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Keyword: oneworldreligion

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  • Vatican sponsors youth guide promoting ‘values’ of ‘heretical’ interfaith Abu Dhabi document

    02/23/2024 6:49:20 AM PST · by Roman_War_Criminal · 3 replies
    Life Site News ^ | 2/20/24 | Emily Mangiaracina
    The Vatican is sponsoring the creation of a “guide” to promote the “values” of the Abu Dhabi document on human fraternity — which has been described by a faithful prelate as “a betrayal of the Gospel” — to youth across the world. The Vatican recently announced that 11 university students of various religions selected for the “Human Fraternity Fellows program for the promotion of intercultural and interreligious harmony” have been tasked with creating a “practical guide to solidarity solutions” based on the Abu Dhabi document. The guide aims to “brin(g) the values” of the document “to young people, starting with...
  • WCC, Roman Catholic Church underscore commitment to walking, praying, working together

    03/27/2023 5:22:46 PM PDT · by ebb tide · 5 replies
    World Council of Churches ^ | March 23, 2023 | WCC
    WCC, Roman Catholic Church underscore commitment to walking, praying, working togetherDuring a visit with Pope Francis in Rome on 23 March, a World Council of Churches (WCC) delegation and the Roman Catholic Church committed to walking, praying. and working together for justice, reconciliation, and unity.Those gathered noted that, as the WCC is entering a new phase of leadership, the global fellowship expresses gratitude for the message of Pope Francis to the WCC 11th Assembly, particularly the vision that a common mission as followers of Christ is to bring reconciliation to the world and to inspire churches to continue their journey...
  • Remarks by Ambassador Richard Mills at a UN Security Council Briefing Called by Russia on Religious Freedom in Ukraine

    01/18/2023 10:57:00 PM PST · by familyop · 2 replies
    Ambassador Richard Mills Deputy U.S. Representative to the United Nations New York, New York January 17, 2023AS DELIVEREDThank you, Mr. President. Assistant Secretary-General Karis and Metropolitan Anthony, thank you for your briefings today.Let me start by being clear: The United States takes seriously allegations of violations of human rights, including the freedom of religion or belief. We expect all countries to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms, and we call out those, friend or foe, who fail to meet them – including ourselves when that happens.But really, can any informed person take seriously Russia’s purported commitment to religious freedom in...
  • One World Religion Headquarters Set to Open in 2022

    11/09/2022 5:53:53 PM PST · by Jonty30 · 56 replies ^ | 25/09/2022 | ELJASIB
    A One World Religion Headquarters is set to open in 2022. The headquarters will be called The Abrahamic Family House and is being built on an island in the middle eastern city of Abu Dhabi. The headquarters is being done in collaboration with Pope Francis and Sunni Muslim leader, Sheikh Ahmen al-Tayeb, after they both signed a global peace covenant called the Document of Human Fraternity for World Peace. The stated purpose of the Abrahamic Family House is to bring understanding and tolerance among the faiths, but there are a couple of notable challenges. First, Abu Dhabi is a part...
  • Mike Adams tells Brannon Howse about global effort being pushed to achieve depopulation – Brighteon.TV

    12/24/2021 9:39:49 AM PST · by Roman_War_Criminal · 14 replies ^ | 12/22/21 | Matthew Davis
    The Health Ranger Mike Adams told Brannon Howse about the global effort to achieve depopulation during a recent episode of “Brannon Howse Live.” A published scientist who owns a multimillion laboratory, Adams explained that Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines contain aluminum, which has toxic effects on neurology, fertility and other physiological functions. Adams shared that many years ago, he was labelled as conspiracy theorist for talking about fraud in the vaccine industry. He finds it interesting that even mainstream conservative media like Breitbart and Daily Caller have awakened to the truth about how vaccines are being weaponized against humanity and why...
  • BYU conference: Elder Bednar, Elder Gong invite mutual understanding, respect among Latter-day Saints and Muslims

    10/24/2021 7:09:14 AM PDT · by Roman_War_Criminal · 23 replies
    TCH ^ | 10/19/21 | Jason Swenson
    Two Apostles encouraged members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Tuesday, Oct. 19, to better understand the similarities and differences they have with the globe’s 1.8 billion followers of Islam. “The two faiths are different in many of our core doctrines, but many of our values and the ways in which we practice our respective faith are similar and reflect our love of God and of our fellow man,” said Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Elder Gerrit W. Gong also of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said this should...
  • Mark Zuckerberg Is Planting The First Church Of The Metaverse

    08/23/2021 7:29:09 PM PDT · by marshmallow · 27 replies
    The Federalist ^ | 8/6/21 | Joe Allen
    Virtual idols are the future of false religion. With 3 billion users and zero sense of sacred boundaries, Facebook is poised to lead this revolution.The Church of Facebook is set to capture the human soul in silicon. On July 25, the New York Times reported that since 2017 the social media giant has quietly cultivated exclusive partnerships with select religious communities. As always, money is involved. While Facebook’s ultimate goals remain sealed behind non-disclosure agreements, the Times article does hint at things to come: “The company aims to become the virtual home for religious community, and wants churches, mosques, synagogues...
  • Berlin Builds Rome-Backed Interfaith Shrine

    05/27/2021 2:53:43 PM PDT · by ebb tide · 15 replies
    LifeSite News ^ | May 27, 2021 | Jules Gomes
    Berlin Builds Rome-Backed Interfaith ShrineJewish-Muslim-Christian temple heralds Pope Francis' 'Abrahamic House' BERLIN ( - In a historic first Thursday, a coalition of Jews, Christians and Muslims laid the foundation stone of a 47-million-euro interfaith shrine on the ruins of the 12th century St. Peter's Catholic Church in Berlin.A model of the interfaith House of One in Berlin Hailed by the Vatican as a "house of prayer bringing the three world religions together under one roof," but slammed by faithful Catholics as "gnostic" and "syncretistic," the House of One anticipates Pope Francis' own pet project of an Abrahamic House.The federal and...
  • Dream of 3 Faiths [Christianity, Islam, Judaism] Worshipping in One Building Meets Reality in Berlin

    02/19/2021 6:20:24 PM PST · by marshmallow · 52 replies
    Religion News Service ^ | 2/15/21 | Ken Chitwood
    Its designers and leaders hope it will be used by Jewish, Christian and Muslim members as a place to pray, worship, gather and, perhaps above all, host a dialogue among their respective religions and with society at large.An artistic rendering of the House of One design in Berlin. Design by Kuehn Malvezzi, photo by Ulruich Schwarz, courtesy House of One Three religions. One building. The concept could be profoundly simple or particularly complex. For Berlin’s “House of One,” it’s turning out to be a bit of both. Dubbed “the world’s first churmosqagogue” by one Reddit user, the House of One...
  • Vatican Makes Ecumenism an Obligation

    12/05/2020 3:51:50 PM PST · by ebb tide · 12 replies
    Church Militant ^ | December 5, 2020 | Jules Gomes
    Vatican Makes Ecumenism an ObligationDiktat ignores obstacles of women's ordination and same-sex 'marriage'VATICAN CITY ( - Engaging ecumenically with Protestant and Orthodox denominations will no longer be "optional" but "a duty and obligation" for bishops, the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity declared Friday.Obstacles to ecumenism: Women 'bishop' Sarah Mullally The Vatican document, titled "The Bishop and Christian Unity: An Ecumenical Vademecum," extends the bishop's pastoral ministry "not just to the unity of his own church, but to the unity of all the baptized into Christ."Directing Catholics to join Protestants "in each other's non-Eucharistic services," the handbook is a historic...
  • Red Francis Uses Coronavirus to Spout Off About Global Warming, Income Inequality and Rising Sea Levels

    08/27/2020 10:00:54 AM PDT · by Roman_War_Criminal · 6 replies
    gateway pundit ^ | 8/26/20 | Jim Hoft
    It should be clear at this point that Pope Francis is not a serious person. On Wednesday Red Francis used the coronavirus pandemic to spout off about global warming, income inequality and rising sea levels. Pope Francis said Wednesday that the coronavirus pandemic reveals that the world’s wealth is controlled by “a few rich people,” which is “an injustice that cries out to heaven.” “We must say it simply: the economy is sick,” Francis wrote in a letter. “It has become ill. It is sick. It is the fruit of unequal economic growth — this is the illness: the fruit...
  • World's religions embracing AI 'God robots capable of performing miracles'

    07/27/2020 2:25:31 PM PDT · by Roman_War_Criminal · 37 replies ^ | 7/26/2020 | Sophie Bateman
    A growing number of places of worship around the world are employing robotic priests, who can recite prayers and even comfort worshippers experiencing spiritual crises Religions around the world are evolving as technology progresses, and now some faiths are relying on "god robots " to spread the good word. Back in the Middle Ages, Christian "robots" of a kind were fashioned to perform the religious pageantry of the Easter and Christmas rituals. In the 16th century, a mechanical monk was created by a Spanish clockmaker that incredibly remains fully functional to this day. The automaton beats his chest and raises...
  • Catholic-Muslim Interfaith Council created by Pope Francis Announces new Chrislam HQ Opening in 2022

    10/12/2019 4:55:27 PM PDT · by Roman_War_Criminal · 25 replies
    nteb ^ | 9/22/19 | Geoffrey Grider
    As far as advancing the end times timeline goes, 2019 has been a banner year for Pope Francis and the coming One World Religion. We told you back in February that the pope has travelled to Abu Dhabi where he met with Sunni Muslim leader Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb. There the two men signed a global peace covenant called the Document On Human Fraternity For World Peace. From that covenant, the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity was created to implement this end times religious peace treaty. Now that committee has announced that there will be a fancy new headquarters for this...
  • Participants at UN Prayer Service Praise Pope’s Abu Dhabi Declaration

    09/18/2019 6:30:08 PM PDT · by marshmallow · 3 replies
    Crux ^ | 9/18/19 | Christopher White
    NEW YORK - Pope Francis’s landmark agreement with the Muslim world, signed earlier this year during his visit to Abu Dhabi, was heralded at the annual prayer service on the eve of the United Nations General Assembly as “an antidote to hatred, violence, extremism and blind fanaticism.” “The Declaration is an appeal to all people of goodwill to put aside particular and egotistic interests, be they individual, national or continental, to break down the walls in our minds and to cross the borders in order to promote and build up justice and peace,” said Bishop Paul Hinder, who serves as...
  • Global Alliance of Religions Joins Push for UN Agenda 2030

    About a thousand representatives of world religions and other organizations gathered in Germany in late August to advance globalism and a planetary uniting of religions to promote the United Nations’ so-called masterplan for humanity known as UN Agenda 2030. Critics expressed alarm that self-proclaimed religious leaders were embracing dangerous world “order” ideas totally at odds with liberty and Christianity. The implications are massive. The controversial 10th World Assembly of Religions for Peace, backed by George Soros and the globalist-controlled German government and other powerful forces, aimed to unify the world’s religious organizations behind key elements of the establishment’s agenda —...
  • World asked to help craft online charter for religious harmony

    11/14/2008 4:50:36 PM PST · by MountainLoop · 60 replies · 1,331+ views
    Breitbart ^ | November 14, 2008 | AFP
    A website launched Friday with the backing of technology industry and Hollywood elite urges people worldwide to help craft a framework for harmony between all religions. The Charter for Compassion project on the Internet at springs from a "wish" granted this year to religious scholar Karen Armstrong at a premier Technology, Entertainment and Design (TED) conference in California. "Tedizens" include Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin along with other Internet icons as well as celebrities such as Forest Whittaker and Cameron Diaz. Wishes granted at TED envision ways to better the world and come with a promise that...
  • The Apostasy of Pope Francis: Wiccan stang and an LGBT rainbow cross

    11/15/2018 5:15:54 AM PST · by deandg99 · 23 replies
    DC Clothesline ^ | 11/15/2018 | Dr. Eowyn
    Since his election and installation in March 2013 as Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church, we now have sufficient evidence from Jorge Bergoglio’s words and deeds to raise serious questions as to whether this pope is Catholic or even Christian: 1- To begin, a legitimate case has been made that Bergoglio’s election as pope was illicit, being contaminated by lobbying in violation of papal law. 2- Bishops, cardinals and archbishops who are Bergoglio’s allies are flagrant homosexuals and pedophiles. See “Pope Francis’ Vatican: a cesspool of pedophiles and homosexuals” and “Catholic Church in Crisis: Pedophile cardinal; Pennsylvania priests abused...
  • Lutheran Leader Calls on Theologians to Remove Obstacles to Unity with Catholics

    07/26/2017 7:41:17 PM PDT · by marshmallow · 38 replies
    The head of the Lutheran World Federation has called on theologians to remove the obstacles that hinder unity with the Catholic Church. Rev. Dr. Martin Junge made his remarks in a letter commemorating the 50th anniversary of official Lutheran dialogue with the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. “Our task as theologians and as pastors should never be to provide explanations as to why unity is not yet possible; our task shall be to creatively and courageously remove the obstacles that still prevent us from the enjoyment of God’s gift of unity,” wrote Junge. He added, “Decades of ecumenical dialogue,...
  • Yes, Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God (But Here’s What That Means & Doesn’t)

    12/17/2015 6:45:49 PM PST · by delacoert · 167 replies
    The Official Blog of Benjamin L. Corey ^ | December 17, 2015 | Benjamin L. Corey
    Wheaton College is stirring up an old debate this week that's worth revisiting. Professor Larycia Hawkins, in an effort to show solidarity with Muslims, decided to wear a hijab during advent. While wearing a hijab may have been tolerated by the school, what she said about the relationship between Islam and Christianity, was not. She wrote: "I stand in religious solidarity with Muslims because they, like me, a Christian, are people of the book. And as Pope Francis stated last week, we worship the same God." For the crime of saying, "we worship the same God" Hawkins was suspended from...
  • One World Religion Group (What Could Go Wrong?)

    09/04/2014 11:16:59 AM PDT · by markomalley · 36 replies
    Creative Minority Report ^ | 9/4/2014 | Matthew Archbold
    [Catholic Herald] While visiting the Vatican earlier today, Mr [Former Israeli President Shimon] Peres asked Pope Francis to head a parallel United Nations called the “United Religions” to counter religious extremism in the world today. Peres said the United Nations and its peacekeepers “do not have the force or the effectiveness of any one of the Pope’s homilies, which can draw half a million people just in St Peter’s Square alone.” “So given that the United Nations has run its course, what we need is an organisation of United Religions,” Mr Peres said, as “the best way to counteract...