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Keyword: protestwarrior

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  • Anti-Israel activists behind Columbia University protests trained in Cuba for years

    05/11/2024 7:23:51 AM PDT · by Twotone · 14 replies
    ADN America ^ | May 7, 2024 | Gelet Martínez Fragela
    Some of the anti-Israel protests taking place at U.S. college campuses, including the recent demonstrations at Columbia University, have been supported by organizations that traveled to communist Cuba to receive resistance training, an ADN investigation has uncovered. ADN’s investigation coincides with a recent Sunday report published by the New York Post that revealed a radical NYC based organization known as The People’s Forum familiarized anti-Israel activists with Black Lives Matter protest techniques just hours before they stormed Hamilton Hall at Columbia University, and that the group was incited by Manolo De Los Santos–a radical activist organizer with deep ties to...
  • TEA PARTY invades Occupy DC Protest

    10/13/2011 4:39:05 PM PDT · by Thunder90 · 29 replies
    What happens when the Tea Party invades the seemingly never-ending “Occupy” protest movement? Until now, this question has been left to the whims of the imagination. But over the weekend, Accuracy in Media, Let Freedom Ring and Young America’s Foundation joined forces to infiltrate ”Occupy D.C.” As you can imagine, the results are quite hilarious, as the Tea Party counter-protesters state their love for capitalism, holding signs that read, “Taxed Enough Already” and “Unions Destroy Jobs,” among others. The patriotic young men, who are predictably met with anger, hand out Constitutions to the “Occupiers,” while defending capitalism (Meredith Jessup covered...
  • 'Communist for Kerry' Now GOP Congressional Candidate (Sager, 5D FL, hilarious satire)

    08/17/2010 6:31:39 PM PDT · by DTogo · 19 replies
    The People's Cube ^ | 8-14-2010 | Red Square
    The GOP establishment is appalled: a young tea party activist and Navy veteran, who was once seen dressed up as Che Guevara holding a "Communists For Kerry" sign, may now defeat their moderate candidate in the primaries and take a seat in the U.S. Congress - the very place he claims is out of control and needs to be cleaned up. It's funny how life turns out. That "Communists For Kerry" sign was designed by me, on this very computer. Meet Jason Sager from Florida's 5th Congressional District, formerly Comrade J.F. Che from the crazy summer of 2004 in New...
  • Sager's past life as protester raising eyebrows

    08/06/2010 10:24:47 AM PDT · by ynotjjr · 71 replies · 1+ views
    Hernando Today ^ | July 30, 2010 | MICHAEL D. BATES
    BROOKSVILLE - Jason Sager doesn't have to look at someone else's pictures of the Twin Towers attack in New York City on Sept. 11, 2001. {cut} But around January 2003, he also joined a group of about a hundred other young like-minded activists and became a member of the New York chapter of Protest Warrior, often dressing up as communist revolutionary Che Guevara. Protest Warrior was a satirical, covert group who crashed anti-war and anti-George Bush protest events and blended in with the group. Members would hold up mock signs purporting to espouse the same liberal views. And it was...
  • AP Headline: 'Crash the Tea Party' organizer is threatened (media found their talking point)

    04/14/2010 10:10:26 AM PDT · by a fool in paradise · 81 replies · 2,753+ views
    AP ^ | April 14, 2010 11:25 AM ET | no byline
    ...Beaverton Middle School teacher Jason Levin's group wants to infiltrate the Tea Party to discredit the organization. But since Levin's name has been associated with the "Crash the Tea Party" Web site, he has been harassed by people who say they belong to that group. Levin told KATU-TV that his phone has been ringing around the clock and his answering machine is recording threats...
  • Matter Now website information

    09/08/2009 11:00:05 AM PDT · by Thunder90 · 6 replies · 385+ views
    Matter now website
  • Operation Infinite Freep... Protect RNC from moonbats in St. Paul Sept 1st!!!

    06/30/2008 9:35:12 AM PDT · by Thunder90 · 9 replies · 907+ views
    The Obama freaks, antiwar moonbats, and antiwar traitors are going to march on the RNC on September 1st. We can't let the Moonbats get all of the media coverage, so we know what needs to be done. From the Leftists: We can't let this go unopposed. Support the RNC and take away the moonbat's media coverage. Be there September 1st.
  • RNC Protest Plans Already Under Way

    11/13/2007 2:24:31 AM PST · by 2ndDivisionVet · 25 replies · 710+ views
    Breitbart ^ | November 13, 2007 | Amy Forliti
    MINNEAPOLIS - Shrouded in black, with a bandanna masking her face, a self-proclaimed anarchist slips into her combat boots and dashes through town, tossing a Molotov cocktail here, launching a bowling ball there. The YouTube video is more parody than threat: The flaming cocktail ignites a charcoal grill, and the bowling ball knocks down pins instead of crashing through a Navy recruiting office window. But as the video fades to black, the message on-screen is clear: "We're getting ready. What are you doing?" With less than 10 months to go before the Republican National Convention in Minneapolis-St.Paul, activists are already...
  • Fight for Victory Tour/Gathering of Eagles Pro Troop Rally Live Thread

    09/15/2007 9:17:16 AM PDT · by mdittmar · 281 replies · 9,361+ views
    Post pics,news,speeches on the Fight for Victory Tour/Gathering of Eagles Pro Troop Rally
  • It's Gathering of Eagles vs. nitwit marchers

    09/13/2007 3:10:33 PM PDT · by mdittmar · 7 replies · 730+ views
    The Washington Times ^ | September 13, 2007 | Tom Knott
    The Cindy Sheehan-inspired dingbats descending on the city this weekend are infinitely more outraged by a pair of panties being placed on the head of a virgin-seeking terrorist than by a virgin-seeking terrorist placing a steak knife to the neck of an infidel, while chanting, "Praise be to Allah." This passes as a thoughtful position on the part of the losers, nut jobs, socialists, communists and revolutionaries aligned with ANSWER, Code Pink and the loony left of Hollywood. All they are saying is give a suicide bomber a chance. These wackos live with a conundrum. As much as they hate...
  • GOE III Update!

    08/27/2007 6:26:16 PM PDT · by mdittmar · 15 replies · 1,145+ views
    Gathering of Eagles ^ | August 23rd | Kit Lange
    With less than four weeks to go before GOE’s September Surge actions in Washington, D.C. on Sept. 10 and Sept. 15, this is where we stand: We need your help!Our Congressional lobbying day on Sept. 10 is looking to be perfectly timed as all indications are that Gen. Petraeus is going to testify before Congress the following day, Sept. 11.We will be holding a morning press conference/rally at Upper Senate Park on Capitol Hill on Monday, Sept. 10, tentatively scheduled for 10 a.m., to kick off our day-long lobbying in support of victory in Iraq. GOE is inviting spokesmen from...
  • Leftists Announce Sept. Actions in D.C. (Help the D.C. Chapter and GOE Defend America!)

    07/26/2007 6:30:29 PM PDT · by kristinn · 30 replies · 1,509+ views
    Thursday, July26, 2007 | Kristinn
    The anti-American left has announced their plans to descend on our nation's capital in September to help their terrorist allies overseas on the political front in Congress.September is going to be the mother of all battles. The left is going all out to bring about the defeat of America in the war on terror. Their immediate goal is to pressure Congress into giving up on the Iraq front so that their terrorist allies have a safe haven in which to wage war on America and our allies in the Middle East.They believe public opinion is on their side. And why...
  • War Movement a Republican Creation (Free Republic mentioned, LOL!)

    07/22/2007 12:57:50 PM PDT · by kristinn · 85 replies · 1,864+ views
    Charlotte Action via ^ | Sunday, July 22, 2007 | David Dixon
    Imagine if the Democratic Party did for peace what the Republicans do for war. --DS (David Swanson) Pro-war Eagles tied to Republican Party & Conservative Media By David Dixon, The chairman of Gathering of Eagles (GOE), Ret. U.S. Navy Captain Larry Bailey (he was a leader of GOE's protest of Cindy Sheehan's Journey For Humanity & Accountability in Charlotte, NC on July 17), was the president of the Vietnam Vets for the Truth, "which attacked 2004 Democratic Presidential candidate Senator John Kerry's military record, on the heels of the more well-known" Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. (Raw Story). He...
  • GOE III Planning Thread

    07/22/2007 9:49:17 PM PDT · by RealTeen · 37 replies · 2,028+ views
    Gathering of Eagles ^ | 7-23-07 | RealTeen
    A “very preliminary” report by law enforcement in Maryland has come across the wire saying that an anarchist group is looking to deface the Wall on September 15th during ANSWER’s rally in Washington, D.C. This will not be allowed to happen, period. We are acting on this intel and we’re certain that Eagles will be there in force to assure the safety and sanctity of our hallowed grounds. Be aware–September 15th will be quite a showdown. Please consider either being there yourself or helping someone else get there by donating to GOE.
  • D.C. Chapter Alert: Cindy Sheehan to Desecrate Arlington Cemetery 7/23/07

    07/17/2007 8:18:22 PM PDT · by kristinn · 96 replies · 5,125+ views
    Tuesday, July 17, 2007 | Kristinn
    The D.C. Chapter of invites all Freepers and lurkers in good standing to join us Monday morning, July 23rd, at the entrance to Arlington National Cemetery to stand up to Cindy Sheehan and her anti-American comrades as they attempt to desecrate Arlington with a so-called antiwar protest.Sheehan has called the terrorists in Iraq 'freedom fighters' and has traveled the world supporting our enemies. With the surge in Iraq succeeding, Sheehan has come out of retirement to aid her 'freedom fighters' by urging the impeachment of the two men who have kept the terrorists at bay for almost six years:...
  • Pro-Troop Supporters Announce Major September Push

    07/16/2007 10:07:21 AM PDT · by Impeach98 · 45 replies · 8,570+ views
    Move America Forward ^ | 07/16/2007 | Melanie Morgan/Robert Dixon
    CONTACT: Robert Dixon (916) 441-6197 or Email: PRO-TROOP SUPPORTERS ANNOUNCE MAJOR SEPTEMBER PUSH Supporters of Operation Iraqi Freedom will conduct a nationwide caravan along with more than 2-dozen rallies calling for continued support of U.S. troops based in Iraq in the days leading up to General David Petraeus September 15th report to Congress. From September 3, 2007 through September 15, 2007 the nation’s largest grassroots, pro-troop organization, Move America Forward (website: will lead thousands of supporters in a cross-country effort called the “FIGHT FOR VICTORY TOUR.” “We’ll launch the cross-country caravan Monday, September 3rd with rallies outside...
  • A call to arms! EAGLES UP!

    07/12/2007 9:19:21 PM PDT · by oneolcop · 12 replies · 1,632+ views
    Gathering of Eagles ^ | July 12, 2007 | oneolcop
    EAGLES UP! Much has happened since that cold March day when we gathered, angry and determined at the Vietnam Memorial. We know that from the earliest days of this country there were citizens who believed that we had no reason to fight England. Over the following two centuries Americans marched in the streets to demand that America avoid war at all cost. During WW-I hundreds of thousands of citizens demonstrated against our involvement. During the 1930’s many carried signs demanding peace at any price. During the Korean and Vietnam wars, protesters came out like cockroaches out of the wood-work. History...
  • FReepers Invited to Join NJ Eagles in Counter Protest Saturday, June 30, 2007

    06/19/2007 4:25:22 AM PDT · by USMCdaughter1 · 23 replies · 1,740+ views
    Every Saturday, moonbats hold an anti-troop protest at the front gates of Fort Monmouth in Eatontown, NJ. Local "Eagles" from GOE in tandem with the Coastal NJ Protest Warriors make their presence felt but have been outnumbered by their opponents (in bodies but not in USA flags!). Local freepers and lurkers are invited to join in opposing the moonbats every Saturday at noon. On Saturday, June 30, several members of the GOE leadership will head north to participate and show their support. Please join us in (1) showing the moonbats that they don't speak for America and (2) showing our...
  • 'Israel dissolution rally' planned for Washington

    06/07/2007 7:50:23 AM PDT · by Alouette · 12 replies · 852+ views
    YNet ^ | June 7, 2007 | Yaakov Lapin
    Pro-Israel group scrambling to organize last-minute counter-demonstration in Washington DC Yaakov Lappin Published: 06.07.07, 16:14 / Israel News A pro-Israel group is scrambling to organize a last-minute response to a large anti-Israel rally being organized in Washington DC for June 10, Ynetnews has learned. Stand With US, based in California, has described a protest scheduled to be held against "the occupation" as in fact being "a rally for the dissolution of the State of Israel." The anti-Israel protest, which is expected to attract thousands, has been organized by the United for Peace and Justice group, the Muslims American Society Freedom...
  • GOE III Alert... ANSWER et all is planning a massive antiwar protest in DC

    06/04/2007 7:00:53 PM PDT · by Thunder90 · 53 replies · 1,692+ views
    ANSWER is planning a massive coordinated rally with UFPJ and World Can't Wait. The date has not been set yet, but they want to hold their rally either in November of this year or on March 22nd, 2008. The Gathering of Eagles, FreeRepublic, MoveAmericaForward, RightMarch and ProtestWarrior must be prepared to counter this with the LARGEST patriotic rally ever seen in DC. From International ANSWER "Proposal to build a truly mass outpouring of the people If every anti-war coalition and organization came together on a particular day, and with enough advance notice, under the simple demand End the War...