Keyword: religionofmurder
In the streets of Bangladesh, Muslim mobs openly chant for the slaughter of Hindus, targeting the peaceful followers of the Hindu faith. Their chilling slogans include, “There will be no place for ISKCON here” and “We will peel off the skins of ISKCON devotees.”... These aren’t just threats—they’re calls for genocide. ISKCON devotees, a branch of Hinduism rooted in spiritual devotion and non-violence, are being hunted simply for their beliefs. Temples are desecrated, Hindu boys are lynched in broad daylight, and Hindu spiritual leaders are imprisoned on fabricated charges while terrorists roam free. This is not random violence; it is...
The office of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has told FWI it will be removing the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) as a partner in its Faith and Community Initiative. In 2019, the governor founded the Governor's Faith and Community Initiative "to facilitate the efforts of the state's faith-based entities by improving communication and collaboration among them," according to Dylan Fisher, the program's director. On August 18, a Facebook post by the Florida branch of CAIR claimed to be a leading member of the initiative, declaring, "Governor Ron DeSantis recently presented CAIR-Florida with a Certificate of Recognition for our continued work...
Muslims make up 25% of the global population and Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world — but Muslims only comprise 1% of characters shown on popular televisions series in the U.S., the U.K., Australia and New Zealand. Those are just two of the findings in a new report issued Wednesday by the USC Annenberg Inclusion Initiative. Researchers investigated 200 top-rated television shows from 2018 and 2019 that aired in these four countries, and surveyed 8,885 characters with speaking roles. Apart from the numbers deficit, the majority of the Muslim characters were depicted as adult Middle Eastern or North...
Author Salman Rushdie was stabbed during a speech in western New York on Friday morning and rushed to a hospital for treatment. Governor Kathy Hochul said at an afternoon event that he is alive and credited a state trooper with saving him. Rushdie was about to give a lecture at the Chautauqua Institution in Chautauqua when a man rushed the stage and attacked him, the Associated Press reports. The assailant, who has not been identified, was subdued and detained by police. Rushdie was airlifted to a nearby hospital, according to a statement by state police that said the author had...
Terrorist lawyer Huwaida Arraf in campaign launch An anti-Israel activist who helped organize the 2010 flotilla of ships to the Gaza Strip and was the lawyer for a Palestinian terrorist who killed two Jewish college students is running for Congress as a Democrat in Michigan. Huwaida Arraf, who this week launched her campaign based on her record of "fighting injustice" on the world stage, is an activist lawyer who cofounded the International Solidarity Movement, which encourages anti-Israel activists to take "direct action" to force confrontations with Israeli forces. Arraf has used her status as an American citizen to protect Palestinian...
Playing the role they have been programmed to play, (victims) the radical progressive “squad” of freshman Democratic lawmakers held a news conference Monday to react to President Donald Trump calling them out for their contempt for America. And while that spectacle went as you might expect, there was a interesting moment when Rep. Ilham Omar was asked specifically about criticism from Trump that she’s pro-al Qaeda. A simple repudiation of the terrorist group would have dismissed the assertion and moved things along to the next question, but Omar, a Somali refugee and one of the first two Muslim women elected...
Nusrat Jahan Rafi was doused with kerosene and set on fire at her school in Bangladesh. Less than two weeks earlier, she had filed a sexual harassment complaint against her headmaster. Her courage in speaking out against sexual assault, her death five days after being set alight and everything that happened in-between has gripped Bangladesh and brought attention to the vulnerability of sexual harassment victims in this conservative South Asian country. Nusrat, who was 19, was from Feni, a small town 100 miles (160km) south of Dhaka. She was studying at a madrassa, or Islamic school. On 27 March, she...
An Iraqi migrant suspected of the rape and murder of a 14-year-old girl in western Germany has been caught by Kurdish forces in Iraq, Germany’s Interior Minister Horst Seehofer said Friday, one day after German police issued an international warrant for his arrest. Ali Bashar, a 20-year-old asylum-seeker, was arrested in northern Iraq early Friday at Germany’s request, police said. He had fled from Germany to Iraq via Istanbul with his family on June 2. “I thank the participating Kurdish security forces for making the arrest possible,” Seehofer said. Susanna Maria Feldman, a resident in the western German city of...
In city of Minya, link only no text.
Rosie Ayliffe’s daughter, 20-year-old Mia Ayliffe-Chung, was killed during a knife attack in August 2016. Her alleged killer, Smail Ayad shouted “Allahu akbar” — an Arabic phrase meaning “God is great” — during the attack. However, authorities said there was no indication the assault was motivated by extremism.“Any fool can shout ‘Allahu akbar’ as they commit a crime,” Rosie Ayliffe wrote. “This vilification of whole nation states and their people based on religion is a terrifying reminder of the horror that can ensue when we allow ourselves to be led by ignorant people into darkness and hatred.”
A story that has not received much attention, is the growing hostility towards Muslims by Buddhists in Thailand and Burma. After the killing of 20 Buddhist monks by Muslims, a leading Thai Buddhist monk called for Buddhists to defend themselves against Muslims
George Soros to invest $500 million in help for refugees George Soros to invest $500 million in help for refugees Nyshka Chandran | @nyshkac 9 Hours Ago Soros invests $500m for refugees Billionaire investor George Soros pledged on Tuesday to invest up to $500 million in programs and companies benefiting migrants and refugees fleeing life-threatening situations. Announced against the backdrop of an ongoing United Nations (U.N.) summit in New York, Soros explained that he wished to harness the power of the private sector for public good. "We will invest in startups, established companies, social impact initiatives, and businesses...
Immigrant Muslims claim certain parts of Paris and barricade areas from authorities, fighting and rioting in the streets. This is unreported by the press, and is said to be happening throughout France and also in parts of Germany.
A controversial female celebrity dubbed “Pakistan”s Kim Kardashian” has been strangled to death by her brother in what appears to be the country’s highest-profile honor killing. Qandeel Baloch, 26, had shot to fame in recent months with a series of divisive publicity stunts starkly at odds with the country’s conservative values, most notably promising to strip for Pakistan’s cricket team if it beat India in the recent cricket T20 World Cup. Her Facebook page on which she regularly posted provocative “selfie” photographs had 750,000 followers, but had also become a target of misogynistic abuse and threats. […] Hundreds of women...
Twin brothers wanted to join ISIS and their parents objected. But Muslims mean business when they say “fidaka abi wa-ummi ya rasul Allah” (I sacrifice my father and my mother for you O messenger of Allah). “Sacrifice” means sacrifice and “mother” means mother, especially in the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. This is why the two (identical twin) brothers in Riyadh Saudi Arabia began to slaughter their entire family, killing their mother and seriously injuring their father and elder brother by using a cleaver. The Saudi twins, Khalid and Saleh Al Areeni, first stabbed their mother with a cleaver and...
A Muslim man held a festering grudge against his young bride since the day of their wedding, prompting him to take gruesome revenge. Finally fed up, he took a large pot of boiling water from the stove and poured it over his wife’s head, literally melting her face and body. When police arrived, they were told that the horrific scene was all because of what the woman still hadn’t given to her husband since the day of their wedding. The barbarity of Islamic culture has not only survived 1,400 years of the rest of the world’s progress, but it is...
'World peace' hitcher is murdered Ms di Marineo was hitch-hiking to the Middle East with a fellow artist An Italian woman artist who was hitch-hiking to the Middle East dressed as a bride to promote world peace has been found murdered in Turkey. The naked body of Giuseppina Pasqualino di Marineo, 33, known as Pippa Bacca, was found in bushes near the northern city of Gebze on Friday. She had said she wanted to show that she could put her trust in the kindness of local people. Turkish police say they have detained a man in connection with the killing....
Murder rates were four times as high in the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Gaza than in Israel in 2012, according to a new study on homicide released last week. The findings are part of a global study on homicide by the Igarapé Institute, a Brazilian think tank. […] 134 people were killed in Israel in 2012, according to this database—assuming it is not including terror victims—at a rate of 1.8 murders per 100,000 people. By contrast, 312 people were killed in the PA that same year, or a staggering 7.4 murders per 100,000 people. …
I receive a lot of mail. The most heartbreaking letters, of course, are from Muslims in Muslim countries who have left Islam or question Islam, and their intellectual freedom is met with violence from family members and friends. They write to cry for help. I get a few of those emails a week, and I help each one to the best I can. Notice how they aren’t writing CAIR for help. I owe a debt of gratitude to Ali Sina for helping me handle the most difficult and gruesome of those letters. In a number of instances, Ali has gotten...
Gunmen in Pakistan killed the lawyer of a man accused of insulting Islam’s Prophet Muhammad Wednesday night, police said. Senior police officer Mahmoodul Hassan said the lawyer, Rashid Rehman, was sitting in his office in the central city of Multan when gunmen opened fire on him. …