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Keyword: motherteresa

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  • Ortega Regime Expels Missionaries of Charity from Nicaragua

    07/02/2022 6:32:47 PM PDT · by marshmallow · 14 replies
    Crux ^ | 6/30/22 | Ines San Martin
    ROME – Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega expelled the Missionaries of Charity, the religious order founded by Mother Teresa of Kolkata, and closed two Catholic TV stations as he continued his campaign to end any form of real or perceived opposition to his regime. The announcement confirming the closure of all their activities came June 28, as the government of Ortega and his wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo, announced they were closing another 101 NGOs “urgently.” Since a civil uprising of April 2018, the government has cracked down on voices of opposition. To date, there are 150 opposition leaders in prison,...
  • The Radical Gifts of the Saints

    05/30/2021 7:08:50 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 1 replies ^ | May 30, 2021 | Kathryn Lopez
    "If a mother can kill her own child, what is there to stop others from killing one another?" Well, I guess those are fighting words today. But the speaker was hardly controversial at one time: Nobel Peace Prize winner and canonized saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta. But even saints aren't safe these days. The New York Times recently published an op/ed with the headline "Was Mother Teresa a Cult Leader?," about a recent documentary that depicts a missionary group that Mother Teresa founded "as a hive of psychological abuse and coercion. It raises the question of whether the difference between...
  • Today's Quotefall Puzzle by Mother Teresa

    02/11/2020 8:55:22 AM PST · by GOP Congress · 1 replies
    Self-Published | 2/11/2020 | Self-Published
    Today's Quotefall Puzzle features a quote by Mother Teresa. Click puzzle (or click here) for full size rendition, then use your browser's print command to print puzzle. Mother Teresa was one of the most well-known missionaries and Catholic nuns in history. Her work spanning decades in the slums of Calcutta touched millions of lives worldwide and earned her sainthood. All hints, along with the answer, are provided in the first reply comment below, using filtered font to prevent accidental spoilers. Please refrain from disclosing the full answer in comments to prevent spoilers.To solve the puzzle: Enter the letters in the top half...
  • Albania's Two Kinds of Heroes: Mother Teresa & Skanderbeg

    11/26/2019 1:52:20 PM PST · by Perseverando · 3 replies
    American Minute ^ | September 7, 2019 | Bill Federer
    A century after the Kings of Assyria carried away the ten Northern Tribes of Israel into captivity, on the other side of the Mediterranean, Greeks settled the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea in the 7th century BC. One of their major cities was Epidamnos ( Dyrrhachium), founded in 625 BC, located in modern-day Albania. It was there in 48 BC, that Caesar defeated Pompey at the Battle of Dyrrhachium. Caesar Augustus began incorporating the area, known as the Balkan Peninsula, into the Roman Empire. The Roman road, Via Egnatia, stretched from Dyrrhachium on the Adriatic Sea to Constantinople, Byzantium,...
  • Former 'Apprentice' contestant ranks Trump next to Mother Teresa on women's issues

    08/24/2019 2:49:18 PM PDT · by yesthatjallen · 4 replies
    The Hill ^ | 08/24/19 | Aris Folley
    SNIP In an brief interview with one of CBS News’s 2020 campaign reporters, Adam Brewster, Goertz was asked about how the Trump campaign can regain some of the support from female voters who previously voted for the president in 2016 and then Rep. Cindy Axne (D-Iowa), who bested former GOP Rep. David Young (R-Iowa) in 2018. “If Donald Trump was running, we would have never lost anything. So there’s different candidates running that don’t have the power that Donald Trump has and the pull, so I can’t speak for why. That’s kind of a, that one’s like comparing apples and...
  • When Twitter Blocked Mother Teresa

    04/12/2019 12:04:27 PM PDT · by Kaslin · 2 replies ^ | April 12, 2019 | Michael Brown
    Imagine your reaction if I told you 20 years ago that a major internet platform would block a Mother Teresa comment about abortion because it was “hateful.” Or that a presidential candidate “married” to his same-sex partner would call the vice president bigoted and hypocritical because he believed that marriage was the union of a man and a woman. Or that a popular fast-food chain would be boycotted because it gave money to Christian ministries that followed the teaching of the Bible.It seems unbelievable, but that’s where we find ourselves today – and these are just a few out of...
  • Kent Christmas 2018 prophecy

    01/11/2018 10:36:09 PM PST · by Jedediah · 2 replies
  • DUNAMIS POWER[Charismatic Caucus]

    10/18/2017 7:20:13 AM PDT · by Jedediah · 1 replies
    The Joshua Chronicles,Bible ^ | bible, Holy Spirit
    Dunamis Power is yours my children just speak what you need or declare what it is My Spirit is to manifest before you and it shall be for as you have overcome the world it now sits at your feet as it does for me for we are one and I walk hand in hand with you as you do my will alone . Let My Spirit of Holiness lead your days now for the body and Bride of Christ are coming together now in a redeeming way in that all that is being done now in this hour is...
  • Jesus The True and Eternal Supreme Court [charismatic caucus]

    09/18/2017 7:09:07 AM PDT · by Jedediah
    Jurisdictions carry no weight in My courts for as Creator I Reign Supreme ! Do you see my children I AM The First and The Last Word as Mediator over All Creation and it is My hand that is the Gavel of Authority and My answer was given on The Cross " IT IS FINISHED " You are Worthy and My blood has dressed you in My Righteousness and My Answer to the enemy for you shall forever be " NOT GUILTY " and surely goodness and mercy shall follow you ALL the days of your life and you SHALL...
  • The happiest day of Mother Teresa's life

    10/21/2016 8:48:07 AM PDT · by Beautiful_Gracious_Skies · 3 replies
    The Catholic World Report ^ | October 21, 2016
    It’s been said that saints often come in pairs. Sts. Peter and Paul, Mary and Joseph, Francis and Clare, and Louis and Zelie Martin are just a handful of such saints, coupled together through marriage or friendship. Perhaps the best-known modern saintly pair of friends would be Mother Teresa and John Paul II, whose lives intersected many times during her time as Mother Superior of the Missionaries of Charity, and his pontificate. When John Paul II came to visit Mother Teresa’s home in the heart of the slums in Kolkata in 1986, Mother Teresa called it “the happiest day of...
  • Op-ed: Sainthood for Mother Teresa exposes the delusion of religion

    09/11/2016 4:48:33 AM PDT · by detective · 43 replies
    The Salt Lake Tribune ^ | Sep 10 2016 | Gregory A. Clark
    In canonizing Mother Teresa as a saint ("Pope declares Mother Teresa a saint," Sept. 5), the pope publicly confirmed the essential tenets of Catholicism: That God could have stopped Catholic priests from raping altar boys. But, overall, He didn't want to. And millions throughout the world rejoiced in this good news. Such is religion.
  • When Malcolm Muggeridge Met Mother Teresa

    09/08/2016 7:59:46 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 17 replies ^ | September 8, 2016 | Emmett Tyrrell
    WASHINGTON -- Pope Francis canonized Mother Teresa on Sunday. She was a celestial figure to many for sweating away in Calcutta, India, with "the poorest of the poor." By that oft-used term meant the poor for whom a government poverty line would be a luxury. Mother Teresa took in street urchins, the hopelessly sick and the dying -- lost souls who were at death's door. They were the poor that we Americans can hardly imagine. For the most part, one has to travel to the slums of backward countries to encounter them. I first became aware of Mother Teresa in...
  • 22 Years Ago, The Clintons Pulled A Colin Kaepernick On Mother Teresa

    09/05/2016 3:56:52 PM PDT · by PROCON · 9 replies ^ | Sep. 5, 2016 | Peggy Hartshorn
    It’s hard to overstate the symbolic power of sitting down. Today, a football player’s refusal to stand for the National Anthem has garnered headline upon headline. Twenty-two years ago, a seated couple protested one of the world’s most beloved figures. In a truly iconic American scene that still captures the attention—and confusion—of the Washington elite, then-President Bill Clinton and his wife, Hillary, sat in stunned silence amid a standing ovation that followed Mother Teresa’s address at the National Prayer Breakfast. The applause lasted a solid five minutes after Mother Teresa’s address. Long before the days of “virtue-signaling,” however, the Clintons...
  • 10 Inspiring Mother Teresa Quotes

    09/05/2016 2:59:04 PM PDT · by Kaslin · 17 replies ^ | September 5, 2016 | Christine Rousselle
    Mother Teresa was canonized on Sunday by Pope Francis, and will now be known as St. Teresa of Calcutta. She was the founder of the Missionaries of Charity, and was the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize laureate. Here are some of her most inspiring and thought-provoking quotes:1. "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other." 2."I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love." 3. “I see somebody dying, I pick him up. I find somebody hungry, I give him food. He can...
  • Remembering When Mother Teresa Left Hillary Clinton in Stunned Silence on Abortion

    09/04/2016 9:31:23 PM PDT · by Cronos · 55 replies
    Life News ^ | March 16, 2016 | David Andrusko
    In 1994 Mother Teresa delivered a no-hold-barred pro-life speech at the National Prayer Breakfast in front of Clinton, her equally pro-abortion husband, then-President Bill Clinton, and Al and Tipper Gore.But I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself. And if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another? How do we persuade a woman not to have an abortion? As always, we must...
  • Why The Left Hates Mother Teresa Of Calcutta

    09/04/2016 4:35:57 PM PDT · by Biggirl · 26 replies ^ | September 4, 2016 | Thomas D. Williams, PH.D
    As the world awaits Mother Teresa’s canonization Sunday, one mystery remains: why the international Left still harbors such hatred for a diminutive religious sister who spent her entire life serving the poorest of the poor. After all, with her inexhaustible dedication to alleviating poverty and assisting the needy, Mother Teresa should be an icon of liberals the world over. Instead, we find that the Left showers her not with affection and praise, but with scorn and disdain.
  • Why the Left Hates Mother Teresa of Calcutta

    09/03/2016 8:16:05 AM PDT · by xzins · 109 replies
    Breitbard ^ | 3 Sep 16 | THOMAS D. WILLIAMS, PH.D
    As the world awaits Mother Teresa’s canonization Sunday, one mystery remains: why the international Left still harbors such hatred for a diminutive religious sister who spent her entire life serving the poorest of the poor. After all, with her inexhaustible dedication to alleviating poverty and assisting the needy, Mother Teresa should be an icon of liberals the world over. Instead, we find that the Left showers her not with affection and praise, but with scorn and disdain. On September 1, The Washington Post published an article titled “Why Mother Teresa Is Still No Saint to Many of Her Critics,” citing...
  • Eucharist desecrated, Missionaries of Charity assaulted in Argentina

    08/31/2016 11:37:55 AM PDT · by Mrs. Don-o · 13 replies
    Catholic News Agency ^ | August 30, 2016 | CNA/EWTN News
    Missionaries of Charity The community of the Missionaries of Charity in Mar del Plata, Argentina, became the target of criminals late last week, as three men broke in, beat the sisters and desecrated their chapel. According to reports, three unidentified men entered the house of the community – which was founded by Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta – at around 7:30 p.m. Thursday, August 25. After beating and gagging the five sisters who reside there so they could not cry for help, the criminals ransacked every corner of the house and finally took 50 Argentinian pesos (approximately $3.30), which was...
  • Bl. Mother Teresa: "every abortion is the denial of receiving Jesus"

    04/20/2016 11:40:19 AM PDT · by Morgana · 4 replies
    youtube ^ | Published on Dec 30, 2014 | Matthew Olson
    Mother Teresa at the National Prayer Breakfast, on 3 February 1994.
  • Mother Teresa To Be Canonized on September 4

    03/15/2016 3:18:39 PM PDT · by Kaslin · 46 replies ^ | March 15, 2016 | Christine Rousselle
    Mother Teresa, or Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, will be declared a saint in the Roman Catholic Church on September 4, Pope Francis announced on Tuesday. While it was announced in December that she had been cleared for sainthood, her date of canonization was announced today. Affectionately known as the "saint of the gutter" for her unconditional ?love ?for the poor, abandoned and marginalized, Mother Teresa earned several international honors, including the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. She was beatified in 2003 by Pope John Paul II after being attributed to a first miracle, answering an Indian woman's prayers to cure...