Keyword: presler
No one is taking the Wisconsin Supreme Court election seriously. The democrats are outraising us. If we don’t elect Brad Schimel on April 1st, Republicans will likely lose the House — there go all of your wins. You have been warned. Let’s see who listens. 915 ReTruths 1.42k Likes Feb 11, 2025, 9:17 PM
Scott Presler speaks exclusively with Breitbart News at Turning Point’s Americafest about his efforts to flip Pennsylvania for Donald Trump in the 2024 election. Americafest 2024 is being held in Phoenix, Arizona, from December 19 to 22. President-elect Donald Trump will appear as the keynote speaker on Sunday, December 22.
The Amish vote received significant attention throughout the 2024 election cycle as Republican activists worked to mobilize the traditionally low-turnout group. As the frenzy settles, curiosity about its impact continues. The hyper-focus was fueled by extensive communities in battleground states, most of all Pennsylvania. It was also an opportunity to bring the historically politically adverse and traditionalist culture under the Grand Old Party’s umbrella. Some Amish refrain from voting due to beliefs emphasizing separation from "worldly" influences, though a desire for religious freedom and protection from government overreach has drawn more to the polls in recent years. Republican U.S. Rep....
Eric Daugherty @EricLDaugh 🚨 BREAKING: Scott Presler just told Bucks County, PA commissioners who tried to steal the Senate election that he is gunning for their seats right to their faces. "I have a message: peacefully, we are COMING for your seat in 2027, if you don't resign TODAY. I am coming for your seat." She replies "have at it!" "Marc Elias [who is the lawyer trying to steal the election] and his cronies must be disbarred from practicing law in Pennsylvania." "I have a message: congratulations to President-elect Donald J. Trump... congratulations Senator-elect Dave McCormick, and we are NOT...
On Wednesday, the Bucks County commissioners' meeting was packed with citizens who were fed up with Democratic officials' alleged attempts to count illegal ballots in the recount of the Senate race between incumbent Bob Casey (D) and Dave McCormick (R). ---SNIP--- The first speaker revealed a bombshell announcement, stating that she planned to file a criminal complaint against Ellis-Marseglia and Vice Chair Robert Harvie Jr. "Diane's actually right, though: The law doesn't matter anymore in this country because people like you violate it all the time, and all we the people do is sit here and complain," the resident said....
ThePersistence @ScottPresler I make a commitment right here & now that we will be registering new Republican voters in New Jersey & commit time in 2025 to the gubernatorial election.
One "S". Presler. McCormick for sure owes his win to Scott. Ohtani sent a Ferrari to the wife of the pitcher who convinced her husband to give up #17 for the Dodgers. McCormick needs to gift a Ferrari to Presler.
DETROIT, Michigan — Conservative activist Scott Presler told Breitbart News that if every Christian voted in the United States, “we would never lose another presidential election.” Presler, who spoke to Breitbart News on Sunday at Turning Point Action’s “The People’s Convention” in Detroit, Michigan, stressed the need for every Christian in America to register to vote. “People really need to understand if every Christian in America actually voted, we would never lose another presidential election,” he said. “And 30 percent of evangelicals — it’s not that they don’t even vote — 30 percent are not registered to vote.”
The Republican National Committee (RNC) under new chair Lara Trump announced on Friday that they will be working closely with Scott Presler to increase voter turnout ahead of the US 2024 Presidential Election in November. The announcement was made by the RNC's new co-chair, Lara Trump. Scott Presler is a prominent conservative activist who has become notable for registering thousands of conservative voters and teaching at voter registration workshops across the country.
Earlier this month the Republican Party under the absent leadership of Ronna McDaniel announced they had “flipped” Beaver County Pennsylvania from blue to red. The GOP announced, “Big news! Beaver County, PA has officially flipped from blue to red. There are now more registered Republicans than Democrats! Together with @PAGOP our data-driven ground game has been in Pennsylvania registering voters since 2016 and has never left! On to November! [snip] In response to this tweet by the GOP, DC Draino accused Ronna McRomney and the Republican Party of stealing credit for Scott Presler’s voter registration efforts in Beaver County, Pennsylvania.
IS ANYONE NOTICING A PATTERN? UNPAID Conservative GOP Activist Scott Presler Runs Circles Around OVERPAID RNC Chair Ronna Romney-McDaniel AGAIN… This Time In Critical WI Supreme Court Election. (conversation at link)
he has also cleaned up in Portland, Oregon, but it was his trip to San Francisco that put a new spotlight on the blight in one of America’s once shining cities. “You saw some horrible things in San Francisco,” Breitbart News asked Pressler. “Can you share what you saw, because it wasn’t just coke bottles and water bottles.” “I can just tell you I have been to some of America’s most dirtiest and dangerous cities — I’ve been to Austin, Baltimore, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Portland, San Francisco — San Francisco was the only city where you had to watch...
My column last week was written in response to what has become the typical claim of the political class during election season: Increasing numbers of Americans are helpless victims whose problems can only be solved by government. Using homelessness as an example, I compared the expensive failures of government in cities like Los Angeles and Austin, Texas, with the success of Community First Village, a privately funded initiative in Austin. Starting small and focusing on the needs of a few, Community First has grown in just three years to the point where it is preparing to house and help 500...
Yesterday Jazz wrote about the Baltimore cleanup effort put together by Trump supporter Scott Presler. After the public spat between Trump and Rep. Elijah Cummings, Presler wanted to genuinely do something positive. So he gathered somewhere between 200-300 people to clean up trash, cut lawns, and make things look better. He posted before and after photos of the effort on Twitter. That led to a snarky editorial for the Baltimore Sun which veered between admitting the cleanup was needed and blaming Presler for sending the wrong message. snip Update: Well, here’s one reason things don’t get cleaned up in Baltimore....
Last week, Townhall covered MAGA supporter Scott Presler's call to action in Baltimore by inviting "Americans to help Americans" and go clean up neighborhoods in Charm City. Presler at first kept secret when the event would occur for fear of retaliation from the far-left like Antifa. But, on Saturday, Presler and 100 other citizens from all over the country traveled to West Baltimore for the massive trash clean up. By all measures, it was hugely successful. However, on Monday, the Baltimore Sun's editorial board ran an op-ed, trashing Presler and his group saying they only did the event to embarrass...
MAGA fan Scott Presler was tired of all the constant bickering in the media about Baltimore's numerous problems, so he personally decided to do something about it. Rather than simply complain or join the online chorus, he has organized a massive trash clean up of the city set to take place in the near future. Presler just wants to help out in any way that he can. "I’m so tired of people saying, ‘We should do this, we should do that'....I was just like, ‘I’ve had, it. I’m going to go to Baltimore, even if it’s just me on a street...