Keyword: randallterry
New ad to run during ABC World News Tonight (10-23-24) honors pro-lifers imprisoned by Biden-Harris adminPresidential candidate Randall Terry, who recently infuriated leftists with a pro-life commercial that ran during The View, proclaims in a new ad that voting for radical pro-abortion amendments in 10 states is a ‘vote to kill Jesus in the womb.’The Randall Terry presidential campaign plans to run a new ad during The View and ABC World News Tonight honoring the pro-lifers put into federal prison by the Biden-Harris administration for peacefully protesting at abortion facilities, while also calling for the defeat of ballot initiatives in...
ABC airs pro-life ad showing aborted babies during The View, comparing hosts to Nazis‘These are dead human beings, murdered by abortion that you promote,’ said presidential candidate Randall Terry in a powerful pro-life ad with images of aborted babies that ABC was forced by law to air during The View. ‘A vote for Kamala is a vote for murdered babies.’A hard-hitting pro-life ad that aired during ABC’s popular daytime talk show The View highlighting that aborted so-called “fetuses” are actually murdered children has infuriated the broadcast world, including the show’s co-hosts, whom the ad compared to Nazis because of their...
A campaign ad produced by the Constitution Party’s presidential nominee, Randall Terry, recently aired on national television, drawing media attention for its use of graphic imagery related to abortion during a commercial break on The View. The ad, titled “Stupid Celebrities, Lying Journalists,” reportedly aired on national television last week. It is one of nearly a dozen 30-second spots first produced by the Terry campaign earlier this year, covering topics such as abortion, the Black community, and criticisms of the Democratic Party, among others. “I’m so sick of stupid celebrities and lying journalists,” Terry says in the ad, which opens...
Free and Equal is sponsoring a presidential debate on Friday, July 12, in Las Vegas, at Caesars Forum. The event is simultaneous with Freedomfest. Oliver Chase, Jill Stein, and Randall Terry are confirmed. Invitations have also been extended to Cornel West, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. The debate moderators will be Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massie, and Free & Equal founder Christina Tobin. Massie is a Republican who has served in Congress since 2012.
Had enough yet? We feel the same way. Now let's do something about it. Randall Terry has led thousands and reached millions for unborn babies; now he will reach the nation with these ads—with your help. (Note: please click on each ad and watch it so you can tell us which ad you'd like to see run on TV. A tab will pop up on top this content and you can come back to read more and take action.)WHY ARE WE RUNNING? We are running for President in the effort to make child killing by abortion the number one voter...
We'll bet you didn't see THIS story reported by the mainstream media. In a direct challenge to the Obama presidency, pro-life challenger Randall Terry embarrassed the White House, tallying 18 percent of the total vote in the 2012 Oklahoma Democratic primary, and beating Obama head-to-head in 14 counties. Terry had promised to wage an active campaign in at least six, key, swing states, including Oklahoma. The shocking Super Tuesday results guarantee that pro-life delegates, pledged to Terry, and millions of abortion victims, past, present, and future, will have a voice at the Democratic National Convention, to be held this summer...
OKLAHOMA CITY – Talking to Red Dirt Report from his campaign RV, now parked in Tulsa, anti-abortion activist Randall Terry, who was on Oklahoma’s Democratic primary ballot, was excited about getting 18 percent of the vote and likely qualifying for as many as two delegates. “I beat (Obama) in 12 counties. They were in the west and the south and I took the entire Panhandle,” Terry said. In all, Obama lost 15 out of Oklahoma’s 77 counties, according to the Associated Press. Terry was among three other lesser-known Democratic presidential candidates to qualify and appear on Tuesday’s primary ballot. By...
Obama Democrat opponent randally Terry Beats Obama in 14 Oklahoma Counties And gets 18% of Oklahoma statewide votes, earning actual Democrat Delegates!
Excerpt: "According to Democratic Party rules, Terry is eligible for a delegate since he won more than 15 percent of the statewide vote. Terry beat Obama in 12 counties, mostly in western Oklahoma. Terry acknowledges he can't win the presidency but says he hopes to cause Obama's defeat in the fall."
Ann Coulter to campaign for Democratic presidential candidate Randall Terry By Caroline May - The Daily Caller 11:56 PM 02/22/2012 While conservative commentator Ann Coulter has been firmly in GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s corner during the primary season, the ardently pro-life pundit will also be speaking at a fundraising event for a candidate running in the Democratic presidential primary.Randall Terry, a primary challenger to President Barack Obama, however, is not just any Democratic candidate. Terry, a pro-life activist, is running purely to raise awareness about abortion.Coulter explained to The Daily Caller that her participation in the fundraising event...
Ann Coulter to Speak at Rally for Pres. Candidate Randall Terry February 22, 2012 TULSA, OK -- Best Selling author and political pundit Ann Coulter will be the keynote speaker at a fundraising rally for Randall Terry for President in the Tulsa Oklahoma area on March 3rd. Event Details Date: Saturday, March 3, 2012. Time: 6:00 P.M. private fundraising reception; 7:00 P.M. Rally. Location: Arrow Heights Baptist Church, 3201 South Elm Place, Broken Arrow (just outside Tulsa), Oklahoma. Mr. Terry and his campaign team are in Oklahoma campaigning full time until the March 6 primary. They have opened an office...
Randall Terry in the Democrat Presidential primaries is an easy endorsement to make. Mr. Terry is a pro-life lion who has decided to take the fight against Barack Hussein Obama right to his front door by entering as many Democrat Presidential primaries as he can. In every state primary Terry can command more attention than the media wants to give us and lay a claim to being eligible for “political rate” air time from which he can slam Obama for is bloodthirsty campaign to murder even born infants to satisfy his far left anti-American supporters at NARAL and NOW. The...
Did you know that there is a Democrat Presidential candidate running against Barack Obama for President? And it’s not not Hillary Clinton. But since most mainstream news media outlets don’t view any opposition to Obama as being news or newsworthy, it is unlikely that you heard this news before: World famous abortion fighter Randall Terry is running for President on the Democratic ticket and is already on the ballot in a number of states—enough to win by default if other states follow Georgia’s lead in knocking Barack Hussein Obama off the ballot for being unable or unwilling to provide proof...
The Randall Terry for President Campaign is about to make Pro-Life and Human Rights history. During Superbowl 2012, the most watched sporting event in the United States, the Randall Terry for President Campaign will run hard hitting television commercials which will expose the evil of every procured abortion. ...They are able to do this precisely because they are presidential campaign. The Terry for President Campaign has purchased air time for these advertisements in 9 cities. They are working hard to raise the funds to purchase air time in twenty more cities.... Every major human rights movement has its heroes. They...
I was so sad to open an email this morning from pro-life activist Randall Terry: Dear Friend. Yesterday morning, at approximately 7 am eastern (11/30/2011), my 31 year old son, Jamiel Terry [pictured above], was killed in a head on collision. The three passengers in the other car were injured in varying degrees, but the police told me they will all be ok. We are all in a state of shock, and unthinkable grief. I loved him dearly; we all did. I beg you for your prayers for our family, and I beg you to pray for the mercy...
January 22, 2003 will mark the 30th anniversary of the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision legalizing elective abortion during all nine months of pregnancy. As pro-abortion groups plan their celebrations, one of the founders of the pro-life movement looked to the future. The "Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice" is a national alliance of liberal "faith groups" that works to keep abortion-on-demand legal. The group is planning a "convocation" to mark the Roe v. Wade anniversary entitled "From Generation to Generation: Celebrating 30 Years of Faithful Reproductive Choices." Rev. Carlton Veazey, president and CEO of the group, blamed conservative Christians...
The News is Getting Around... Starting to cause a stir... Dear Friend, I am praying about running for President in 2012. Please read the following news stories that discuss this: Last month, Washington-area residents watched dozens of TV commercials that featured gruesome images of aborted fetuses. In two years, many more Americans might be faced with similar ads if a prominent anti-abortion activist makes good on his plans. Randall Terry -- the fiery activist who recruited D.C. resident Missy Reilly Smith to run for congressional delegate, thus clearing access to the airwaves -- announced this week that he plans to...
Abortion foe plans Obama challengeBy DAN HIRSCHHORN | 1/18/11 3:00 PM EST An outspoken anti-abortion activist says he wants to unseat President Barack Obama next year — and he wants to do it via the nearly impossible path of a Democratic primary challenge. Randall Terry, who founded the group Operation Rescue and has been arrested numerous times for his aggressive approach to opposing abortion rights, plans to announce a primary challenge against Obama on Thursday outside the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington. Besting a sitting Democratic president from far off his right flank is exceedingly unlikely. In an interview with...
Tuesday, Sargent Shriver died at the age of 95. His beloved wife Eunice Kennedy Shriver predeceased him. Together they founded the Special Olympics and dedicated their lives to caring for those to whom too many pay little or no attention. They were the last of an increasingly rare breed of people, consistent liberals who recognize the dignity of every human life from conception to natural death and actually allow that fundamental truth to inform their lives of public service... The Shriver's stood in the proud tradition of ... Pennsylvania Governor Bob Casey. He was a great champion of all the...
Pro-life activist Randall Terry announced he will challenge President Barack Obama in a Democratic primary for the sole purpose of running graphic pro-life advertisements on national television during the election year. Terry said he expects to “wound” Obama politically, and told The Daily Caller he plans to do so by airing pro-life advertisements during the 2012 Super Bowl and AFC and NFC championship games. “I want to pummel Obama for his support of child killing,” Terry said in a phone interview. “I’m going to use the Democratic primary as a vehicle to do that. I want to focus like a...