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  • Obama Ties To Multi Trillion Dollar Carbon Trading Scams, Goldman Sachs, The Joyce Foundation

    05/01/2010 8:17:14 PM PDT · by justme346 · 22 replies · 712+ views
    The Right News ^ | 5/01/10 | Unknown
    Even if you don't like Glenn Beck, you must watch these videos. This story blew my mind. I can't believe this isn't the headlines on every news channel. We're screwed if folks don't get mad as hell about this story. Are we American's so blind or are we all feeling hopeless to do anything. Click link to view videos.
  • Wanted: Street Activists to ‘Change the World … and Get Paid’ (Rent-a-mobs for Cleveland)

    04/20/2016 8:52:05 PM PDT · by 2ndDivisionVet · 9 replies
    The Daily Signal ^ | April 20, 2016 | Kevin Mooney
    Calling community activists: If you’re a committed, left-leaning activist who’d like to take part in “grassroots campaigns to protect the health, economy, environment, and livelihood of Ohio communities,” then Ohio Citizen Action has got a job for you. And it’s one that pays reasonably well, with benefits on top. This could be an especially nice deal for recent college graduates looking to help create a little drama in Cleveland when the Republican National Convention convenes in July. Just google Craigslist and Ohio Citizen Action, and you get an advertisement that declares: “Change the World and GET PAID … $80/day (Downtown...
  • U.S. police chiefs call for background checks for all gun purchases

    10/27/2015 8:03:18 AM PDT · by Olog-hai · 59 replies
    Reuters ^ | Tue Oct 27, 2015 5:38am EDT | Fiona Ortiz
    Police chiefs from across the United States called on Monday for universal background checks for firearms purchases, saying opinion polls consistently show that most Americans support such restrictions. The proliferation of firearms is one of the factors behind a rise in homicide rates in many U.S. cities this year, according to senior law enforcement officials at the International Association of Chiefs of Police conference in Chicago. …
  • Media Matters Employees Are Now Publicly Attacking Their Bosses

    04/29/2014 12:31:24 PM PDT · by TexasCajun · 28 replies
    The Daily Caller ^ | 04/29/2014 | Christopher Bedford
    Media Matters employees are furious that their bosses are trying to keep them from unionizing. A union-organizing committee at the liberal group released a statement Monday slamming their employers for “the unexpected and unexplained path our leadership has taken in response to our efforts to unionize,” adding that “the actions of Media Matters executives have placed employees in the impossible position of continuing to produce content espousing pro-labor values for an employer who is challenging our right to unionize.”
  • Google,Joyce Foundation Big Players in Anti-Gun, Left-Wing Activism [ Google-Android users wake up!]

    04/29/2013 1:46:55 PM PDT · by NoLibZone · 16 replies ^ | April 29 2013 | Elizabeth Sheld
    While the left is frequently up in arms about the about the Koch brother’s money funding political and campaign projects, there is no shortage of big leftist corporate and foundation money floating around hot political issues. Both the Joyce Foundation and Google are established players in the anti-second amendment movement as well as other progressive political causes. The Joyce Foundation has injected large chucks of money into the anti-gun movement, including Mayor’s Against Gun Control and the Violence Prevention Center. (Aside: Who was on the Board of the Joyce Foundation? None other than President Barack Obama who keeps assuring us...
  • White House marriage ties to presidential debate commission continue with Valerie Jarrett

    10/03/2012 1:07:16 PM PDT · by george76 · 13 replies
    The Daily Caller ^ | 10/03/2012 | Josh Peterson
    Obama’s closest adviser — often pegged as the real power in the White House — is tied to the presidential debate commission, providing yet another link in the web between the two entities, The Daily Caller has learned. Valerie Jarrett — who Ed Klein called ”Ground Zero in the Obama operation” — is the senior adviser and assistant to the president for intergovernmental affairs and public engagement. She served on the board of the Joyce Foundation with the husband of Janet Brown, the executive director of the Commission on Presidential Debates, beginning in 2002. ... The Joyce Foundation is a...
  • Interview request to Ohio mayor sets off alarms for Bloomberg, Media Matters(Gun Control)

    08/11/2012 8:22:25 AM PDT · by marktwain · 3 replies
    The Daily Caller ^ | 9 August, 2012 | Jesse Hathaway
    Before responding to a May 2012 interview request from conservative news organization Media Trackers Ohio, an employee of Columbus, Ohio Mayor Michael Coleman forwarded the request to New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s office and a liberal D.C. consultant, who immediately alerted liberal organization Media Matters for America. The Coleman staffer, R. Lee Roberts, is the Ohio chairman of Mayor Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG), a pro-gun control lobbying group. Coleman, a Democrat, receives a salary from MAIG but works from Coleman’s office and participates in a taxpayer-funded retirement plan. Media Trackers has since used public records to prove Roberts...
  • Taxpayer-funded gun control gets huge foundation boost

    06/01/2012 5:41:30 AM PDT · by marktwain · 26 replies
    The Examiner ^ | 31 May, 2012 | Ron Arnold
    Gun rights advocates recently discovered that the gun control group Mayors Against Illegal Guns has burrowed its "gun violence prevention coordinators" (read "anti-gun lobbyists") into city payrolls from Augusta, Maine to Seattle, Washington, at taxpayer expense. MAIG is the brainchild of New York City's zealous anti-gun billionaire mayor, Michael Bloomberg, who formed the group at a 2006 gun control summit held in Gracie Mansion and co-hosted by Boston Mayor Thomas Menino. MAIG touts an agenda of "commonsense reforms" that gun rights advocates see as being somewhere on the far side of repealing the Second Amendment. With a membership that started...
  • MAIG Coordinators Paid as City Employees, Saves Gun-Hater's Money

    05/28/2012 7:26:00 AM PDT · by Halfmanhalfamazing · 7 replies
    Allnineyards ^ | May 20th | Sean Caranna
    Here's a great way to reduce overhead and be effective at running a national organization dedicated to infringing on the gun rights of everyday people all at the same time... Have cities hire your people for you so that tax payers cover 1/4 of your people’s salary and benefits, pay for most of their operational costs, and finance all of their other resources! It also embeds your people as leaders in city government so that you don’t have to lobby there! Sounds like another conspiracy theory from the tinfoil hat brigade... Right? Back in March, while researching the repeal of...
  • Brock and the Glock: Armed men guarded Media Matters boss as he took $400,000 gun control donation

    02/16/2012 10:37:22 AM PST · by Blood of Tyrants · 43 replies
    FoxNews ^ | 2-16-2012 | Perry Chiaramonte
    The recent revelation that the head of Media Matters walked the streets of Washington with a Glock-toting bodyguard may make it a little awkward for the group the next time it seeks a donation from a gun control advocacy group. Media Matters reportedly took more than $400,000 from the Joyce Foundation specifically earmarked to promote a $600,000 initiative on "gun and public safety issues." At the same time, Media Matters' gun-guarded boss David Brock reportedly obsessed over his own security. ....Brock reportedly told confidantes that he feared for his safety and needed hired guns to keep him safe.
  • Indiana Right-to-Work Bill Slows Down

    01/18/2012 8:26:41 AM PST · by MichCapCon · 5 replies
    Capitol Confidential ^ | 1/13/2012 | Jack Spencer
    INDIANAPOLIS — Indiana becoming a right-to-work state still appears inevitable, but exactly when the legislation would be signed into law — and what it will look like — is now unclear. According to some reports, a deal has been struck between Republicans and Democrats in the Indiana House that would delay passage of the House version of an right-to-work bill (House Bill 1001) until at least late next week. The agreement apparently involves allowing the Democrats to sound-off at a full hearing over the legislation in exchange for them promising not to walk out. That report will either be verified...
  • Smoking Gun? Most Gunwalker Guns Targets of Ban Efforts, but not Wanted by Cartels

    10/28/2011 12:03:20 AM PDT · by Watchdog85 · 28 replies
    Pajamas Media ^ | 27 October, 2011 | Bob Owens
    On March 30, the 30th anniversary of the assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan, Jim Brady, who sustained a debilitating head wound in the attack, and his wife, Sarah, came to Capitol Hill to push for a ban on the controversial “large magazines.” Brady, for whom the law requiring background checks on handgun purchasers is named, then met with White House press secretary Jay Carney. During the meeting, President Obama dropped in and, according to Sarah Brady, brought up the issue of gun control, “to fill us in that it was very much on his agenda,” she said. “I just...
  • NH “Suicide and Guns” Ploy Funded by Top Anti-Gun Groups

    09/22/2011 6:04:23 PM PDT · by Revtwo · 3 replies
    Pro-Gun New Hampshire ^ | 09/22/11 | Evan F. Nappen
    Recently gun dealers were sent a large manila envelope from the NH Firearms Safety Coalition. The packet contained a number of items with a disturbing anti-gun-rights message, including a full color poster... The funding path goes down from the Harvard School of Public Health to the Harvard Injury Control Research Center to the Bohnett Foundation and the Joyce Foundation. Both the Bohnett and Joyce foundations are infamous for being extremely anti-gun-rights.The David Bohnett Foundation "supports and encourages groups that promote the goals of reduction and elimination of the manufacture and sale of handguns in the U.S." (Emphasis added) The Bohnett...
  • Study draws link between gun carriers and risky behavior

    06/28/2011 5:23:58 PM PDT · by SJackson · 53 replies ^ | 6-28-11
    As Wisconsin heads toward lifting a ban on carrying concealed weapons, researchers at the University of California-Davis have turned up some unsettling information about those who may take advantage of the law. In a study using 15-year-old data -- the most recent available -- published online in the journal Injury Prevention, the UC Davis Violence Prevention Research Program says those who carried concealed weapons or who had confronted someone with a gun were twice as likely to be heavy drinkers than non-gun owners. Gun owners who drove with loaded weapons were four times more likely to hop behind the wheel...
  • Stop ATF's Anti-Gun Zealots

    04/01/2011 4:40:35 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 15 replies ^ | April1, 2011 | Michelle Malkin
    For 30 years, Chicago banned handguns. The crime rate skyrocketed. Murders soared. Gangs blossomed. Desperate city officials even considered calling the National Guard to combat the out-of-control violence that all the "community organizing" in the world couldn't curb. The Supreme Court struck down Chicago's individual firearms ownership prohibition last year, but the same anti-gun zealots who put Windy City citizens' lives at risk remain in power. And now one of them may soon be in charge of the scandal-plagued Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Meet Andrew Traver. He's President Obama's nominee to head ATF. The Senate Judiciary Committee...
  • Exposed: Ohio anti-gunners' 2008 & 2009 IRS returns

    01/07/2011 5:20:10 AM PST · by marktwain · 11 replies · 1+ views
    Buckey Firearms Association ^ | 6 January, 2011 | Chad D. Baus
    As the State of Ohio celebrates completion of another successful year of concealed carry, with applications and renewals continuing at a healthy pace, it is time once again take a our bi-annual look at where the most vocal opponents of the law find themselves seven years after the law was passed. The state's predominant anti-self defense rights organization, the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence (OCAGV), operates as a tax-exempt, not-for-profit charity, or as the Internal Revenue Service refers to it, a 501(c)(3). As such, executive director Ms. Toby Hoover is required to file an IRS Form 990 each year, which...
  • The Chicago Climate Club Gets Capped (List of influential RATS too coincidental?)

    12/26/2010 10:40:43 AM PST · by Libloather · 19 replies · 7+ views
    Link only - The Chicago Climate Club Gets Capped
  • George Soros, Maurice Strong and company redefine the Middleclass (Must read)

    09/27/2008 8:41:02 AM PDT · by maggief · 49 replies · 3,733+ views
    Canada Free Press ^ | September 26, 2008 | Judi McLeod
    <p>George Soros, Al Gore, Warren Buffet, Maurice StrongThe Democrat-loving mainstream media is missing the boat on Warren Buffet’s take of America’s economic meltdown as …”a sort of economic Pearl Harbor we’re going through.”</p> <p>That being the case, then surely the first question should be: “Who is attacking the U.S.?”</p>
  • Scandal: Obama, Gore, Goldman, Joyce Foundation CCX partners to fleece USA

    04/27/2010 12:56:00 PM PDT · by day21221 · 121 replies · 8,796+ views ^ | 4/27/10 |
    Scandal: Obama, Gore, Goldman, Joyce Foundation CCX partners to fleece USA April 27, 2:53 PMOrange County Conservative ExaminerGregory DailPrevious 2 comments Subscribe Subscribe Get alerts when there is a new article from the Orange County Conservative Examiner. Read's terms of use. Email Address Include other special offers from Terms of Use ShareThis IMage credit-Wikipedia Glenn Beck breaks the biggest corruption story of the century yesterday and it doesn’t appear on a Front Page anywhere. Beck points the way to the 15 Trillion dollar scam that has some amazing players. (See full transcript here) First Glenn makes and astute...
  • Carbon Trade Ends on Quiet Death of Chicago Climate Exchange

    11/07/2010 9:34:59 PM PST · by Ernest_at_the_Beach · 84 replies ^ | Nov 7, 2010 | John O'Sullivan
    Republican mid-term election joy deals financial uncertainty among green investors as the Chicago Climate Exchange announces the end of U.S. carbon trading. The Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) announced on October 21, 2010 that it will cease carbon trading this year. However, Steve Milloy reporting on (November 6, 2010) finds this huge story strangely unreported by the mainstream media.To some key analysts the collapse of the CCX appears to show that international carbon trading is “dying a quiet death.” Yet Milloy finds that such a major business failure has drawn no interest at all from the mainstream media. Milloy noted...