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Keyword: reins

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  • Joe Biden Bans Officials from Using Horses to Secure the Border

    09/23/2021 10:41:40 AM PDT · by ChicagoConservative27 · 192 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 09/23/2021 | Charlie Spiering
    President Joe Biden will ban officials from using horses while securing the border, days after controversial photographs emerged of agents on horses confronting Haitian migrants the White House confirmed Thursday. “[W]e will no longer be using horses in Del Rio,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said during the daily press briefing with reporters.
  • Obama Threatens Veto of Bill to Rein in Regulatory Regime

    08/20/2015 3:57:23 PM PDT · by HomerBohn · 20 replies
    The New American ^ | 8/20/2015 | Alex Newman
    Congress has created a monster that is growing more dangerous to the U.S. economy, the Constitution, and the liberties of the American people with every passing day. Now, some lawmakers want to start reining in the regulatory monster with the REINS Act, if only slightly, by taking back some authorities over lawmaking that they were never authorized to give away to executive branch bureaucracies in the first place. But Obama, who last year threatened to rule America by decree with his “pen and phone” if Congress would not submit to his demands, wants none of it, and the White House...
  • The Republicans' strategy to block Obama’s regulations

    11/30/2014 5:19:02 AM PST · by Cincinatus' Wife · 27 replies
    The Hill ^ | November 30, 2014 | Tim Devaney and Lydia Wheeler
    The GOP is preparing to mount a full-scale assault on President Obama’s regulatory agenda, using the party’s strengthened hand in Congress to delay, soften or block contentious administration rules at every turn. As long as Obama sits atop the executive branch, Republicans’ power to derail scores of rulemaking efforts now under way is limited. But control of both the House and Senate in the next Congress will enable GOP lawmakers to ratchet up their attacks on what they view as overzealous regulation. “So long as we have this president the federal agencies can go around Congress," said Sen. Jim Inhofe...
  • Taking the REINS on Regulation

    07/03/2013 10:10:54 AM PDT · by VRW Conspirator · 3 replies
    The Heritage Foundation ^ | October 12, 2011 | James L. Gattuso
    Should Congress be held accountable for the regulatory policies of the federal government? Most people would say so, and this week the House Judiciary Committee plans to vote on a bill to make Congress explicitly accountable for federal regulations. Introduced by Representative Geoff Davis (R–KY), H.R. 10, the “Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny” (REINS) Act, would require Congress to approve major new rules before they can take effect. A similar bill, S. 299, has been introduced in the Senate by Rand Paul (R–KY). REINS would significantly change the way regulations are imposed. Congress would no longer be...
  • Iraqi Army takes reins in Fallujah

    02/24/2007 11:39:23 AM PST · by SandRat · 9 replies · 440+ views
    FALLUJAH -- The war in Iraq is changing gears and taking a new direction; the battles are now fought by Iraqi forces with Coalition assistance. Coalition forces are working on a daily basis with Iraqi Security Forces on patrols, as well as conducting operations in support of ISF. The Iraqi Army’s 1st Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 1st Iraqi Army Division, patrolled its area of operation recently to gather intelligence for future operations. The IA was supported by a fire team of Marines from a Military Transition Team during the patrol. “We did a dismounted patrol and headed south to one of...
  • 1st Cavalry Division Takes Multinational Division Baghdad Reins

    11/15/2006 3:48:13 PM PST · by SandRat · 6 replies · 460+ views
    American Forces Press Service ^ | Spc. Karl Johnson, USA
    CAMP LIBERTY, Iraq, Nov. 15, 2006 -- Under the clear, morning skies of a promising new day in Baghdad, the 1st Cavalry Division took the reins for Multinational Division Baghdad from the 4th Infantry Division during a transfer of authority ceremony here today. Army Maj. Gen. Joseph F. Fil Jr., left, commanding general of 1st Cavalry Division; Army Lt. Gen. Peter W. Chiarelli, center, commanding general of Multinational Corps Iraq; and Army Maj. Gen. James D. Thurman, commanding general of 4th Infantry Division, salute the American flag during the national anthem at a transfer of authority ceremony at Camp...
  • Gov.: Colo. must take reins on immigration

    07/05/2006 6:04:34 PM PDT · by NormsRevenge · 9 replies · 383+ views
    AP on Yahoo ^ | 7/5/06 | Stephen K. Paulson - ap
    DENVER - Colorado should not wait for the federal government to stop illegal immigration but should implement its own plans, Gov. Bill Owens said Wednesday. The Republican governor told the Joint Budget Committee, which held hearings Wednesday to discuss the cost of illegal immigration, that Colorado spends about $560 million a year educating illegal immigrants and their U.S.-born children, who are legal citizens. He said that the cost falls most heavily on local governments and that the federal government is doing little to help. "I wish the federal government were a better ally," said Owens, who has strongly supported President...
  • Spartans Take Reins in Eastern Afghanistan

    03/13/2006 3:29:41 PM PST · by SandRat · 7 replies · 355+ views
    American Forces Press Service ^ | Sgt. 1st Class Michael Pintagro, USA
    FORWARD OPERATING BASE SALERNO, Afghanistan, March 13, 2006 – The 3rd Brigade Combat Team of the 10th Mountain Division - known as the Spartans - assumed authority for the coalition's Regional Command East from the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment in a ceremony here today. Army Col. John W. Nicholson Jr. of Task Force Spartan took responsibility for coalition forces in the region's 11 eastern provinces from Army Col. Patrick J. Donahue of Task Force Devil. Civil and military leaders, servicemembers, base employees, contractors and visitors attended the ceremony. Gov. Marijadeen Patan of Khowst province, Afghan National Army Gen. Mohammad Achram...
  • 6th Civil Affairs Group takes reins in Al Anbar (Be ready for a Blurry Screen)

    10/05/2005 6:12:42 PM PDT · by SandRat · 3 replies · 372+ views
    Marine Corps News ^ | Oct 5, 2005 | Cpl. Jeremy Gadrow
    AL ANBAR, Iraq (Oct. 5, 2005) -- The 6th Civil Affairs Group has taken over operations from 5th CAG and has constructed additional plans for the future of Iraq's economic development. Health care, education, electricity and water works, and many other facets essential to the infrastructure of the country are already under way. "The work done by 5th CAG was a great stepping stone to further governance in Al Anbar," said Col. Miles Burdine, government suport team commanding officer. "We are taking some of their initiatives and adding our own to help rebuild the government and encourage Iraqi leadership to...
  • CA: Governor's team taking ballot reins

    03/30/2005 8:37:35 AM PST · by NormsRevenge · 8 replies · 277+ views
    Sac Bee ^ | 3/30/05 | Gary Delsohn
    Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's political team is moving to take over his special election campaign after last week's court ruling that allows politicians to raise unlimited money for ballot measure efforts at the same time they fully control them. Before a Sacramento court judge ruled in Schwarzenegger's favor, his political committee was limited to how much it could raise from individual donors. A business committee with close ties to the Republican governor could raise unlimited funds as long as Schwarzenegger didn't direct its activities. "Any advantage the Democrats thought they'd have because of the bifurcated nature of the campaign has evaporated,"...
  • CA: Initiative would give Democrats budget reins (Ultimate Power Grab)

    04/25/2003 2:39:32 PM PDT · by NormsRevenge · 20 replies · 169+ views
    San Diego Union-Tribune ^ | 4/25/03 | Ed Mendel
    SACRAMENTO – The state budget battle could be affected by an initiative aimed at next year's March ballot that would allow Democratic legislators to pass a state budget and tax increases without Republican votes. A coalition of public-interest groups and labor unions is sponsoring the initiative, which would lower the requirement for approving a state budget and related tax increases from two-thirds to a 55-percent vote of the Legislature. The "Budget Accountability Act" also would cut the pay of legislators if the budget is late, give voters access to budget votes by legislators and create a budget reserve. Some legislators...