obama can close the gap with a strong voter turnout effort, “reports from the field would indicate that not to be the case, and Mitt Romney may well be heading to a decisive victory,” says pollster Ed Goeas. Should Romney win by 5 percentage points, it would increase Republican chances of gaining control of the Senate....
There is one thing I noticed about the Romney Yard signs in my Neighborhood. They look like someone took an Obama Yard Sign and then plastered a "Romney Ryan" sign over the top of them... As if it is a subliminal suggestion that, "yeah I used to support Obama in '08, but now I am sick of him and now support Romney" Obama Sign: It is as if they intentionally chose the white border and blue border and then put another white box inside it that says Romney/Ryan..
Condescending debate outburst exposes weak defense strategy Note to President Obama: Stop pretending you’re a military genius. “Commander in chief” is simply a title, not a skill set. In Monday night’s foreign policy debate, Mr. Obama mocked Republican challenger Mitt Romney for daring to discuss the dangerous diminution of American naval assets to levels of a century ago. “Well, governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets, because the nature of our military’s changed,” said Mr. Obama. “We have these things called aircraft carriers, where planes land on them. We have these ships that go underwater, nuclear submarines. And so...
After seeing the first two debates and awaiting the final one tonight, never has the choice for the American voter been clearer--the contrast is highlighted in bold colors. The future of America is in your hands. Here are ten reasons to cast your vote for Romney/Ryan and to elect a Republican team to support them: 1. Romney is a turnaround specialist and his decisive leadership skills are needed now more than ever. His administration will cut costs intelligently by asking: Is this expenditure important enough to justify borrowing money from China to pay for it? If employees are adding value...
ANALYSIS - Suddenly, Republican Mitt Romney has a viable path to victory in the tight battle for the White House. Democratic President Barack Obama still appears to have the upper hand in the state-by-state fight to cobble together the 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency in the November 6 election. But Romney’s recent surge in the polls after his strong performance in his first debate with Obama on October 3 has propelled the Republican into the lead or within striking distance in enough states to give him a reasonable chance of beating Obama to the finish line. Ohio,...
PACK IT UP.. ROMNEY/RYAN, 4 and out.. It's OVER! THANK YOU CANDY! Without the need for a third Presidential debate, Candy Crowley's unabashed bias, made the next debate totally meaningless.. The fact that she, and the shameless display with her girlfriend last week, have stripped the veil of impartiality of the process, making Governor Mitt Romney appear to be a victim, something we never could have hoped for.. Now no one will need, or find it necessary, to watch the next debate, unless to scrutinize the antics of the moderator.. WOW, who'd a thunk?? The Economy, Benghazi, Jobs, Benghazi, Jobs,...
Video at link,--The exchange on Medicare may have been the most substantive and interesting part of the Vice President debate last Thursday night. Paul Ryan explained that the Obama administration’s robbing of Medicare Advantage to pay for Medicaid expansion would accelerate the bankruptcy of Medicare, while Joe Biden in one of his calmer moments attacked Ryan for proposing a “voucher” program. Biden claimed to have the support of the AMA in opposing free-market-based reforms such as Ryan’s proposal uses, and dramatically asked, “Who [will] you believe, the AMA, me?” Like so much of what Biden had to say — when...
Republican Rep. Paul Ryan stopped by a soup kitchen in Youngstown, Ohio, over the weekend for what seemed to be your typical campaign photo opportunity. During his 15-minute visit on Saturday morning, the vice presidential candidate donned a white apron and offered to wash some dishes that—as several bloggers and a pool reporter later pointed out—did not appear to be dirty. But according to the president of Mahoning County's St. Vincent De Paul Society, the faith-based charity that runs the soup kitchen, the campaign did not have permission and "ramrodded their way" into the facility.