Keyword: margaretsanger
In the midst of violent riots and looting in New York City, police in the city chose to arrest two black women who were peacefully counseling women outside a Planned Parenthood abortion facility instead. Church Militant reports pro-life advocates Bevelyn Beatty and Edmee Chavannes were arrested May 30 on the sidewalk outside the Margaret Sanger Planned Parenthood Center in Manhattan. The women were arrested after allegedly violating city social distancing guidelines because of the coronavirus. Beatty and Chavannes said they were social distancing. “Let me tell you something, Christians get it the worst,” Beatty said of their pro-life outreach. “I...
Believe it or not, abortion wasn’t originally part of the women’s movement, and it wasn’t introduced to the larger women’s movement by women. Instead, it was introduced by two pro-abortion men who wanted to repeal abortion legislation: Bernard Nathanson and Lawrence Lader. Nathanson was a well-known abortionist who eventually renounced his pro-choice beliefs and his connection to abortion groups, exposing the lies he told with NARAL (which he helped to found) to legalize abortion. Lader’s role in the fight to legalize abortion began with Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger and went all the way to the Supreme Court and the...
The “father of the abortion movement,” Larry Lader, was heavily influenced by Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, about whom he wrote a biography. Planned Parenthood was also steeped in eugenics from its beginning, and boasted a list of eugenics proponents as its board members. Although the two shared a eugenics ideology, Lader would eventually part ways with Sanger over abortion. But it was perhaps Sanger’s warped eugenic ideology that motivated Lader to manipulate the 1960s women’s movement to push for abortion legalization. Lader wasn’t interested in equal rights… just ‘abortion rights’ “Larry never seemed to be interested in the rest...
The Population Council, the eugenics organization credited with bringing the abortion pill (RU-486) to the United States, turns 65 this month — but it is nothing to celebrate. In 1952, John D. Rockefeller III founded the Population Council and served as the organization’s first president. According to the Rockefeller Foundation, the Population Council, Inc., was incorporated following Rockefeller’s Conference on Population Problems, “…to stimulate, encourage, promote, conduct and support significant activities in the broad field of population.” Like its founder, the Population Council’s other members were concerned about population issues — and, like other population organizations such as Planned Parenthood,...
A 20-year-old Michigan mother has been charged with assault after police say she punched a grocery store clerk in front of her 1-year-old daughter. Surveillance video caught the incident unfolding Tuesday at a Kroger store in St. Clair Shores. Police say Shelby Parham was in the self-checkout area before walking up to a 49-year-old clerk and hitting her in the face. The woman was knocked flat on the ground, rendered unconscious, and suffered a head injury. “It’s obviously very clear-cut. There’s no questions as to who’s at fault here,” St. Clair Shores Police Detective Gordon Carrier told FOX 2 Detroit.
Currently on a book tour, Ilyse Hogue, the president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, is claiming that the pro-life movement was not started in response to the treating of humans in the womb as property to be disposed of as a woman sees fit, but as a “Trojan horse to move a deeply unpopular, regressive policy agenda” of “men’s rights.” Hogue fails to mention that in reality, the pro-abortion movement of the 1960s was actually hijacked by men who pressured women’s groups to adopt a pro-abortion position — a decision which deeply divided the women’s movement. Hogue also fails to mention...
A growing number of people in America prefer families of three or more children, hitting the highest desire for large families since 1971. According to a Gallup survey released Monday, the number of people who prefer smaller and larger family sizes are statistically tied, bouncing back from a decadeslong trend of believing one or two children was ideal. "Overall, this recent survey shows that Americans might finally be climbing out of the anti-family bomb shelter caused by the myths of the 1960’s of a population explosion disaster," Terry Schilling, the president of the American Principles Project, told the Washington Examiner....
A resurfaced clip from a 1957 interview between Margaret Sanger and Mike Wallace exposes the depravity of Planned Parenthood’s founder. A now-viral clip of a 1957 interview between Margaret Sanger and Mike Wallace is exposing the depravity of Planned Parenthood’s founder. The clip reveals to millions the eugenicist origins of America’s largest abortion provider, which since its founding has preyed on the vulnerable, from the poor and disabled to the gender confused. “Do you believe in sin?” asked Wallace. “When I say believe, I don’t mean you believe in committing sin; I mean do you believe there is such a...
Montana State Rep. Ed Stafman (D-Bozeman) has proposed an amendment to a state law that prevents pro-life doctors and nurses from being forced to participate in performing abortions. His amendment would add a pro-abortion exception allowing for unborn babies to be aborted if the woman's sincerely held religious beliefs require it. Stafman explained that "if a doctor or nurse is allowed to refuse to abort an unwanted child as a matter of conscience, shouldn't a devout pro-abortion believer have the right to refuse to give birth as a matter of conscience? The Satanic Temple asserts that abortion is a sacred...
Satan held a press conference today responding to the big loss of Roe v. Wade. He's doing his best to keep his chin up.Youtube video at link
Today, the Supreme Court overturned nearly 50 years of bad abortion law: “We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled.” The issue of abortion will be left to the States. In 1973, the Supreme Court legalized abortion under the auspices of the “right of privacy,” which it held to “encompass a woman’s decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy.” While we do have rights that are guaranteed to us despite not being in the Constitution (those natural rights), abortion was never one of them. Not until Roe, at least. It is estimated that more than 63 million babies...
JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — If you are Black or Hispanic in a conservative state that already limits access to abortions, you are far more likely than a white woman to have one. And if the U.S. Supreme court allows states to further restrict or even ban abortions, minority women will bear the brunt of it, according to statistics analyzed by The Associated Press. The potential impact on minority women became all the more clear on Monday with the leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion suggesting the court’s conservative majority is poised to overturn the landmark 1973 decision legalizing abortion....
Vice President Kamala Harris delivered a fiery speech at a pro-abortion activist gala on Tuesday, calling all Democrats to fight for abortion rights. The vice president spoke at the EMILY’s List gala in Washington, DC, referring to Monday’s leak of a Supreme Court justice’s opinion suggesting that justices were preparing to overturn Roe v. Wade.
The president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Alexis McGill Johnson, has used The New York Times as a confessional to fess up to the racist history of Planned Parenthood's founder, Margaret Sanger. "We must reckon with Margaret Sanger's association with white supremacist groups and eugenics," she writes. Sanger's involvement with the notoriously racist eugenics movement in the 1920s, and her population-control motivations to limit the procreation of "undesirables," is something pro-lifers, particularly black pro-lifers, have been writing about for years. But Planned Parenthood has always been in denial about these very ugly truths. Now, apparently, the power and pressure...
Eugenics: Science's Greatest Scandal explores the history and modern versions of eugenics, the attempt to manipulate our genetic inheritance, to change human evolution and to breed a "better" human. The series will reveal the roots of eugenics in the liberal, progressive world of Gower Street, Bloomsbury, London which held great sway in Britain and America and shaped the way our societies were structured and organised to this day.
Black History Month this year follows on the heels of the deadliest month of the coronavirus pandemic. We have long known the virus is more often fatal to Blacks than Whites but new headlines scream of something insidious afoot as we begin to deal with the virus: Blacks are being vaccinated at lower rates than whites. Here’s why, according to Kaiser Health News, which commissioned the study that prompted the flurry of news stories: “African Americans are being left behind because of barriers stemming from structural racism, as well as a failure to address nuanced hesitancy and mistrust about the...
Joe Biden wants Congress to finance the practices of Planned Parenthood that Pastor Clenard Childress, Jr., justifiably calls "black genocide"? Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide defines genocide as ... "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or...
Gospel rapper and billionaire fashion designer Kanye West highlighted the racial eugenicist ideology of Margaret Sanger, the founder of the organization that became abortion giant Planned Parenthood, in a recent interview with Joe Rogan. West, a presidential candidate, said, “Plan B and Planned Parenthood were planned by eugenicists that set out and said out loud, ‘I’m doing this to kill the black race and to create population control.'” The Grammy-winner contrasted deaths linked to COVID-19 by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) with what he said was an average of 1,000 unborn black children aborted every day. “Let me talk...
Why Do So Many Black Americans Support White Racist Controlled Democratic Party? Don't they know that Dr. Martin Luther King’s niece, Dr. Alveda King, accuses Democratic Party supported Planned Parenthood of what Rev. Dr. Clenard H Childress Jr. calls "Black Genocide"? King points out “The leading cause of death in the African-American community is not gang-violence, gun violence, heart attack, stroke, HIV, high blood pressure, diabetes. People will name all these. No, it’s abortion. And the reason we have come to that conclusion, statistically, you’ve got 60 million plus abortions legal in America since 1973. About a third of those...
Digging up comments by Sierra Club founder John Muir set off Black Lives Matter-inspired outrage intended to depict national treasures as intrinsically racist. Want to get away from the civil strife that has torn the country apart as both the coronavirus pandemic and violent riots have turned America’s cities and cable news into a battlefield? If so, perhaps you think the ideal getaway might be a national park. There you can commune with nature and admire some of the most beautiful places in the world free from politics. Nope.The idea that national parks could be a refuge from cancel culture’s...